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Kamala worked at McD's in her dreams...

Donald Trump makes a campaign stop to McDonald’s in Feasterville, Pennsylvania.

Trump has gone back to the policy focus that launched him into the presidency in 2016 by placing immigration at the heart of his 2024 campaign, a strategy he hopes will help him secure a lead over Democratic rival Kamala Harris in the run-up to next month’s election.

Que Mala worked at McDonalds as well but out in the parking lot as a service rep for truckers.

YES ‼️ Amish Go All In For Donald Trump

Democrats made a HUGE mistake raiding Amos Miller Organic Milk Farm

“What are the values that Trump has, that the Amish community identifies with?”

“We're pro life. We're pro freedom — To be over regulated is just nuts.”

“I mean, you go back in the history of George Washington and through the different presidencies and the bill of rights, all those were based on freedom. They weren't based on overregulation.”

“Our values, conservative values, and the Amish values line up very close. We don't agree on everything, but we agree on most things. The liberal values are absolutely crazy”
Looks like it's time to pay the price for lying about innocent people, he had no proof that they did anything wrong and ruined their lives. It's one thing to accuse someone of something, but you need proof. These two women were just trying to make an honest buck. What he did wasn't just wrong. It was immoral.

Judge gives control of Giuliani assets to Georgia poll workers he defamed​

A federal judge has ordered Rudy Giuliani to place numerous assets, including cash, jewelry and his New York apartment, into a receivership controlled by two former Georgia election workers as they seek to collect a $148 million defamation claim against the former lawyer for Donald Trump.

The 24-page ruling issued Tuesday orders Giuliani, a former mayor of New York City, to place the assets into a receivership within seven days. But U.S. District Court Judge Lewis J. Liman of New York ordered the “immediate turnover” of Giuliani’s apartment on the Upper East Side, which is already for sale.

Liman also orders Giuliani to take legal steps that would allow the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, to seek an estimated $2 million in legal fees that Giuliani has said he is owed by Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee for his work leading Trump’s post-2020 election legal challenges.

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Looks like it's time to pay the price for lying about innocent people, he had no proof that they did anything wrong and ruined their lives. It's one thing to accuse someone of something, but you need proof. These two women were just trying t make an honest buck. What he did wasn't just wrong. It was immoral.

Judge gives control of Giuliani assets to Georgia poll workers he defamed​

A federal judge has ordered Rudy Giuliani to place numerous assets, including cash, jewelry and his New York apartment, into a receivership controlled by two former Georgia election workers as they seek to collect a $148 million defamation claim against the former lawyer for Donald Trump.

The 24-page ruling issued Tuesday orders Giuliani, a former mayor of New York City, to place the assets into a receivership within seven days. But U.S. District Court Judge Lewis J. Liman of New York ordered the “immediate turnover” of Giuliani’s apartment on the Upper East Side, which is already for sale.

Liman also orders Giuliani to take legal steps that would allow the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, to seek an estimated $2 million in legal fees that Giuliani has said he is owed by Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee for his work leading Trump’s post-2020 election legal challenges.

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So 2 election workers were defamed by him and to make them whole they need 150 million? That settlement doesn't even make sense. What were these poll workers regular jobs paying?
What were these poll workers regular jobs paying?

I don't know the answer to your question. That said, imagine it was you or someone you cared about. Imagine your life being threatened and people watching your every move. Imagine the cops arresting you for something you didn't do. Imagine the same thing happening to your daughter. What type of retribution would you want?

I have been accused of shit I didn't do. Fortunately, I was able to prove my innocence. Had I have not been able to do that I could have gone to jail for something I didn't do. I got nothing except my freedom.

In my opinion anyone who falsely accuses another person of something they didn't do should lose everything they have and suffer the same fate the person they falsely accused could have suffered.

Stuff like this makes me wonder how many other people Giuliani lied about.

Different circumstances. One person spent 20 years of his life in prison the others had things sad about them that they claim were untrue. (I haven't followed the case so no idea what it's all about but I suspect election integrity)
So should the media be held accountable and pay billions to Trump for all the false allegations? Should the federal government pay billions to Trump for the false prosecutions?
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