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Upped their game even more this year.... Pretty sure like 127% was the highest in 2020. So really there was a R wave, it just required more Dominion added votes.
I said to the Poll Workers "I'm glad we went back to the paper ballots, but that does not mean I trust the (electronic) Tabulator".
Ummm yea, does anyone want to tell these idiots that loan forgiveness doesn't Actually send them any money? A portion of their debt just gets wiped out and some bank receives 10k. Dummies.
We are writing here about people who borrowed money to go on spring vaca in Cancun. Don't look for intelligence here.
"Enraged" yeah that's it...

MAGA World Enraged After Republican VA Lt. Gov. Dumps Trump​


The MAGA world has erupted in outrage after Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears denounced former President Donald Trump following underwhelming GOP midterm performances.

Sears, a Republican who in 2020 served as national chair of the group Black Americans to Re-Elect President Trump, said during a Fox Business interview on Thursday that she will not back the former president if he follows through with his expected announcement to run for president in 2024. Sears called Trump "a liability" for Republicans and urged him to "step off the stage" before doing more damage in the next election.

"The voters have spoken and they have said that they want a different leader," said Sears. "And a true leader understands, when they have become a liability, a true leader understands that it's time to step off the stage. And the voters have given us that very clear message."

Composite Headshots, Sears and Trump

That is one small Jersey Cow.
Highest butterfat count of any cattle breed. Their milk and cream make great ice cream.
Many states screwed up creating laws to enforce homogenization / No Raw Milk products.

we are seriously looking at buying a couple of Jersey Miniature milk cows as part of our prep plan
It appears another election was stolen and we can't do a damn thing about it.

wait wait!…..

cant we call our senators , write a scathing letter to the editor of our local newspaper , picket the state capitol on our days off work , or attend a local caucus?…

we have to do something!

( me , i am gonna smoke a big fat hooter and enjoy the day)

beware the paper rigging. in houston (harris county) - a couple of dozen polling locations ran out/were refused paper. the great majority of these polling locations were in repug strongholds. they stole a lot of elections in houston using this method

one election judge on radio -- last election we got two boxes of paper. this time we got one. we started calling for more paper ballots early in the voting day and the calls/pleas were ignored

the soros county judge, commissioners, judges will be returning to their jobs despite houston/harris being a total dumpster fire with detroit level crime and corruption


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It seems the situation in Brazil has gotten Elon’s attention. This is a pretty incredible timeline.

They won't allow control of the country to the people. That much is clear. They don't give a shit what method they use. It is obvious to all but the blind deaf and dumb.
Found on another site. IMO..............worth a read.

Election: The Aftermath

If there's one take-away from the results of 2022's war (politics, at least thus far) is this: Trump is a crappy General and if he's not ditched 2024 is doomed.

Of course anyone with a brain knew this after 2020; the man was a gutless bully which also was obvious to anyone who had one bit of common sense well back to 2016, but then again neither the media or anyone else in the political punditry wanted to either admit or discuss it.

January 6th was the culmination of man without a sack from top to bottom, and yet still a huge part of the population continued to buy kneepads, to the point that there was a severe shortage of them for those who wanted them for mundane reasons -- like work in their attic or replacing their roof.

Yet two years after that fiasco -- a man who maintained he was cheated yet lacked the sack to arm up and go prove it, yet claimed to be "the guy" who should sit in the left seat with his finger on the button of nuclear holocaust for the world, a good part of the GOP voter base still bought his obese, germophobic BS.

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 has now come gone. We'll see if that fantasy has finally been broken.

Read the rest here:

In this short video (4mins 41 secs) Lindsey Graham goes nuts, begs for bucks, claims Herschel Walker is heaven sent and looks like a loon. View it for entertainment...........nothing more.

Lindsey Graham LOSES IT, CRIES and BEGS for help on Fox News​

After a horrific performance for Republicans in the midterms, Lindsey Graham took to Fox News and cried and begged voters to donate to Republican Herschel Walker to help him in his runoff election. Meidas Contributor Coach D has some thoughts.
For the first time, MIAMI went R.
Florida was one of the few states to enact MEANINGFUL election reform.

The rest of the nation, is seeing an election stolen.

And that translates to Florida. Now it's in the sights of the Gates Foundation and the mutherWEFfers.

Expect grotesque changes forced upon the state, in the next two to four years. New Communist prosecutors; another Leftist governor...maybe a framing of DeSantis and an Impeachment or recall.

