Huge Microsoft outage worldwide...

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Take note.

Crowdstrike has been the tech-enforcement arm of the undemocratic DemocRats since it was formed. They're deep in the mire of the vote-corruption of four years ago. Their emergence paralleled new algo-censorship initiatives. PLUS...the Hillary toilet-server scandal...and Crowdstrike working with the CCP to crawl INTO that computer, sucking out Top Secret data.

And now this, to disrupt and obscure...just when a Narrative shift was about to occur, with plenty the Deep State wants covered up.

So, for this, they're gonna offer us a Big Mac, delivered by a new-arrival <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets> or Chin driving a new car obtained on a NINJA (no-income-no-job-approved) auto loan? Anyone seen those RING videos of food-delivery drivers at work?

We're so worried about health, our government masters (mistresses, mostly - behaving like former dominitrixes) want to force us to wear their Face Diapers forever, but they're all for having strange Third-World invaders deliver fast-food slop to the masses like this.

While entrusting political syndicates like Crowdstrike.
Fun fact, the Microsoft CSP (Cloud Solution Provider) has been fucked since CrowdStrike shit the bed:

The link below is a crappy overview of what that entails:

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