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From one point of view, the aphorism “you get what you pay for” does not apply when it comes to U.S. electoral democracy. Enormous amounts of money are spent on elections in this country, but few would say their exorbitant cost is a mark of quality. The total cost of federal elections has increased with each election cycle, but the 2020 election marked a quantum leap in the level of political spending. There was a staggering $14.4 billion in total spending on federal elections, including both presidential and congressional campaigns, in 2020. This was more than double the total amount from 2016, which was itself the most expensive election cycle ever to that point.


Tulsi Gabbard - Who Actually Runs The US Government?​

Aug 5, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard is a politician, military veteran, and former U.S. Representative.

Our elected officials are supposed to be in charge of the country we live in. But the more we learn about the inner workings of government, the less that seems to be true. So, who is really running the show, and what will the future of America look like for those who truly hold the power?

Expect to learn what Joe Biden is actually like behind the scenes, why RFK Jr’s campaign didn't succeed, the reason that Elon Musk’s X platform was so important during Trump's assassination attempt, the truth behind Project 2025, Tulsi’s thoughts on Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate and much more…

00:00 Who Actually Runs the Government?
09:54 What Motivates Leaders to Go to War?
16:35 How Obvious Was Biden’s Declining Health?
24:37 Tulsi’s Unique Political Path
30:24 Why Tulsi is Popular With Conservatives
35:33 Why Didn’t RFK Jr Get More Momentum?
40:48 Does Tulsi Miss Being in Congress?
44:29 Trump’s Speech to Christians
52:03 Understanding the New TikTok Bill
1:03:20 The Effectiveness of X for Breaking News
1:08:35 Conspiracy Theories Around the Trump Shooting
1:15:10 The Left’s Relationship With God & Religion
1:24:56 Is Politics Salvageable?
1:32:08 Australia’s Voting Mandate
1:36:06 Irony of the Political Class
1:39:33 The Degradation of the Nuclear Family
1:44:47 The Truth About Project 2025
1:48:45 Tulsi’s Thoughts About Kamala
1:54:20 What’s Next for Tulsi?
1:55:32 Where to Find Tulsi


That spending ie. "Advertising" I believe has been nothing more than money laundering. Sneaky bastards.
So... VP debate tonight. Will Walz lose his cool like a deranged lunatic? Will Vance say something stupid and insult a large voter base? Will anyone actually watch the event and give a shit?
Debate = civil, a bit boring, a chicken in every pot, my team better than yours, etc.
Exactly my take on it as well. No minds were changed by anything said there tonight. Only debate I watched in years.
So, I watched the debate, heard the propaganda from both sides, etc.

Looking through my news feed this AM I see the media is making mountains outta mole hills. They are making things out to be more than what I actually watched.

I should have watched Deadliest Catch.
You're seeing what I'm seeing. Logical thinking.

MSM came out and said everything Vance was saying was a lie. Same MO they did for Trump.

You'd have to be a 40 IQ to believe the MSM.

As you've all gone through life I'm sure you've NEVER met anyone as bad as they portray Trump. That's because the MSM is lying and 'programming' the weak-minded lazy people who don't know how to think logically. They're bottom feeders waiting for the government to tell they what to think and do next.

This gal gets it... she's starting to 'think' for a change she can believe in.

As you've all gone through life I'm sure you've NEVER met anyone as bad as they portray Trump.
I have had some bad bosses and I have read many stories about super shitty bosses that others have endured. The business world is full of these stories. And so many bosses make their money while leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Why should a society reward such people, who are parasites and destructive, to continue their wrath on everyone else? Would a just society send them to some job where they could not destroy other people's livelihoods?

This is what the media says about Trump. My memory is that that he was a deal maker that often went bad for the others involved. Maybe they should have done their due diligence as if they were making a deal with Satan. Buying a house requires super detail, should getting into a a deal of huge magnitude not require some diligence? I don't admire Trump in his business dealings, but I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE those how complain that they did not do their homework before getting into a deal that they later regretted. Your money is blood. And you wasted blood because you were too stupid to do the math. You deserve punishment. Because you trusted Trump words, probably. Instead of doing real work.

My opinion is that Trump is a very selfish businessman. He will take every possible advantage over every deal. I would not do business with him.

But in election time, our options are severely limited. An my choice is a businessman over a political animal that wants to obey her masters and destroy my existence. So I choose the businessman. Even if I cannot trust him with my future, he will not destroy my today.

Producer Admits MSNBC Is 'Doing All They Can to Help’ the Harris Campaign

During an undercover date with an OMG journalist, Basel Hamdan (@BaselYHamdan), a writer and producer for MSNBC’s show “Ayman,” (@AymanMSNBC) was asked what the network has done to assist the Kamala Harris campaign. Hamdan revealed on hidden camera that “what her [Harris’s] message of the day is, is their message of the day,” as MSNBC actively pushes Harris’s narrative to help her win. He admitted that MSNBC is doing “all they can to help,” Harris get elected, with the network operating as an extension of the campaign. He went on to say, "MSNBC is indistinguishable from the party," further highlighting their partisan agenda.

