fetterman for the win

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Couldn't read the whole thread but will comment on what I did read.

I'm willing to give him a pass on that, as no man is perfect.
....but keep in mind, even in that clip he did not espouse that anyone would have to take it.

Trump may not be perfect, as no man is, but I still see his policies as having been better for our nation than those of any other potus in my lifetime.
Certainly better than those of the bidet.
My memory Trump forces Insulin price reductions, at the end of a on the fly interview he says "if I go missing you know who did it Big Pharma" or words to that effect.
Followed by "I might disappear for a time"....
Takes credit for warp speed and promotes other treatments, always promoting himself and attacking china.
Election is stolen.
Tries to maintain backing with public. Everything is always about Trump. Nothing can be done without Trump.
Guy in FLA becomes popular not only there, but nationwide for not just talk, but concrete, effective actions at the heart of what the public is worried about.

Trump attacks him twice just before Election Day.

Trump was a tool. By 2024 if there is an Election Day, the people need a new candidate, not some old entangled conman aka PT Barnum.

His talk was great, his actions not so much. How old is Trump now? He will be 78 by 2024 I guess.
Let's allow orangeman to retire to the golf course.

All about The Donald's tremendous ego. Guy is too old anyway no Repubs in their 50's worth a damn. Really? Might not matter after two more years of The Resident in Chief.
All about The Donald's tremendous ego. Guy is too old anyway no Repubs in their 50's worth a damn. Really? Might not matter after two more years of The Resident in Chief.
Thanks. I thought I was craaaaazzzyyyy but I''m not stupppppid. At least there are two of us.
If a person cannot make their minds up in 15 weeks then they should never play poker for money, drive a car, or paint a picture. Driving a car calls for decision making sometimes in a matter of seconds, painting a picture means determining color selection in a moment. There are many life changing decisions that we are called on way less than 15 weeks. Let's learn to use our brains effectively.
If a person cannot make their minds up in 15 weeks then they should never play poker for money, drive a car, or paint a picture.
The pro-abortionists can't even explain what they think an acceptable time limit should be.

Which implies that they want no limits on abortion at all.
....and no limits at all, by definition, would mean right up to the moment of natural delivery.

Edited to add:....and I ask that question of every pro-abortionist I can. Not one of them will answer. They just go quiet, but only after expressing indignation at the recent SC ruling. They got lots to say about that. Yet can't seem to just say what the time limit should be.
It is though they have not yet been informed of what their answer should be. All they know for sure, is that they have been told to be outraged about the ruling. So they are.

I think the term NPC describes them well.
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Viking talked about it (Roe) belonging to the states. Understand that. But there were states chomping at the bit for the supremes to overturn Roe so they could enact their draconian laws. Had the supremes simply let Roe stand the way it was we wouldn't be having this chat.
Abortion is not a "RIGHT" and the states that were chomping at the bit just wanted their own laws. The feds have no right to interfer in how or what laws each of the states want to enact that was the whole point of different states if you don't like the laws in one state find a state that has laws that you approve of.
I just find it hard to believe that people who believe that having a Right to abortion is the absolute most important thing to them, also have no opinion on what an acceptable amount of time to have one, would be.
They want it to be whenever they want at their convenience
Couldn't read the whole thread but will comment on what I did read.

My memory Trump forces Insulin price reductions, at the end of a on the fly interview he says "if I go missing you know who did it Big Pharma" or words to that effect.
Followed by "I might disappear for a time"....
Takes credit for warp speed and promotes other treatments, always promoting himself and attacking china.
Election is stolen.
Tries to maintain backing with public. Everything is always about Trump. Nothing can be done without Trump.
Guy in FLA becomes popular not only there, but nationwide for not just talk, but concrete, effective actions at the heart of what the public is worried about.

Trump attacks him twice just before Election Day.

Trump was a tool. By 2024 if there is an Election Day, the people need a new candidate, not some old entangled conman aka PT Barnum.

His talk was great, his actions not so much. How old is Trump now? He will be 78 by 2024 I guess.
Let's allow orangeman to retire to the golf course.

You fail to realized Trump had little to ZERO influence of Congress for his first two years in office where TWO BUTT-Hurts ran the show. Butt-Hurt Ryan literally got his potus dreams dashed during the GOP debates, and even more so when his District DID NOT Re-elect him. He was made Speaker of the House to keep GOP control. He sabotaged all Trump's plans at the HOUSE level.
Butt-Hurt Mitch "The Corporate Bitch" McConnell does not like the new brand of GOP TRUMP and MAGA was offering "We the People". He was losing his "Begging for Bucks Influence" from his big contributors, and the new crop of GOP were listening to TRUMP more so than "The Bitch". So The bitch slow-walked and/or ignored many of TRUMPS Planks for the GOP direction.
We the People ELECTED a POTUS in TRUMP.
The BALLOTS ELECTED a DICTATOR in BIDET, and the Leftist Congress.
I think the term NPC describes them well.

