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Pennsylvania election officials bracing for conspiracy theories, protests​

Oct 13, 2024

Mail-in ballot processing rules could lead to a drawn-out vote count in the pivotal swing state of Pennsylvania. Top election official Al Schmidt is urging voter patience.


Georgia election workers move closer to collecting Rudy Giuliani’s assets​

Two Georgia election workers are plowing to collect their $146 million defamation judgment against Rudy Giuliani, but the former New York City mayor is digging in amid an array of financial troubles.

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who became a centerpiece of Giuliani’s baseless mass voter fraud accusations following the 2020 election, have asked a federal judge in New York to turn over his two properties, Mercedes-Benz, luxury watches, portions of his bank accounts and more. The parties are due back in court later this month.


We didn't have any of these problems when we used paper ballots.

I'm in PA just outside of NE Philly. We use a paper ballot that you fill out and feed into a machine. The machine will let you know if the ballot was accepted. If it wasn't accepted, you can call one of the poll workers over and they will help you.

Where I'm at you don't see long lines. We use schools, firehouses, etc. as polling places. Easy peasy. Don't recall hearing about any problems.

Township is a republican stronghold for local elections. As to federal.................it's a toss-up.

And here is,


“They put the ballots on the wrong truck. And they picked the wrong man.”

Between 144,000 to 250,000 completed, curated ballots trafficked across state lines for the overthrow of the United States government on November 3, 2020.

Lieutenant Colonel, Anthony Shaffer,

“It could be a hundred and forty four to over a quarter million ballots. Let me tell you a little secret. Part of our developing investigation indicates that Jesse wasn't alone. There was a number as in like a bunch of different trucks which engaged in this.

So when you think about the magnitude of potential votes showing up the night of the election after midnight, you have to have an artifact. So if you eliminate the impossible with all things being equal, whatever remains must be the truth.

The truth is ballots showed up, they were
counted, They do not match necessarily the records of who should have voted. In some instances the stats don't add up. And we continue to analyze that. With that,

I believe BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT we have evidence of a massive transfer of completed, curated ballots ready to be injected into counting centers.”

And the “irate” William fucken Bar covered it all up.

“Bill Barr called Tony Schaefer, he was relatively irate and he was telling Tony Schaefer to STAND DOWN on this investigation.”

“‘I told you you need to stand down on this.’

“[He was] agitated, to say the least.”
I'm in PA just outside of NE Philly. We use a paper ballot that you fill out and feed into a machine. The machine will let you know if the ballot was accepted. If it wasn't accepted, you can call one of the poll workers over and they will help you.

Where I'm at you don't see long lines. We use schools, firehouses, etc. as polling places. Easy peasy. Don't recall hearing about any problems.

Township is a republican stronghold for local elections. As to federal.................it's a toss-up.
I'm in Colorado. Mesa county clerk & recorder Tina Peters made a before and after image of her Dominion server that proved there was shenanigans going on and was convicted of election interference because of a kangaroo court judge wouldn't allow her to present her evidence.

We too use schools, firehouses etc and the machine scans the ballots.

There's a question after that point. How do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the collation of numbers after that point is true?

You don't.

You're 'trusting' the DEI government to do it's duty.

After the kangaroo court trial it's difficult to trust the outcome of any government function.

We need to use paper ballots and hand count them.
The irony… President Trump is the only who’s Federalized the Reserves to Active-Duty by Title 10.

Executive Order 13912 that invoked Title 10 Section §12302.

Executive Order 13919 that invoked Title 10 Section §12304.

Title 10 is specifically under control of President.

Title 50 is specifically under control of the Secretary of Defense who’s appointed by the President.

Those Orders have not been revoked. And there’s unique Laws and Orders all around those, but especially the visuals on January 20, 2021, the 3 Cannons at Arlington National Cemetery, that is a FUNERAL for “Biden”…

That makes President Trump a Wartime President.

He references Dwight D. Eisenhower all the time for a reason: Supreme Commander.

But just for the liberals and lost minds out there… that just cannot seem to grasp “Biden” isn’t real…

“Biden” relinquished “his” authority to the Secretary of Defense in the Executive Documents under Title 50 Chapter 33 Section §1550.

Title 50 = War and National Defense.

Chapter 33 = War Powers Act of 1973.

Section §1550 was not there until President Trump and the Congress amended the WPA.

The date in that clause is December 20, 2019.

The clause: in the first 180 days after December 20, 2019, and every 180 days thereafter…

Those Executive Orders were in that first 180 days.

