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Cliff notes? Video has been removed.
If its the blurred link I saw earlier, you are better off NOT seeing it. Your Soul will rest easier.

Edited to add:...and lemme guess. Now you REALLY wanna know what it was, right? Lol
Neighbors of Searcher??

I wanted to see what you posted. Here's what I got: This Post violated the X Rules. Learn more

Care to elaborate?

Searcher, I get the impression you are wanting to change peoples minds about Trump. You won't. Nor will the rest of us change your mind about Kami

Nah, you're missing the mark with my political posts, especially the ones about Trump. I've been reading about Trump since the late 70s, early 80s. I know what he is, and I believe I understand what he wants with the presidency. In my opinion most people here (especially the GIMers) like to post all sorts of Pro Trump without understanding what kind of a person he really is. I like to post the truth about him. Nothing more.

To be honest, I don't care who votes for who. It's none of my business. Believe me, I have no agenda and honestly am not trying to change any one's mind about Trump.

I certainly hope Trump loses. I don't think he should be anywhere near power again. Never should have happened in the first place. And if we didn't have the electoral college, it wouldn't have happened.

As for Kami, I'll vote for her because she's the one running against Trump. If it wasn't her, I would vote for whoever else was running against Trump.

I will say that some of the replies to my Trump posts are amusing. But that's just me.

Once the election is over, I'll be taking a long vacation from the political threads and concentrating on the money, crypto, and fun threads. The political threads aren't really my thing.

The Koch Network Has A Backup Plan For A Trump Defeat​

LANGHORNE, Pa. — In a hotel conference room a little over 20 miles northeast of the Philadelphia venue where the two major parties’ presidential nominees were set to debate hours later, a conservative group was preparing to rally its supporters Tuesday morning behind a Republican candidate locked in a tight battle for Pennsylvania votes.

No, the candidate was not former President Donald Trump. Americans for Prosperity Action, or AFP Action — a libertarian-leaning conservative group funded by the Koch network of conservative donors — and its Latino outreach arm, Libre Action, were instead holding a canvass kickoff event for Dave McCormick, a former hedge fund manager and Gulf War veteran engaged an uphill battle to unseat U.S. Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.).

“We’re fighting for our American dream — the American dream that is slipping away from us,” Jennie Dallas, the Harrisburg-based strategic director of the affiliated Libre Initiative, told the multiracial crowd of staff members and paid canvassers clad in light blue organizers T-shirts. “And we know that David McCormick knows that.”



'Cognitive decline': Clinical psychiatrist recommends 'rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation' for Trump​

Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris picked up some major endorsements after her contentious presidential debate with GOP nominee Donald Trump at Philadelphia's National Constitution Center on Tuesday night, September 10 — including pop superstar Taylor Swift and conservative former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who served in the George W. Bush Administration during the 2000s.

Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma), former Fox News host Megyn Kelly and other Trump defenders have been claiming that ABC News' debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis were unfair to Trump, but countless pundits have argued that Republicans attacking the moderators are in denial — and that Harris clearly won the debate.

Much of the debate analysis has focused on Trump and Harris' command of the issues. But Richard A. Friedman, a clinical psychiatry professor, has been analyzing Trump's debate performance from a mental wellbeing standpoint. And Friedman has said that he would recommend a "rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation" based on Trump's performance during that debate.



'Cognitive decline': Clinical psychiatrist recommends 'rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation' for Trump​

Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris picked up some major endorsements after her contentious presidential debate with GOP nominee Donald Trump at Philadelphia's National Constitution Center on Tuesday night, September 10 — including pop superstar Taylor Swift and conservative former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who served in the George W. Bush Administration during the 2000s.

Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma), former Fox News host Megyn Kelly and other Trump defenders have been claiming that ABC News' debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis were unfair to Trump, but countless pundits have argued that Republicans attacking the moderators are in denial — and that Harris clearly won the debate.

Much of the debate analysis has focused on Trump and Harris' command of the issues. But Richard A. Friedman, a clinical psychiatry professor, has been analyzing Trump's debate performance from a mental wellbeing standpoint. And Friedman has said that he would recommend a "rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation" based on Trump's performance during that debate.


