FCC to police newsrooms

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"Ajit Pai, a commissioner with the Federal Communications Commission, warned this week in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that a plan to dispatch researchers into radio, television and even newspaper newsrooms called the "Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs" is still going forward, despite the grave danger it presented to the First Amendment.

Pai warned that under the rationale of increasing minority representation in newsrooms, the FCC, which has the power to issue or not issue broadcasting licenses, would dispatch its "researchers" to newsrooms across America to seek their "voluntary" compliance about how news stories are decided, as well as "wade into office politics" looking for angry reporters whose story ideas were rejected as evidence of a shutout of minority views."
Saw this on the news this morning. Maybe, just MAYBE the lame stream media will actually see what they've created and realize that some day another party will occupy the white house and how will they like getting treated like some journalists now who aren't fawning over barry's every word. Sad fact is things will have to get worse, a lot worse before they start getting better. Funny thing is yesterday when I was thinking about the way most gun owners are portrayed and treated now, that maybe they will start requiring us to wear a modern version of a yellow star of david on our clothes. People always say stuff like "Oh it's nothing like nazi germany, there were death camps!" Well they didn't start out on day one with death camps, which I know most people here understand, but most sheeple in this country don't understand that they just chip away here and there, then a nice chunk now and then, the next thing you know most of your rights and freedoms are gone.
Saw this on the news this morning. Maybe, just MAYBE the lame stream media will actually see what they've created and realize that some day another party will occupy the white house and how will they like getting treated like some journalists now who aren't fawning over barry's every word.

History says that they will NOT wake up until AFTER it is TOO LATE to do anything about it.
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