A feature of various end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging apps and other non E2EE social media messaging are disappearing messages, which automatically delete after a set period of time. This feature may be useful for general privacy within your extended network, high-risk users, and preemptively clearing side conversations easily within linear chats. However, different messaging apps handle deleted and disappearing messages a little differently, in particular when it comes to quoted messages, chat backups, and screenshot notifications. It’s important to note that this isn’t a vulnerability in the software, but it could cause someone to change their threat model—the way that they think about protecting their data and privacy. Below, we note the variance that exists between different apps.

How Do Different Encrypted Messaging Apps Treat Deleted Messages?
A feature of various end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging apps and other non E2EE social media messaging are disappearing messages, which automatically delete after a set period of time. This feature may be useful for general privacy within your extended network, high-risk users, and...