After 4 years of Biden you have the balls to post this? Why didn't you post anything like this about Biden?
It's also the truth, as potato Joe was found to be unfit to stand trial.

Had no clue what you are talking about here, so I dug around a bit and found this to be false.

At their weekly news conference, several Republican House leaders wrongly claimed the special counsel report into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents found the president was mentally unfit to stand trial. The report said no such thing.

Was President Biden Deemed 'Unfit to Stand Trial' by Robert Hur?

I didn't stop there. Here's more.

Fact Check: Was Joe Biden Ruled Mentally Unfit to Stand Trial?

WEBThe Ruling. False. Hur's report does not state that Biden is mentally unfit to stand trial. The report states that if Biden were charged over his handling of classified documents, it...

I could go on, but I think you can see from this you are mistaken.

You have accused me of having blind hatred for Trump. It almost looks like that's how you feel towards Biden. lol
I could go on, but I think you can see from this you are mistaken.
Then they should charge him.

He literally stole classified documents, and evidence exists that he shared data from them.

If you support Biden, that means you support a thief.

At no time did he ever have authority to possess those documents.

How can anyone say there wasn't enough evidence? Classified docs were found in multiple locations of his, in three different States. Thousands of boxes of them.

They used his condition as a reason to not charge him.

You have accused me of having blind hatred for Trump. It almost looks like that's how you feel towards Biden. lol
I'm just looking at the facts. I don't hate the guy, I hate what he's done to our nation.

Trump was potus and we were all better off for it. Even you, but you'd never admit it.

With Biden, and dems running things, in many areas you gotta ask someone in the store to unlock the toothpaste so ya can buy a tube of the stuff.
We got illegals overwhelming the nation and committing crimes.
....but that's your guys America now.
Kackles gives her first solo interview to some no name local reporter and totally bombs.

She goes NASA on every question, and tells lies too.

What an utterly awful woman she is.

She should go back to the only thing she's ever alledgedly been good at.
Ie: blowin' judge Brown's willie.
Also on the classified docs, we know how Trump got them. NARA sent them to him, but we still don't know how Joe got all those boxes he had.

Trump's was under lock and key. Joe's was strewn about in his garge in old boxes next to his car where anyone in the home could have accessed them.

Trump was potus and had authority to have and declassify the docs he had. While Joe had docs from times when he DID NOT possess the authority to even look at those docs outside a special room in a secure government building.

Yet not one word of anyone in the gov even remotely curious about how he got them? The mockingbird media doesn't care either.

How can you support a known criminal like that, I'll never understand.

To get Trump they gotta make up charges over bs that they ignored their other older hag for also having done.
...and in the same jurisdiction, no less.

The shit they are doing to Trump is all a big witch hunt. That's why it's falling apart.
Trump was potus and we were all better off for it. Even you, but you'd never admit it.

I see things a bit different than you.

Biden may be a lot of things, but he doesn't call people names, berate others he may not care for, talk about other people's families, he doesn't claim to be some sort of a genius, he doesn't claim America is a third world nation, he doesn't sing praises to dictators, he doesn't talk bad about our military, he doesn't claim only he can fix problems, he doesn't exhibit hatred towards people who disagree with him, he doesn't go around saying he wants to deport 20 million people and that it will be a bloody story when it happens, he has never called for the arrests of his political enemies, etc, etc.

Trump has done all of that and more. Something is seriously wrong with him.

How can you support a known criminal like that, I'll never understand.

It's not that I support him. It's that he's not Trump. All the stuff I posted directly under your first quote is why I don't like Trump. I also know how he has screwed over a shit load of people his entire life. Been reading about the guy for close to 50 years and none of it was good.

I don't think he cares about this country in any way, shape or form. He cares about having power over others and how he appears to others. Nothing more.

If I'm right, once this election is over, we'll hear less and less about him. I think he'll lose by a landslide.

With Biden, and dems running things, in many areas you gotta ask someone in the store to unlock the toothpaste so ya can buy a tube of the stuff.

A week or so ago I was in a Walmart in Northeast Philly. Went into the laundry detergent aisle and saw they had Tide and something else locked up. WTF? Enough is enough.

