How can a stacker not like Ron Paul?

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Yellow Jacket
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I am floored that anyone could stack AND deplore Dr Ron Paul.

Maybe the bots made it to that other board(s)

I think you'll find that sen. Paul is universally worshiped here (even by some Polish-born, Ireland-residing blokes like me humble self, who (one might think) should have ZERO interest in US politics), so no worries :)

Penn is referring to a conversation on the Silver Stackers (Aussie) forum where someone (supposedly from America even) objected to a post highlighting Ron Paul's advocacy for sound money. It boggled my mind too.

I could understand someone who is just a paper trader and interested in discussions of technical analysis and such having blinders on to the bigger picture, but someone who professes to be a physical stacker can't be that obtuse. Must be a peculiar form of cognitive dissonance at work.
It really does floor me. How does one stack AND support keynesisn.

To make it worse- said dude is from Pennsylvania. Gag me.
I fully support Ron Paul.. I buy into Austrian economics...

However, I do believe it is "possible" to have sound money that is fiat in nature. I do believe that Keynesian style intervention, COULD be beneficial.

That being said, it's not realistic. Too many people are corruptible. The public is just too oblivious to stop banking cartels from taking over and manipulating the currency for their own benefit.
All fiat provides is the ability to endlessly increase the money supply. If on a gold standard, you could also do that, but the gold would reprice to reflect it. With fiat, our debt pile simply gets bigger, on a gold standard, you wouldn't create debt to increase the supply, you would revalue gold to whatever monetary equilibrium existed at teh time.
All fiat provides is the ability to endlessly increase the money supply. If on a gold standard, you could also do that, but the gold would reprice to reflect it. With fiat, our debt pile simply gets bigger, on a gold standard, you wouldn't create debt to increase the supply, you would revalue gold to whatever monetary equilibrium existed at teh time.

Fiat doesn't HAVE to be debased. It just always is because it's the path of least resistance.
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