In discussing the relationships between the MSNBC hosts and Democratic politicians, Hamdan reveals, ”The anchor and the politician are just in total agreement about everything.” He adds, “If you watch an interview with a Democratic politician, they just finish each other's sentences.”

Hamdan also didn’t shy away from criticizing the network’s audience, stating, “They’ve made their viewers dumber over the years,” and explaining that MSNBC is “too cozy with Democratic politicians.”

Wow, never would expect this article on a MSM site.

Opinion: Vance is right. Harris and Walz are a threat to Americans' free speech.​

Jonathan Turley

In the vice presidential debate Tuesday, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz pulled the fire alarm.

His opponent, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, cited the massive system of censorship supported by Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate.

Walz proceeded to quote the line from a 1919 case in which Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said you do not have the right to falsely yell fire in a crowded theater.

It is the favorite mantra of the anti-free speech movement. It also is fundamentally wrong.

In my book "The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” I discuss the justice's line from his opinion in Schenck v. United States. Holmes wrote, “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.”

'Fire in a theater' case supported government censorship​

As I discuss in the book, the line was largely lifted from a brief in an earlier free speech case. It has since become the rationale for politicians and pundits seeking to curtail free speech in America.

For example, when I testified last year before Congress against a censorship system that has been described by one federal court as "similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth,’” Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., interjected with the fire-in-a-theater question to say such censorship is needed and constitutional. In other words, the internet is now a huge crowded theater and those with opposing views are shouting fire.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz debates Republican opponent JD Vance in New York City on Oct. 1, 2024.
Goldman and Walz both cited a case in which socialists Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer were arrested and convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917. Their "crime" was to pass out flyers in opposition to the military draft during World War I.

Schenck and Baer called on their fellow citizens not to “submit to intimidation” and to “assert your rights.” They argued, “If you do not assert and support your rights, you are helping to deny or disparage rights which it is the solemn duty of all citizens and residents of the United States to retain.” They also described the military draft as “involuntary servitude.”

Holmes used his "fire in a theater" line to justify the abusive conviction and incarceration. At the House hearing, when I was trying to explain that the justice later walked away from the line and Schenck was effectively overturned in 1969 in Brandenburg v. Ohio, Goldman cut me off and said, “We don’t need a law class here.”

In the vice presidential debate, Walz showed that he and other Democratic leaders most certainly do need a class in First Amendment law.

Opinion: Biden administration is a threat to free speech

As I have said, the Biden-Harris administration has proved to be the most anti-free speech administration in two centuries. You have to go back to John Adams' administration to find the equal of this administration.

Harris has been an outspoken champion of censorship in an administration that supports targeting disinformation, misinformation and "malinformation." That last category was defined by the Biden administration as information “based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.”

In the debate, Walz also returned to his favorite dismissal of censorship objections by saying that it is all just inflammatory rhetoric.

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Recently, Walz went on MSNBC to support censoring disinformation and declared, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”

That is entirely untrue and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the right called "indispensable" by the Supreme Court. Even after some of us condemned his claim as ironically dangerous disinformation, Walz continues to repeat it.

Free speech advocates view Harris as a threat​

This is why, for the free speech community, the prospect of a Harris-Walz administration is chilling. Where President Joe Biden was viewed as supporting censorship out of political opportunism, Harris and Walz are viewed as true believers.

We are living through the most dangerous anti-free speech movement in American history. We have never before faced the current alliance of government, corporate, academic and media forces aligned against free speech. A Harris-Walz administration with a supportive Congress could make this right entirely dispensable.

Opinion: In VP debate, Vance did what Trump couldn't – tie Biden's failures to Harris

Others are laying the groundwork for precisely that moment. University of Michigan Law School professor and MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade has said that free speech "can also be our Achilles’ heel.”

Columbia law professor Tim Wu, a former Biden White House aide, wrote a New York Times op-ed with the headline, “The First Amendment Is Out of Control.” He told readers that free speech “now mostly protects corporate interests” and threatens “essential jobs of the state, such as protecting national security and the safety and privacy of its citizens.”

Walz said in the debate that Vice President Harris is promoting the "politics of joy," but in reality, Harris and Walz are the dream team for the anti-free speech movement.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University and the author of “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.”
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LEAKED Contract EXPOSES Alleged Trump PAYOFF to RFK​

Oct 6, 2024

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the leak of the alleged legal services contract between Donald Trump and RFK Jr.



Why VETERANS Are Turning AGAINST Trump!​

Oct 6, 2024

Michael Cohen explains with personal anecdotes, why veterans are losing respect for Trump.


Cities Are Chasing Down Trump For STILL Refusing To Pay His Bills​

Oct 6, 2024
Donald Trump’s rallies are very expensive for cities, and he is required to reimburse them for the additional security costs that they incur. But as we’ve seen over the years, Trump doesn’t like paying his bills, and he now owes more than $700,000 to multiple different cities across the country. These cities are now trying to “chase down” Trump and his campaign to get them to pay them back. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

Link – https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump...

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