But it has nothing to do with Biden. And since they have people checking receipts when you leave it makes me think there may be more to it than theft. Could it be that a lot of stores want you to do online shopping and have things delivered? I'm not saying this is the reason for everything being locked up, just throwing it out as a little food for thought.


I'll give you credit. You are a true believer. That's a good thing.

Me? I think it's one team with different squads kinda playing against each other. When they're off the field they all hit the showers together and head out for celebratory drinks.

But there is a rogue in the lineup. We both know who that is.
I'd give him another shot at fixing the swamp!

RFK Jr. Shares What Trump Told Him About Failing to ‘Drain the Swamp’​

Biden may be a lot of things, but he doesn't call people names, berate others he may not care for, talk about other people's families, he doesn't claim to be some sort of a genius, he doesn't claim America is a third world nation, he doesn't sing praises to dictators, he doesn't talk bad about our military, he doesn't claim only he can fix problems, he doesn't exhibit hatred towards people who disagree with him, he doesn't go around saying he wants to deport 20 million people and that it will be a bloody story when it happens, he has never called for the arrests of his political enemies, etc, etc.

Trump has done all of that and more. Something is seriously wrong with him.
LOL yes, in today's world of "being offended because you're a pussy" I can see how people would think that.

Unlike O'biden, Trump does things for a reason.

He's a marketing genius!

Who are we talking about again?? Oh, that's right... TRUMP!

It matters not the subject. Good, bad, or indifferent. We're still talking about TRUMP!!

Now do you understand the genius of Trump?

Yeah, paying attention to the details escapes the current administration... lying only gets you so far before the word gets out you can't be trusted!!

The 'problem' with our 'economy' is it's a "war-based" GDP. We need to wean ourselves off of "war" as a business model and try peace for a change we can believe in.
GG isn't a partisan, but he understands the media game. His observation here is (to me) curious. I wasn't aware that Jill Stein had done much of anything to merit attention in legacy or social media.

GG isn't a partisan, but he understands the media game. His observation here is (to me) curious. I wasn't aware that Jill Stein had done much of anything to merit attention in legacy or social media.

They don't want ANY competition... they made that clear gaslighting RFK Jr... who had to fight to get his name ON the ballot and fight to get it OFF the ballot....

Let us screw with you some more...?
Biden may be a lot of things, but he doesn't call people names,
Oh, calling Trump a Hitler and a nazi and an existential threat, is not calling names. lol

he doesn't claim America is a third world nation,
It's certainly on the road to becoming one with Biden, Kackles and the loony marxist loving dems running it.

he doesn't sing praises to dictators,
Apparently the term, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer", is lost on you.

he doesn't talk bad about our military,
Trump doesn't either. He increased the military's budget. That's not what someone who hates our military would do.

he doesn't claim only he can fix problems,
He's the only one even saying he wants to. The ones you voted for have done nothing but screw shit up.

he doesn't exhibit hatred towards people who disagree with him,
He certainly does hate Trump.

he doesn't go around saying he wants to deport 20 million people and that it will be a bloody story when it happens,
It'll be bloody if it doesn't happen. It's already getting that way, as they've murdered lots of our citizens already. How many more of your innocent fellow Americans are you willing to allow them to harm?

he has never called for the arrests of his political enemies, etc, etc.
The dems are doing that right now to Trump.

It's not that I support him. It's that he's not Trump.
So you support him.

All the stuff I posted directly under your first quote is why I don't like Trump.
A lot of misinformation and twisting of the actual facts.

I also know how he has screwed over a shit load of people his entire life. Been reading about the guy for close to 50 years and none of it was good.
50 years? You sound a bit obsessed. Do you have a room in your house covered with his pictures that you throw darts at, too? I wouldn't doubt it.

I don't think he cares about this country in any way, shape or form. He cares about having power over others and how he appears to others. Nothing more.
Look at how good things were for the nation during his first term. Low inflation, low gas, low unemployment, low taxes, and a booming economy.

The only problem with it was the TDSers over the top (and often violent) reaction to him.
....and they then complain when he defends himself drom their baseless attacks on him.

If I'm right, once this election is over, we'll hear less and less about him. I think he'll lose by a landslide.
We'll see.