For anyone who may not know.


A play on video games "non-player character" mixed with a play on The Simulation Hypothesis.

An NPC is seemingly a human that is unable to think objectively.

We exist in a simulated reality and some humans take on the role of NPCs, spouting "opinions" they are programmed to spout and repeating in a cult-like manner.

Liberal: (Yelling) Fuck Trump! Ban guns!
Conservative: (Yelling) Fuck Hillary! Ban immigrants!

Friend: Bro, I'm sick of all these people just repeating shit...
Me: Its hard to move forward with all these NPCs.

by shimokuma July 3, 2018

For anyone who may not know.
I'm pretty sure everyone reading already knew what it meant.
....but what would you call someone who comes across as having strong opinions on a subject and claiming the moral highground, yet cannot define exactly what their position on the issue even is?

Compromise is impossible if one side refuses to define exactly what it is that they want. All they say is that they want more, without ever saying exactly how much more.

On this issue, abortion, they fight and scream for more than a 15 week limit, yet cannot say what they think the limit should be.
Edited to add: imho, that sounds a lot like how an npc would think. It hasn't been told what it should think about that part of it yet.
I am at the point now that I believe that the guy in VA is a Trojan horse for sure.
I believe that DeSeantis could POSSIBLY be a Trojan horse.
I believe that Trump has served his purpose. Either he is compromised, if not, he has a proven track record of not harming a hair on a Democrats head while in office, and making the worst staff picks in POTUS history. Plus I don't like the "family" people he surrounds himself with. Even if we face a potential "almost normal" next election, Trump will make the same mistakes as before, Congress with him or not. Nice he does the rallies, that is helpful.

I believe Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy are conspiring to cock block the House for two years.
I believe Mitch McConnell, Romney, Graham, Mursowski etc are conspiring to cock block the Senate for two years.

Whatever the puppet master has in mind for the next two years will pass if they have their way.

Nobody is coming to save us.
I'm pretty sure everyone reading already knew what it meant.
....but what would you call someone who comes across as having strong opinions on a subject and claiming the moral highground, yet cannot define exactly what their position on the issue even is?

Compromise is impossible if one side refuses to define exactly what it is that they want. All they say is that they want more, without ever saying exactly how much more.

On this issue, abortion, they fight and scream for more than a 15 week limit, yet cannot say what they think the limit should be.
Edited to add: imho, that sounds a lot like how an npc would think. It hasn't been told what it should think about that part of it yet.
We are dealing with women of the reproduction kind. They want an "out" even if they never use it. They all know of people who had their lives changed by impregnation, they want the "option".

I'm cool with keeping it legal but extremely rare, and early.

I temper this with the fact that there is a morning after pill, which I have no problem with. A smart woman who made a "mistake" in a one night stand can eliminate the possible result before it takes seed so to speak.
I'm cool with keeping it legal but extremely rare, and early.
To do that requires compromise, but they won't say exactly what they want, so compromise can never be reached.
Apparently they just wanna fight, regardless of where any limits might be sat.

I temper this with the fact that there is a morning after pill, which I have no problem with. A smart woman who made a "mistake" in a one night stand can eliminate the possible result before it takes seed so to speak.
I don't understand why they can't be happy with that.
With that pill, they could f' 24/7/365 and the need for actual abortion would would become a moot point.
....but what would you call someone who comes across as having strong opinions on a subject and claiming the moral highground, yet cannot define exactly what their position on the issue even is?

I'm a live and let live searcher. I actually try not to judge others simply because they have an opinion I may not agree with. We're all human with human frailties.

Me? I simply made a prediction as to 4 people I thought would win in PA (they did.) I also gave one of the reasons I thought they would win. Pretty sure I hit the nail on the head with that. There are other reasons why people voted for them but the one I mentioned was a major one, especially with certain women voters. My thoughts on abortion end at the results of the election. I simply understood how their decision would play out on the election.


Abortion is not a "RIGHT" and the states that were chomping at the bit just wanted their own laws. The feds have no right to interfer in how or what laws each of the states want to enact that was the whole point of different states if you don't like the laws in one state find a state that has laws that you approve of.

I kinda agree except for the "finding a state part." There are elections and people can vote to show how they feel about different laws. Could be wrong but I think that's what may have happened this time.
I'm a live and let live searcher. I actually try not to judge others simply because they have an opinion I may not agree with. We're all human with human frailties.
That's all fine and dandy, but I just find it incredible that people with such strong opinions on it that it becomes more important than anything else in their lives, cannot say exactly what the limits on abortion should be.
....and I responded to you in the way I have because you said that you have spoken at length with many women about this issue. It seems odd that what the limit should be, never came up in your conversations.

