GIM2 refugees

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What ever happened to Buck?
I seem to remember, nine months ago as we moved over here...he had said, in passing, he was gonna be on less.

For whatever reason. Shifting focus? Putting things in order in real time, for what we all know is coming?

It happens. I was at other-focused boards before I came here, and I'll probably move on, at some point. Maybe because I choose not to pay for the jacked-up cost of Internet connection...seeing as how it's moved from communications and entertainment, to propaganda and surveillance.
Humm, I have enjoyed reading this thread, brought back memories. Memories of that super fast confoun-dent computer I had, had till it fried its self into a mass of discombobulated parts.

After I sent it to the lab and they sent it back as "we don't know?" Why I made parts of it. And, that my friends is why I diss-o-peer-ed. Well at least I have this phone....and, I hate it.

Butt all in all I've enjoyed this thread with its rants, and bitch'n....
Hey Mike.........just for entertainment here's a link to some ranting & bitching by hypertiger. It's funny but a bit insane.

No! Not super kittie!
Dag-nab-it search. U know, long time, ago i mean way back in my tequila teens or my early whiskey 20's I ran across a little black book. A little black book about corporate members who dressed up in robes and they did circles and about the time they did the "hokey-pokey" I closed the book and beered it out of my brain.
And, and that's what I think about 3° and 33° .
You know? I din't even finish that hokie-pokie book. Never even crossed my mind to think about it till I read ur link.
I wish I could provide more info but I can't.

"We lost TnAndy due to a chronic lung issue, he was like a father, brother, and best friend rolled into one for me. He was my high school Building Trades teacher and we remained close for the last 40 years. We all lost a vast array of knowledge when he passed away, not mention a loyal friend."

Found here:

I wish I could provide more info but I can't.

"We lost TnAndy due to a chronic lung issue, he was like a father, brother, and best friend rolled into one for me. He was my high school Building Trades teacher and we remained close for the last 40 years. We all lost a vast array of knowledge when he passed away, not mention a loyal friend."

Found here:

Wow! RIP TnAndy!

I didn't know him that well, but we chatted a bunch.

Sent him some of my Irish CD's. I didn't know he wasn't in good health. Lost touch after GIM2 went south.

One of the things I miss most about GIM2 is the relationships we had. Frank screwed that all up.
When I joined GIM2, a lot of why my handle is what it is, was based on TnAndy's recommendation of the Glock19 as a reliable weapon.
His skills as a all round handyman/homesteader, early solar adapter were always good reading.
I think he got weary of politics after being so heavily invested in Ron Paul's presidential run.
I really wish I could remember the guy.

I'm sure we probably had good interactions, but I don't remember them now.'s sad to see any of us, go the way that we all will have to go, eventually.
I really wish I could remember the guy.

Posted a lot of homesteading / prepper type stuff. Also helped start Survival Monkey with Melbo. Here's some of his stuff.




Edit to add:

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The kitty lives.

I don't think I interacted with TNAndy much but do remember him being a wealth of knowledge. As I get older, I find myself longing for the good old days and the friends "met" along the way on GIM1 and GIM2. I will say that collectively both of those, GIM3, and this forum have changed my life for the better.
Yes. In spite of the titles of these forums, I was already on the right path, as they say. I have to thank Unca Walt for that - for stuff he told me 20 years earlier, that I didn't accept or reject. Mind-shifts take time.

But I'm here, now - and that includes the other site as well - mostly as pressure relief. I came back as a GIM refugee, to GIM2, after forty years in the desert (eight, actually) looking for non-lethal ways to deal with The Coof. I got them aplenty - and again, another mind-shift. We need new conspiracy theories, now that all the old ones are proven as facts.

So I'm just hanging out now, watching my Golden Years turn into something a bit darker toned...the stuff you find on a dog-park trail. happens to everyone. The Strauss-Howe Generational Theory holds, and with proof, that the cycle is 80 years. Everyone has to go through it at least once in his lifetime.

My parents were kids. Now it's my turn in the hot seat...unfortunately, as an old duffer.
TNAndy was both ornery and generous. He gave me my only suspension st GIM, and he also sent me 10,000 rounds of .22LR when I was trying to find ammo for a kids summer camp during the shortage. Still have the crate he sent it in. My wife turned it into an outdoor flower planter.
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Thought provoking...

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