A week or so ago I was in a Walmart in Northeast Philly. Went into the laundry detergent aisle and saw they had Tide and something else locked up. WTF? Enough is enough.

But it has nothing to do with Biden.
It has a lot to do with Biden, and dem policies in general.

And since they have people checking receipts when you leave it makes me think there may be more to it than theft. Could it be that a lot of stores want you to do online shopping and have things delivered? I'm not saying this is the reason for everything being locked up, just throwing it out as a little food for thought.
Delivery costs more.

I'll give you credit. You are a true believer. That's a good thing.
So are you. A true believer in policies that'll destroy the nation.

Me? I think it's one team with different squads kinda playing against each other. When they're off the field they all hit the showers together and head out for celebratory drinks.
If you think Joe and Trump are hittin' the showers together, you must think Trump is his 14yo daughter.

But there is a rogue in the lineup. We both know who that is.
Yea, Kackels the Kommie.
Oh, calling Trump a Hitler and a nazi and an existential threat, is not calling names. lol

It's certainly on the road to becoming one with Biden, Kackles and the loony marxist loving dems running it.

Apparently the term, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer", is lost on you.

Trump doesn't either. He increased the military's budget. That's not what someone who hates our military would do.

He's the only one even saying he wants to. The ones you voted for have done nothing but screw shit up.

He certainly does hate Trump.

It'll be bloody if it doesn't happen. It's already getting that way, as they've murdered lots of our citizens already. How many more of your innocent fellow Americans are you willing to allow them to harm?

The dems are doing that right now to Trump.

So you support him.

A lot of misinformation and twisting of the actual facts.

50 years? You sound a bit obsessed. Do you have a room in your house covered with his pictures that you throw darts at, too? I wouldn't doubt it.

Look at how good things were for the nation during his first term. Low inflation, low gas, low unemployment, low taxes, and a booming economy.

The only problem with it was the TDSers over the top (and often violent) reaction to him.
....and they then complain when he defends himself drom their baseless attacks on him.

We'll see.

It has a lot to do with Biden, and dem policies in general.

Delivery costs more.

So are you. A true believer in policies that'll destroy the nation.

If you think Joe and Trump are hittin' the showers together, you must think Trump is his 14yo daughter.

Yea, Kackels the Kommie.

Nothing on the tv today? No hobbies? Good god............lotta replies here :lmao:

Oh, calling Trump a Hitler and a nazi and an existential threat, is not calling names. lol

He's the only one even saying he wants to. The ones you voted for have done nothing but screw shit up.

He certainly does hate Trump.

So you support him.

A lot of misinformation and twisting of the actual facts.

You had me laughing with these.

50 years? You sound a bit obsessed. Do you have a room in your house covered with his pictures that you throw darts at, too? I wouldn't doubt it.

Nah, he is from NYC and did a lot of business in the tri-state (PA, NJ & NY) area. It made the news, especially when it concerned people not being paid, labor problems, failed businesses, bankruptcies, etc.

As to the pic nonsense............c'mon, are you serious?

Delivery costs more.

Usually free after a certain $$$ amount or if you hold a premium membership.

If you think Joe and Trump are hittin' the showers together, you must think Trump is his 14yo daughter.

Ya got to read between the lines. I'm talking about a team that plays against itself, game over, getting cleaned up and having drinks together. It is a metaphore about our uniparty system.

Well this has been fun bit it's a bit much. Gonna play a few tunes. Have a request?

Flynn/Clark - [DS] Is Panicking,Next Move Is A Cyber Attack,Patriots Are Winning The Information War​


Michael Cohen: ‘Not a single group in America’ that ‘lazy’ Trump hasn’t directly insulted​

Sep 14, 2024 #michaelcohen #trump #politics

“He has insulted every group” of people, says Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen, and now he’s leaning into racist conspiracy theories and “race-baiting” because “he needs to come up with an excuse in advance, knowing he’s going to lose the election.”


Psychiatrist: Trump obviously on stimulants during debate​

-- Doctor John Kruse, neuroscientist, author, and psychiatrist who has been working with adults with ADHD for over thirty years, joins David to analyze the Trump-Harris debate

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