In the Executive Document, “Joe,” is delegating the authority and functions of Section §1550 to the Secretary of Defense.

Executive Order 13912 and 13919 not being revoked means those are active and invoked.

In 13919, President Trump invoked §12304 and DIRECTED the Secretary of Defense equal authority to Federalize the Reserves to Active-Duty.

If the Secretary of Defense is normally 2nd in line under President to Military and PDJT directed equal authority, and “Joe,” (for those who argue “he’s” real and president), gave up “his” power as “President” in that Executive Document, then who’s the SECDEF taking Orders from?

And in the Special Operations Command publications, they reference Executive Order 12333.

That same Executive Order that President Trump amended with his Executive Order 13913 which was in between his two EOs that invoked Title 10 and the Federalization of the Reserves to Active-Duty.

That same Executive Order 12333 that just happens to be in the United States Supreme Court case filed by President Trump on March 19, 2024, that talks about Military Law and Assassinations.

One moment “they” say the Military and FEMA isn’t doing anything…

The next minute there’s civilians making a video go viral of a Blackhawk trying to land and saying it was on purpose.

Those are all MSM and podcasters regurgitating such when those are said.

MSM is under 47 USC §606.

THAT is why MANY podcasters regurgitating strategic surface level propaganda and nonsense… when what’s happening is all PUBLIC.

Which is ALSO in the Special Operations Command Unconventional Warfare Guide.

President Trump accused “Biden” and said, “this is the worst response by government in history.”

That’s theatre. Because, again, what’s currently taking outlined to the tee in the Special Operations Command diagram on page 11:

👉🏻 Sabotage and terror to display the weakness of the government.

Checkmate. #

Oh the irony.


It’s all links together.

👉🏻 ———

👉🏻 45——47

The ever so brilliant DASH… doing what it was designed to do 🫡🐂🇺🇸

We need to use paper ballots and hand count them.

Take where I'm at and Philly. Lotta peeps, lotta votes. Would take a lotta time. And that's just in my area. Can't imagine how long it would take to do a hand count for the entire country.
Take where I'm at and Philly. Lotta peeps, lotta votes. Would take a lotta time. And that's just in my area. Can't imagine how long it would take to do a hand count for the entire country.
It wouldn't take 3+ weeks as it does today!
I put things out for people to empower yourselves by reading first before I break things down.

This is public information and we must empower all minds where we can maintain and sustain on the other side in the renaissance period.

Be sure to READ the new case filed by Wartime President Trump.

This opens up a MASSIVE can of worms 🔥

👉🏻 Obama

Who wrote the 2017 National Security Strategy?

The LAST one posted on Defense.gov from 2017.

Who wrote the new NSS that media said was “just in case President Trump wins he can have a head start?” 🤣

Who wrote ‘War By Other Means’ which torches a certain General who was axed by Obama?

What General has been traveling with President Trump?

What General did he just give a big shout out to at one of those rallies for being with him BEFORE day one?

What General do you see in this case filed on March 19, 2024, by President Trump versus the United States?

Who was in the room with Obama and Biden being briefed on the plot to kill Osama Bin Laden?

👉🏻 SEAL Team Six

👉🏻 Michael Jaco

And what incompetent POS “President” unmasked the Seal Team after they completed the mission?

👉🏻 Obama

In 1991, a General said to Dick Cheney “we should focus on Saddam Hussein because he’s a one man show.”

👉🏻 Dick fired that General.

Saddam lived 15 more years to 2006.

What happened on 9/11?

Another world leader got tagged as the mastermind behind these towers going down in demolition style…

This case is saying Osama Bin Laden was not the orchestrator.

This case is making the case that Obama assassinated Osama Bin Laden.

Unless new or former Seal Team 6 was a part of the original plot to assassinate President Trump in which they displayed with the re-enactments of that on July 13 🔥

It can only mean one or both of those, since Seal Team 6 were the ones to take out Osama.

And also opens up the Libya and Benghazi failure with Obama and Hillary due to Gaddafi being assassinated in 2011.

Gaddafi wanted to bring back a Gold Standard and also led a Green Revolution in 1969 to increase productivity in agriculture to rely less on imports, and a whole lot more against Marxists and Islamists.

What does President Trump say?

👉🏻 I will be completely exonerated.

Because He’s been a Wartime Commander the whole time 🤌🏼🎲

What a time to be alive! ♟️

Like I tell ya

👉🏻 ———

👉🏻 45——47

The DASH matters. Dashin’ through the swamp.

Special Operation. Unconventional Warfare.

Our finest brains unplugging the drain.

