For Liberty

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Big Eyed Bug
GIM2 Refugee
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A blast from the past... but the words of Ron Paul ring true still today.

(you may have to pull the slider thing back to the 0:00 mark if this doesn't start at the beginning)

For Liberty Re-cut (1:04:01)​

Published on Jul 14, 2011 by crye55​

(this is the shorter version; the full version is no longer public on YouTube)
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I had the distinct privilege of voting for Mr. Paul twice in one (primary) election (legally). I was in his Congressional district and he was on the ballot for both his House seat and for POTUS.
Looking back, I wonder about the effects of the Dominion Voting System even back then. The uniparty came out strong against Dr. Paul. Kinda like a road map/ outline for how Trump was treated only it was amped up for President Trump.
The video has a Q-esque ring to it. This is bigger than you can imagine.

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