Finland & Sweden Join NATO

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Seems that both Sweden and Finland take civil defense seriously. You can read their recent crisis guide here:

and here:


Finland Crafting Whole-of-Government Defense Posture​

December 4, 2024 4:16 PM

From its military draft and 300,000-member reserve force to building bomb shelters in its cities to protect civilians, Finland maintains a whole-of-government approach to defense, the former foreign minister who helped negotiate Helsinki’s entrance into NATO said Wednesday.

“We need to protect ourselves,” Pekka Haavisto, who served as the foreign minister from 2019 to 2023 and as a member of parliament, said at a Wilson Center event. He pointed to Finland spending 2.4 percent of its gross domestic product on defense. That percentage needs to increase as security threats in Europe and the Arctic change. “That’s our message [along with France] to other European countries” in the alliance and European Union.

In April, French President Emanuel Macron proposed a European defense initiative to defend the continent with its own nations’ defense capabilities through a “common security framework.”


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