Drain it dry 🫡🐂🇺🇸

And look at the new Department of Defense Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities and Defense Intelligence Component Assistance To Law Enforcement Agencies and Other Civil Authorities.

September 27, 2024.

What’s that say in there?

Amendment to Executive Order 12333?

Who amended that?

👉🏻 President Trump with Executive Order 13913

Which was immediately after Executive Order 13912 that Federalized 1 MILLION Reserve Components to Active-Duty.

And before Executive Order 13919 where he DIRECTED equal authority for Secretary of Defense to Federalize Reserves to Active-Duty.

Both of those are still active.

Now tie in Executive Order 11905 by Gerald Ford in with EO 12333 by Reagan amended by President Trump with EO 13913…

EO 11905: Prohibited Executive Branch personnel from engaging in, or conspiring to engage in, political assassination.

Then this CIA dot Gov PDF brings together Executive Order 11905 and the National Security Council...

EO 11905 CIA Gov:

Who does "Biden" and "Kamala" and "Walz" say is a threat to National Security?

On page 21, under the National Security Agency, letter E, says: Serving under the Secretary of Defense as the central communications security authority of the United States Government.

Also lists the Department of Energy and FBI as key components.

Page 27 and 28, lists:

The forbiddance of Physical Surveillance

Unconsented Physical Searches

Examination of Federal tax returns

Infiltration or undisclosed participation within the United States in any organization for the purpose of reporting on or influencing its activities or members;

👉🏻 What did President Trump say about Russia Collusion in 2017 to 2020?

👉🏻 Remember who he accused of spying on his campaign?

👉🏻 Remember the “impeaching” over a phone call with Ukraine?

👉🏻 Remember Watergate? So, they’re exonerating another Presidents as well. 🔥

👉🏻 What 3 letter agency raided Mar-a-lago again?

👉🏻 Who tried to unveil President Trumps tax records?

Remember my Documents, where I put heavy emphasis on a Covert Operation?

Check out this Defense dot gov on Assassinations.

Page 2, (b) Covert Action and Other Sensitive Intelligence Operations.

Check out page 15 (PDF) to see all these Intelligence Communities involved to see some pipsqueak punk didn't outsmart all of them.

(1) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence;
(2) The Central Intelligence Agency;
(3) The National Security Agency;
(4) The Defense Intelligence Agency;
(5) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency;
(6) The National Reconnaissance Office;
(7) The other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national foreign intelligence through reconnaissance programs;
(8) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps;
(9) The intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(10) The Office of National Security Intelligence of the Drug Enforcement Administration;
(11) The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy;
(12) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State;
(13) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury;
(14) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security;
(15) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Coast Guard; and
(16) Such other elements of any department or agency as may be designated by the President, or designated jointly by the Director and the head of the department or agency concerned, as an element of the Intelligence Community.

Guess what’s referenced in the new Supreme Court filing by President Trump on March 19, 2024?

👉🏻 Executive Order 12333

Now look at the layers of those 3 Letter Agencies listed above.

Who hammered the 3 letter agencies starting 2017?

👉🏻 President Trump

Who’s been circling around and doubling down on the ‘higher echelons of the 3 letter agencies’ in recent speeches?

👉🏻 the DASH

Remember the Article I posted a few days back from West Point that talked about Assassinations and the Law of War?

The article exposed Dick Cheney firing a General:

"Once the war began in January 1991, the United States launched over 250 missions against sites where Saddam Hussein was believed to be hiding. Yet, when Air Force Chief of Staff, General Michal Dugan had suggested in September 1990 that because Saddam is “a one-man show” in Iraq, “he ought to be at the focus of our efforts,” Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney promptly fired him."

Who did “Kamala” just praise in the “debate” having an endorsement from?

👉🏻 Dick Cheney
👉🏻 Liz Cheney

Who does President Trump say he got fired?

👉🏻 Liz Cheney

And the new case filed by President Trump versus United States that talks about Presidents ordering Military to commit murder, Military Law, and Assassinations, references what Executive Order again?

👉🏻 12333

And the case has referenced in first paragraph of layers of Generals saying with resounding ‘NO’s,’ a President cannot order Military to murder a political rival plus talks about Military Law and Assassinations.

To assist who again?

Law Enforcement 🔥

Now tie in the date of this case filing on March 19, 2024, which is 4 and 6 months before July 13 and September 16, with the Special Operations Command, Unconventional Warfare Guide, on the Diagram on Page 11 (PDF), Page 9 (on Paper), in the Overt and Clandestine Operation, you'll read:

'Assassination, forming favorable public opinion (advocating national cause), creation of distrust of established institutions.'