For the rest of us...I don't know. I'm not a big Name-Brand party partisan; but this was Good, or Mediocre, versus Demented Evil. And Evil won.

Listening to Tom Luongo this morning on my power-walk...he holds, correctly IMHO, that human nature will not be denied. We can pretend to an artificial reality for a short time - just as a child can pretend to be a fish for about a minute. But that pretension dissolves.

What Luongo asserts, is that how LONG the control-freak oligarchs keep control, is what determines how long the recovery is. The example he trots out, is the Dark Ages. Roman crypto-feudal oligarch-nobility, kept the peasants down for so many generations, they forgot the human essential quality of creativity. While Rome ran headlong into collapse, and suddenly there were no more bread and circuses to sustain the serfs.

It took them FOUR HUNDRED YEARS to rediscover the habits of industrious creativity, coupled to a re-valuing of all human life...the lives of their children, neighbors, and strangers. THAT was why it took this long for a vibrant world to reassert, posits Luongo.

Makes sense to me. Trouble is, I don't have four hundred years. Russia, after the fall of the Soviet Union, only took ten years to rediscover how to live like civilized people. THAT, I might have. Maybe.

Even that is a waste. But then, this stage was set long before I was made aware. In fact, nothing has changed, except for my reading of the situation. But I'm not liking what I read, at this point.
austin notices the stolen houston elections that i've been posting about on this thread. gov abbott putting out all-call

"I'm calling on the Secretary of State, the Attorney General's Office, and the Texas Rangers to initiate investigations into allegations of improprieties in the way that the 2022 elections were conducted in Harris County," said Governor Abbott.

"The allegations of election improprieties in our state's largest county may result from anything ranging from malfeasance to blatant criminal conduct. Voters in Harris County deserve to know what happened. Integrity in the election process is essential. To achieve that standard, a thorough investigation is warranted."
"The allegations of election improprieties in our state's largest county may result from anything ranging from malfeasance to blatant criminal conduct."

Wow! I would have expected Abbot (or his office) to say from incompetence to criminal conduct. They are publicly discounting the possibility of innocence. That's some strong language.
yet claimed to be "the guy" who should sit in the left seat with his finger on the button of nuclear holocaust for the world,
So instead they want us to support the guy doing everything he can to bring us closer to point of actually having to use them?

Trump was the only guy to do things in such a way to lead us to less war. Can't have that, now can we?

Wow! I would have expected Abbot (or his office) to say from incompetence to criminal conduct. They are publicly discounting the possibility of innocence. That's some strong language.
About f'in' time.

Stern words do not equal action.
Stern words should come before the equal action. You don't jump from zero to full blast.

America Said No to Election Denialism​

Jeremy Stahl - 2h ago

On Monday night, NBC News called the Arizona gubernatorial election for Democrat Katie Hobbs over Republican Kari Lake. It resolved the last big outstanding statewide race of the 2022 cycle to be called besides the Georgia Senate election that will be decided in a runoff vote next month.

In the lead up to the midterms, Lake, a former TV news anchor who issued bombastic threats to the news media and was a lead cheerleader of Donald Trump’s big lie, had been billed as a future MAGA star. The Atlantic’s Elaine Godfrey described her as Trumpism’s “leading lady” and “the new face of the MAGA movement.” Then, as votes were being counted this past week, Lake’s ridiculous pivoting—between election denialism when she was trailing and accepting the results as fair when she was ahead—was so ostentatious that a parody of it was the highlight in SNL’s cold open on Saturday.

Continues here:
The dems are working overtime on that Q stuff this week. Isn't there a separate place for that stupid stuff or is every thread here going to be infested with Q Tard BS?
LOL - first Q post I've made.

All you need to do is read each question and try to guess the answer. While you are at it... consider how they apply to today... in the future.

IF you get flummoxed you can go to the link and the best guess answers are there on post 153.

This particular post is from Nov 14, 2017, to give you an idea of how long Q has lived in the heads of the D's (and others who seem to dismiss it as a fantasy) yet, oddly it still is everywhere.

Did you ever wonder why the deep state is so eager to denounce Q as a conspiracy? You should.

It's only logical. Why else would they spend one iota disclaiming Q?

Apparently, the Q posts are such a threat to their existence they had to pull out ALL the stops. Or haven't you noticed?

"Future proves past." Q
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