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Sep 9, 2024

Michael Cohen reacts to Trump’s fear-mongering speech in Mosinee, WI.


The Dark Side of Donald Trump I Anthony Scaramucci and Maggie Haberman I Open Book​

Sep 9, 2024

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Trump’s DAD Medical File LEAKS, DEMENTIA TEST like Donald?!!​

Sep 9, 2024

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas got his hands on the dementia test taken by Donald Trump’s dad Fred and compares it with Donald Trump’s dementia test in this exclusive.


Trump's Mental Problems Are Growing Out Of Control​

Sep 9, 2024

Donald Trump's mental problems become more and more obvious and clearly far worse every time he gets in front of a camera, yet the media still has not figured out how to properly cover them. They mostly talk about him "rambling" or "jumbling words" and just move on, but when it was President Biden doing the same thing, we got months of reports about how The White House might be covering up a serious mental problem. The same coverage should be devoted to Trump's mental decline before it is too late, as Farron Cousins explains.


Prefer to read..................

This one is pretty good. Actually funny.........especially when he talks about the religious cats who talk to God.

Cult expert explains the Trump cult​

-- Doctor Steven Hassan, world-renowned cult expert and author of "The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control," joins David to discuss his understanding of the MAGA movement through a cult lens.



Sep 9, 2024

Michael Cohen reacts to Trump’s fear-mongering speech in Mosinee, WI.


Just wait til the election is over and January 20? comes around and see who won't give up power...
Every year, I ask my political science students, “What is your earliest political memory?”
My first was in elementary school. In the playground, some of the kids would chant, "Nixon, Nixon, he's our man! McGovern fell in the garbage can!" In junior high, my teacher played a recording of Frank Sinatra (I think) singing about JFK in the tune of "High Hopes".
"Why change Dicks in the middle of a screw, vote for Nixon in '72!"

"Dick Nixon before he dicks you!"

BREAKING: Google Growth Strategist Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign, Revenue-Driven Political Bias

"Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala,” admits Dakota Leazer (@dakotaleazer), a Growth Strategist at @Google, during an undercover date with an OMG American Swiper journalist. Leazer reveals that Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign, manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor her in the 2024 election. He explains, “It seemed to link out to legitimate news publication sites. So, it seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” making users believe they were reading unbiased reports from reputable sources.

Leazer also confesses that Google’s primary objective is to generate ad revenue through fear-based content, explaining, “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable.” According to Leazer, the left currently represents the most fearful demographic, which is why Google has been pushing pro-Kamala narratives for profit, explaining “I think right now the left is more fearful than the right is.”

He further states, “It's all about the share of the stock price,” revealing that Google’s liberal bias is not just political, but tied to financial gain. He adds, “I think Google has a belief that one side will allow them to make more money,” revealing Google’s profit motives through driving political manipulation.

Leazer’s admission mirrors past media motives, including CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester’s claim that “fear sells,” reinforcing the role of big tech and media in shaping public perception through fear and bias.

Debate tonight. Not sure how long I'll be able to watch the shitshow.
I hope they had backups!!

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation conducted a raid on the Millersville Police Department, seizing all records tied to active investigations into global corruption.

These files reportedly contained evidence of fraudulent mortgages, human trafficking, election fraud, and drug trafficking operations involving U.S. Congress members, Attorney Generals, and law enforcement, with connections to BRICS nations, particularly China.

He concluded by stating that a foreign adversary has overtaken the government and the only solution is to set aside our differences and destroy this enemy.
Maybe it is part of "controlled opposition". Cheney is a snake. She probably has nothing to gain by backing Harris, so she can add this to her profile when running for the next office.
"They are eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the pets." - yeah, he said it.
" My rallies are the biggest in the history of politics."
"Fire all the generals"
"I got more votes than anyone in history"

I do believe KH has gotten under his skin. He's staring like a little kid with his lips pursed. May get good soon.

LIVE: Trump and Harris face off in their first presidential debate, hosted by ABC News​

"They are eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the pets." - yeah, he said it.
" My rallies are the biggest in the history of politics."
"Fire all the generals"
"I got more votes than anyone in history"

I do believe KH has gotten under his skin. He's staring like a little kid with his lips pursed. May get good soon.
He's correct. Fire all the TV generals. The disloyal generals. His rallies ARE the biggest in the history of politics. I've followed rallies for decades and have NEVER seen such crowds.

They ARE eating dogs, and cats, and capturing ducks and geese in the park! The moderator said he spoke to the city dude about that and they guy said there's no issue (words to that). The 'guy' is a liberal and of course he's going to say that. He was lying!

It reminds me of when they brought in Viet Nam refugees in the 70's. They'd cut a hole in the roof to let the smoke out of the house from the cook fire they started in the living room!

