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We didn't have any of these problems when we used paper ballots.
I'm in Colorado. Mesa county clerk & recorder Tina Peters made a before and after image of her Dominion server that proved there was shenanigans going on and was convicted of election interference because of a kangaroo court judge wouldn't allow her to present her evidence.I'm in PA just outside of NE Philly. We use a paper ballot that you fill out and feed into a machine. The machine will let you know if the ballot was accepted. If it wasn't accepted, you can call one of the poll workers over and they will help you.
Where I'm at you don't see long lines. We use schools, firehouses, etc. as polling places. Easy peasy. Don't recall hearing about any problems.
Township is a republican stronghold for local elections. As to federal.................it's a toss-up.
We need to use paper ballots and hand count them.
It wouldn't take 3+ weeks as it does today!Take where I'm at and Philly. Lotta peeps, lotta votes. Would take a lotta time. And that's just in my area. Can't imagine how long it would take to do a hand count for the entire country.
Take where I'm at and Philly. Lotta peeps, lotta votes. Would take a lotta time. And that's just in my area. Can't imagine how long it would take to do a hand count for the entire country.
The population in Philly in 1997 was around 5 million. Today is around 5.8 million. Not that big a difference. It doesn't have to be paper. The old style machines that were not electronic worked just fine. You walk in, pull a lever and the curtain closes. You vote. Your vote is tabulated when you open the curtain. No electronics involved.Take where I'm at and Philly. Lotta peeps, lotta votes. Would take a lotta time. And that's just in my area. Can't imagine how long it would take to do a hand count for the entire country.
Deaton is a longshot vs Warren, but they have two debates scheduled - tonight and Thursday night:Crypto attorney launches Senate bid against Elizabeth Warren
John Deaton launched his Senate campaign on Tuesday “to continue my life’s mission to shake things up for the people who need it most."www.politico.com
Trump has to 'steal' the election instead of just winning it... LOLTake this fwiw and dyodd.
Does Trump Have a 2024 Blueprint for Stealing the White House?
Will Trump manipulate the Constitution and the courts to take the presidency without winning the vote?hartmannreport.com