Tie it ALL in now.

Special Operation. Unconventional and Irregular Warfare.

Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations/Government.

Now do you see why we will be celebrating every single day from Memorial Day 2025 to July 4, 2026, and every single day of the year after that as President Trump said we will be doing? 🤌🏼🎲

This has been strategically planned a long time ago.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45——47

The 47 ends January 20, 2028, you know…

And you don’t think he didn’t know? 🤫

“We have it ALL. We’ve caught them ALL.” - 2020

Enjoying this service beyond service baby. Someday soon, you’ll know why God put me here the 🫡🐂🇺🇸

“We’ll be IN MARS” not On Mars.

His first reference to MARS came on November 15, 2022, the night he announced 2024 candidacy.

MARS = Military Auxiliary Radio System.

The Army and Navy transferred ALL Communications to the Space Force in August and December of 2022.

Got to listen to key terms. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

Take where I'm at and Philly. Lotta peeps, lotta votes. Would take a lotta time. And that's just in my area. Can't imagine how long it would take to do a hand count for the entire country.
The population in Philly in 1997 was around 5 million. Today is around 5.8 million. Not that big a difference. It doesn't have to be paper. The old style machines that were not electronic worked just fine. You walk in, pull a lever and the curtain closes. You vote. Your vote is tabulated when you open the curtain. No electronics involved.
There appears to be some serious questions regarding the Diebold machines along with millions of illegals voting and in some cases, no id requirements to vote.

Elon makes some great points here.
In this video renowned reporter Rachel Maddow takes a look at candidate Trump, the economy and more.

Rachel Maddow calls the bluff of Trump supporters who claim to be making a 'business decision'​

Rachel Maddow looks at some of the reasons why a Trump supporter might claim to look past his many shortcomings because they consider their vote a business decision, and why those business decision reasons actually favor supporting Kamala Harris.


Suburban Trump supporters pack Oaks expo center: ‘There’s a lot of closet Trumpers’​

Michelle Civitello’s Audubon neighborhood doesn’t have many Trump signs but the retired pharmaceutical worker wasn’t surprised to walk into the nearby Greater Philadelphia Expo Center and find the only available spot to stand along the back wall.

“There’s a lot of closet Trumpers out there,” Civitello, 61, said from the packed expo hall.


Here's a goodie. Seems Mac Daddy has a question:

Dear Matt,
Charlie Sykes and quite a few others have written about Trump losing the 2024 election. If Trump loses, MAGA won't believe it and will take matters in their own hands. The courts will be flooded with R lawsuits. The process of counting and certifying ballots may be held up for who knows how long. Musk will amplify lies on X. Marjorie Taylor Greene says that Trump haters can control the weather. Since that is true, can we put hurricanes, tornadoes, and all kinds of hail all over Trump's people? Dude, what do we do?

Here's the answer:

Deaton is a longshot vs Warren, but they have two debates scheduled - tonight and Thursday night:

Will Mass voters care?

The Democrats will continue to treat black voters like they are stupid and have no memory.

The black population is awake. They aren’t going to be put back to sleep by these last ditch appeals.

It’s just going to make them more angry.

Too little, too late.

Democrat plantation politics is dead.


Republicans Try to Rewrite Trump's Threat to Use Military Against Citizens​

Over the weekend, Donald Trump crystalized his authoritarian vision for the nation when he suggested siccing the military on his political opponents and American citizens to destroy the "enemy from within." Despite the former president's direct appeal to full-blown fascism, Republicans are lining up to defend and downplay his comments.

"I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within," Trump told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo on Sunday when asked if he anticipated "chaos on Election Day" from undocumented immigrants. "We have some very bad people, some sick people, radical left lunatics. … And it should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military."

On Monday, Virginia's Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin attempted to rewrite Trump's comments as concerns about immigration, telling CNN's Jake Tapper that what the former president was talking about was the "people coming over the border," and that Tapper was "misrepresenting and misinterpreting" Trump's comments.



Trump Claims ‘Peaceful Transfer Of Power’ After 2020—And Fuels Conspiracies About Jan. 6​

Former President Donald Trump claimed there was a “peaceful transfer of power” after he lost the 2020 election—despite his supporters storming the Capitol on Jan. 6 and his indictments for his role trying to overturn the election—and claimed economists critical about his plans are “wrong about everything,” in a contentious Tuesday interview.



Trump Wants Military Control Of Elections for... "Safety'​

Donald Trump has a plan to 'win' the 2024, with a little help from the Supreme Court and the US military.

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