Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses in Baltimore after ship strike

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Maryland to get insurance payout from Key Bridge collapse​

Jul 25, 2024

Maryland to get insurance payout from Key Bridge collapse


Updates on MV Dali | Offload of Containers in Norfolk | Crew | Repairs | Liability for Damage​

Aug 18, 2024 #supplychain #dali #baltimorebridge

In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - provides an update on MV Dali after its allision with the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on March 26, 2024, regarding its offload, repair, crew repatriation, and liability for damages.


- Marine Traffic

- After months stuck on the Dali, most crew members will finally leave the ship as the damaged vessel is set to leave Baltimore

- New Bill Seeks to Hold Foreign Shipowners Accountable for Maritime Accidents

- 46 U.S. Code § 30523 - General limit of liability

- Garamendi, Johnson Introduce Bill to Hold Foreign Vessel Owner Accountable for Baltimore Bridge Collapse

- Major (re)insurers and P&I club on hook for Baltimore bridge disaster

- Lloyd’s of London Sees Baltimore Bridge Claims in Billions

- 2024/25 Pool and GXL Reinsurance contract structure
They’ve had six months ……….
Why not wait till the Dali has sailed to China and then announce testing and inspection 🙈
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