Springfield Ohio is no different. 40K population and you dump 20K Haitian people there? Haiti has no trees, because they cut them down for firewood! Dominican Republic is treed. Check google maps! We're talking 69 IQ people here. If you understand what that means you'll know they're failing at being a janitor!

He's making the political error of defending himself from false accusations. She's setting it up via Obama. Of course she had the questions before the test! She's well rehearsed. You can tell that by her speech pattern. "and.... yada yada yada..." big pause after the 'and' while she recites the phrases she was taught.

HOWEVER, that's all she has... accusations that have been proven false, i.e., she's lying to America!

She's so phony, it's disgusting to listen to her whiny speech. She's not that smart for a lawyer.

The inet will debunk everything she's saying by the end of this debate.
I do believe KH has gotten under his skin. He's staring like a little kid with his lips pursed. May get good soon.
Not KH... the MSM. This debate isn't with her, it's with all the lies the MSM have spread since day one, it's with Obama, Pelosi et al.

I'm dying. Trump basically called Kamala a whore - "she put out". Lolololol
Well, she did! High priced call girl... but the gilt is fading from the lily... she's not aging well.

They need to strap her hands down...
They ARE eating dogs, and cats, and capturing ducks and geese in the park! The moderator said he spoke to the city dude about that and they guy said there's no issue (words to that). The 'guy' is a liberal and of course he's going to say that. He was lying!
The same as the city guy in Aurora said he had no credible evidence of TDA operating in their city.
....and now we got video proof of it.

Full Debate Analysis:

Trump won convincingly, had a strong performance, despite going into a 3-1 debate against the moderators.

However, Kamala did not bomb, and did enough to keep her campaign alive.

The story of the debate is ABC showing their blatant bias in favor of Kamala, and weaponized their “fact-checks” solely at Trump. They let Kamala lie unchecked about everything from the Project 2025 hoax, to the Charlottesville hoax, and everything in between. The ABC moderators showed a clear and obvious hostility towards Trump, that they did not show towards Kamala, and in many cases, teed Kamala up to bash Trump with prepared talking points.

It is now abundantly clear why Kamala refused to accept the debate on Fox News, because her campaign knew she would receive preferential treatment on ABC.

Kamala also was well-rehearsed, which is unlike her, almost as if she had the questions given to her ahead of time. If ABC were willing to be adversarial towards Trump, why would they stop there? Why wouldn’t they give Kamala the questions?

ABC (Disney) just confirmed on national TV, that they are in bed with the DNC, and given their war-like posture towards Trump, I think it’s safe to assume Kamala’s campaign were made aware of the questions before hand.

With all that being said, Trump got the viral moments of the night, stuck to his gameplan, and brushed off the endless lies and repeated attacks, from both Kamala and the moderators. Kamala’s optics were terrible, with her constant smirking, making faces, emotional responses, and monotone phony tone. And Trump refused to let her get her viral moment.

Kamala’s gameplan was to appear more moderate, and blame Trump for all the problems she and Biden created over the last 4 years, but anyone who has been paying attention saw this for what it was.

Given Kamala held her own and did not implode, we can expect the compromised MSM to claim Kamala won, and the headlines will be about Trump talking about Haitians eating pets. However, the viral internet clips will belong to Trump.

Overall, Kamala did not gain any ground, Trump put on a solid performance, and the public got to see the MSM are clearly engaged in election interference in favor of the Dems. Net positive for Trump.
My take: KH wiped the floor with DT.


Looks like Taylor Swift watched the debate and decided to throw her support behind Kamala.

My take: KH wiped the floor with DT.


Looks like Taylor Swift watched the debate and decided to throw her support behind Kamala.

I'll check back in 22 hrs

Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 9.51.05 PM.png

My take: KH wiped the floor with DT.


Looks like Taylor Swift watched the debate and decided to throw her support behind Kamala.

I'm shocked that you would have that opinion. I thought for sure by now you would have switched teams. LOL. Just kidding of course.

Taylor who? I doubt very much that any Trump supporter was standing by waiting to see who she would endorse and then decided to switch teams. In fact I doubt there is much out there that would make anyone from any team switch.
I hope they had backups!!

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation conducted a raid on the Millersville Police Department, seizing all records tied to active investigations into global corruption.

These files reportedly contained evidence of fraudulent mortgages, human trafficking, election fraud, and drug trafficking operations involving U.S. Congress members, Attorney Generals, and law enforcement, with connections to BRICS nations, particularly China.

He concluded by stating that a foreign adversary has overtaken the government and the only solution is to set aside our differences and destroy this enemy.

what is Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and under what authority do they operate? Did they have a warrant? What Judge issued the warrant and for what reasons. Who funds TBI?
Taylor who? I doubt very much that any Trump supporter was standing by waiting to see who she would endorse and then decided to switch teams. In fact I doubt there is much out there that would make anyone from any team switch.

She's got a lot of fans, the fans have families and friends. I'm thinking of votes, lots of them.

But it's me...........just how I think.
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