How can one know what they have is wrong, without also knowing what it should be?

At that point, I'd think I was talking with an npc that has not yet been told (programmed) what to think.
That's all fine and dandy, but I just find it incredible that people with such strong opinions on it that it becomes more important than anything else in their lives, cannot say exactly what the limits on abortion should be.
....and I responded to you in the way I have because you said that you have spoken at length with many women about this issue. It seems odd that what the limit should be, never came up in your conversations.

How can one know what they have is wrong, without also knowing what it should be?

At that point, I'd think I was talking with an npc that has not yet been told (programmed) what to think.

Gringott says it all:

We are dealing with women of the reproduction kind. They want an "out" even if they never use it. They all know of people who had their lives changed by impregnation, they want the "option".

Really nothing to do with any time limit. Just the option of an "out" if they need it. Nothing more.
Really nothing to do with any time limit. Just the option of an "out" if they need it. Nothing more.
Then apparently they were too stupid to realize they already had that "out" for almost 50 years now.
Then apparently they were too stupid to realize they already had that "out" for almost 50 years now.
Joe, they don't want to lose it.
Ever had drunken sex with somebody you would rather not see for the next 18 years or more?
Raise a kid that reminds you of your mistake 24/7 forever?

I suspect that is why women vote to keep it. Just in case. Like I got a rifle. Just in case.
Joe, they don't want to lose it.
Then they shouldn't have taken the gamble of challenging what they already had, in court.

They weren't happy with Mississippi's 15 week limit, decided to fight for more, and ended up losing.
Now they want to pitch a bitch that they didn't get their way?

They coulda been happy that they were able to kill their babies at all, but no, that wasn't good enough for 'em.
....and now I get to laugh at their stupidity. Lol
Joe, I was addressing what I think is a common concern of the everyday female. Activists and politicians are another ball of wax.
Joe, I was addressing what I think is a common concern of the everyday female. Activists and politicians are another ball of wax.
Those activists are acting on those women's behalf. Why didn't the women tell them to not challenge it?

The way I see it, when you take something to court, you agree to let the court (or jury) decide your fate in the matter.

They made a choice, and lost. Now they want to throw a tantrum because they did not get their way? To that, I say tough titties.
....because that is what they said to their opponents for the past 49 years.

They coulda been happy with what they had, but instead reached for the golden ring and ended up falling off the merrigoround. That was pretty sTuPiD of 'em, if you ask me.

Especially considering the make up of the court they insisted on taking it to.

They made their bed, now they should stfu and lay down in it.
Last I saw, she was losing.
....and with a name like murcowski, I'd have thought you'd like her. MurCOWski? MooOOOooo!
Pretty sure I dislike as many Poles as I do all other race / ethnic / religious groups, about 90% on average.

I don't discriminate, most people are asshoe.

Those activists are acting on those women's behalf. Why didn't the women tell them to not challenge it?

The way I see it, when you take something to court, you agree to let the court (or jury) decide your fate in the matter.

They made a choice, and lost. Now they want to throw a tantrum because they did not get their way? To that, I say tough titties.
....because that is what they said to their opponents for the past 49 years.

They coulda been happy with what they had, but instead reached for the golden ring and ended up falling off the merrigoround. That was pretty sTuPiD of 'em, if you ask me.

Especially considering the make up of the court they insisted on taking it to.

They made their bed, now they should stfu and lay down in it.
Joe, no offense but isn't what you said a bit silly?

I am a member of what would be called the "PRO LIFE" segment of society, but I certainly can't and don't have any effect on what the self-appointed leaders do or say.

Think about it for a second.
Joe, no offense but isn't what you said a bit silly?
No, not really because that is what happened. They had the Right to abortion, but that wasn't good enough for 'em.

am a member of what would be called the "PRO LIFE" segment of society, but I certainly can't and don't have any effect on what the self-appointed leaders do or say.

Think about it for a second.
Who do think leads the charge for the pro-abortion side? Mostly the feminists, most of whom are women.
The weren't satisfied with what they had, and fought for more.

It's just like the gun grabber idiots. They'll never be happy that they got the last law enacted that restricts guns. They always want more.
Abortionists are the same way. Never happy. Always want more. They love it when they get their way.
....but when they push for more and lose, they cry foul.

Had they not gotten so extreme in their quest for unlimited abortions, they would not have gotten so much push-back on it.
....and had they not gotten so much push-back, there would not have been the need to attempt to use the courts to fight that push-back.

They did it to themselves.
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