Greece: Are we on like donkey-kong?

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So now Tsipras is now doing his best J. Bruce Ismay impression. Meanwhile the band still plays on.
Tsipras is to step down and the left side of his party will form their own coalition, try and get a majority, then we'll have the farce of "elections" again. We'll see what happens, but I don't expect anything other than status quo.
It will be interesting to see how all the people fleeing from syria/irag will effect greece and the EU in general. Finally people on the news are saying what I've been saying for weeks now that they noticed nearly 80% of those fleeing are men of fighting age and why aren't they fighting. Today they showed that they were capable of fighting when they were clashing with border guards. They of course know those countries won't decapitate them or light them on fire if they are caught/arrested so that apparently makes them much braver. At least they left all the weapons and equipment we sent them behind for isis to use.

It will be interesting to see how many of them are ISIS.
I don't know why Europe isn't mobilizing to stop this insanity. They have to know that these bastards are Isis in massive numbers. They are all but saying so and the media is being complicit in hiding it. I've seen pictures of "migrants" flipping the finger at cameras and shouting allahu Akbar as they storm the border. Those who denounce the flood of islamists are denounced as racists. I say they are diluting Europe to the point that soon there will no longer be a Europe, just a big soup bowl of black haired muslim scum, rapist assholes.

Anyway, am I the only one who notices that they are largely ignoring Greece? Yup, Greece doesn't seem to have too much of a muslim immigrant/migrant/invader problem these days.
Why would anyone want to go to Greece right now? The economy there can't even support the local population.
The point is it is a gateway country. Once there, they can get papers. Once they have papers, they are free to travel anywhere they wish. Most of them want to go to Germany, France or England. England has by far the best and most generous welfare benefits. If one plans it out right, they can live quite well off the government tit.
Why isn't saudi arabia taking any? Why aren't they just staying in turkey to begin with for that matter, funny how none of these countries want to just let them take over their country and aren't being called racists like those in the U.S. who want our borders secure. Funny when the shoe is on the other foot isn't it, especially if it's one of those shoe bombs.
I've seen articles and pictures showing a huge town of temporary air conditioned tents capable of housing a million "migrants" that is standing completely empty. Why? because these animals know that Saudi Arabia has no intentions of allowing them to act like the animals they will act like when they get in to Europe. They will be held to a set of standards that they do not want to be held to.

If Obongo allows this trash to come here it will only cement my picture of him as a traitor.

What starts in Greece affects the world. [/parody of University of Texas marketing slogan]

Private property laws/ideals are intregally linked to liberty. This is just another facet of the same civil asset forfeiture coin
I posted a little bit about Greece and the Troika in the Euro reality check thread in late January and early February. Back then it was being reported that June looks to be the point at where Greece is going to need more funding assistance (ie. mo money).

The IMF has been in a contentuous position with Germany over the need to provide Greece some debt relief. Germany apparently isn't budging. Looks like the IMF is starting to ramp up the heat. Someone gave wikileaks a recording of an internal IMF meeting from March 19 discussing the issue. Anticipates Greek Disaster.pdf

Now reported in Bloomberg:

Looks like July is the deadline to watch.
As long as Greece remains in the poo but theres no actual default, nothing will change.
Its more about telegraphing to other failed euro countries that its better to toe the line.

Greece simply cannot be allowed to 'fail' or distance itself from the euro.
its all just cover while real assets get transferred to those who control.

Once the jewels are lost to the Greek people they will be allowed to sort out whats left.

actually whats needed is a rant from Ancona (-:

I just can't get angry enough )-:
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Oh hai! Member Greece?

verb fes·ter
festered; festeringplay \ˈfe-st(ə-)riŋ\

intransitive verb

b : to undergo or exist in a state of progressive deterioration
Just another act in an ongoing drama I reckon.
All part of the need to distract us.

As Ive sometimes said, if its predictable, its manageable.

I guess I could be getting too cynical ..........
I fully expect the IMF to cave again and the bailout game to continue for another round. No one has the balls to stop the freight train so they are just going to keep riding it until it crashes (and then claim no one could have seen that coming).
I reckon Greece could refuse to play along and start creating Euro digits in peoples bank accounts ............

What could the troika actually do, short of shutting down Greek banks or banning em from using the Euro ?

Either way it removes Greece from the Euro group, which apparently is unacceptable....
from ZH -

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Ahhh... diplomacy!

Funny how speaking the plain truth seems so outrageous.

the meme is slowly going mainstream .......

Be interesting to see if Malloch gets the ambassador job as he is a Brexiteer and openly hostile to the EU
Recommended for the job by no less than Nigel Farage according to that daily mail link.

Its all Trumps fault then (-:
Its all Trumps fault then (-:

It occurs to me that Trump really is the ideal chump to be the fall guy for the global political elites should plans they have set in motion over the last few decades really turn to shit.
IMF/troika is squeezing that rock...
So Europe is fixed then ......

If Greece can achieve a higher than required surplus then so can all the other euro peripheral countries.

I begin to think they simply create the narrative they need to cover up the $200 000 printed by the worlds central banks every month.

Germany ( the only objector to printing ) had been worked around !

Trumps new tax regime gonna cost $7T ! and it doesn't matter

Stocks can only go up .......

Reckon on introducing the Quadrillion in a couple of years and it still doesn't matter

WTF will it take for reality to actually be relevant ?
Well, the steps Greece took to achieve their surplus don't appear to be sustainable. It will be interesting to see what the troika and Greek leadership do when the Greek economy finally craters under the weight that's been imposed upon it.
The BBC proclaims that all is well:
Greece has successfully completed a three-year eurozone emergency loan programme worth €61.9bn (£55bn; $70.8bn) to tackle its debt crisis.

But what does "successfully completed" actually mean?

While I get the unemployment #'s are better then they were, still, almost 20% is crazy. I also wonder if they play with the numbers like they did here for barry. Lot's of people gave up looking for work, so weren't counted as unemployed, plus there were many who were underemployed, as they only had a part time job and/or they were working in a job well below their skill/pay grade. How's about you guys "loan" me a few million, knowing you'll never get paid back & once I blow through that, I'm going to demand a few million more or else I'll cause trouble? I can DM you my paypal info!
With respect, they didn't stop fudging numbers after Obama, neither did they start with him.
I am of the mindset that 90% of the information disclosed by ANY government in the US (Fed, state and local) is lies. Just as it is with the MSM, who support the gov's lies with their own. And I say 90% because there is always a little bit of truth revealed amid all the BS.
If they say unemployment is X%, then I know that it is at least twice that, if you were to count those who are underemployed, quit looking, moved out of the country or turned to crime.
The same for inflation. Does anybody really believe that we have an inflation rate below 3%?
I just heard this on the local news station, "we are now in the longest stock market rally, ever" with the add on being "experts say there is no reason to think this will not continue"... lol, ah the hubris.
It's a perfect example of the Stockholm syndrome. The victims (the unaware) refuse to blame the abuser (tyrannical government/police state) and actually identify with their captors.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, the people will believe it." - Joseph Goebbels
Greek banks appear to be under stress:

Remember that time that Greek banks got "bailed in"? Yeah, that was awesome.
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