Fox News, Newsmax, OAN defamation lawsuits (Dominion, Smartmatic, etc.)

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That may work in the sticks but what about heavily populated areas?
It'd work the same way. Everything divided into the same size precincts no matter whether rural or urban.

That way you have the same number of voters for all polling locations, and all polling locations are local to where those people live.
....and be manned by some of those same local people.

Where I'm at its electronic.
Aren't all dem strongholds that way?

There are a lot of polling places, and I cannot recall any problems.
Of course not. After all, as long as ones side is always the winner, one would never notice any problems.

If Philly went red in the last election, would you still see everything that way? Or might you have thought shenanigans could be afoot?
Aren't all dem strongholds that way?

I live in a Philly suburb. It's a Republican stronghold and I've voted for repubs here for quite some time. They have helped a lot of people, done a lot of good for the township and I know a lot of them personally. When it comes to elections I vote for individuals, not parties.
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