For now i will go with my nickname. My name is Oppie, i acquired my nickname in Highschool from my JROTC classmates that said i look like Oppie Taylor from The Andy Griffith Show.
I am new to purchasing PMs and am open to any sound advice that can be passed on to me.
Other interests of mine are Guns ( I own a few rifles, a shotgun, and a Springfield XD40), Pythons (I have 3 Ball pythons, a female normal, a female granite morph, and a male butter morph), and i enjoy tinkering with new projects (currently im working on building display cages for my ball pythons, next i plan on trying my hand at building solar panels for electricity, and for heating water with guidance from and respectively).
Thats pretty much all i have for now.
Thanks for looking
For now i will go with my nickname. My name is Oppie, i acquired my nickname in Highschool from my JROTC classmates that said i look like Oppie Taylor from The Andy Griffith Show.
I am new to purchasing PMs and am open to any sound advice that can be passed on to me.
Other interests of mine are Guns ( I own a few rifles, a shotgun, and a Springfield XD40), Pythons (I have 3 Ball pythons, a female normal, a female granite morph, and a male butter morph), and i enjoy tinkering with new projects (currently im working on building display cages for my ball pythons, next i plan on trying my hand at building solar panels for electricity, and for heating water with guidance from and respectively).
Thats pretty much all i have for now.
Thanks for looking