I Tried Selling My Silver In Budapest: Big Mistake!

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I Tried Selling My Silver In Budapest: Big Mistake!​


Sep 27, 2023
I tried selling my U.S. 90% silver coins in Budapest Hungary, but I ran into some problems. Not all coin dealers want US coins because it is hard to sell. Follow along as I try to sell my 90% silver Washington Quarters. Some people call them Junk Silver, while others call them Constitutional Silver. Do gold dealers in Budapest Hungary know or even care about them? How much below the silver spot price are the gold and silver dealers going to offer me?

The price of silver was about $24.04 US Dollars per ounce when I was trying to sell these coins. The melt value for these 25 coins in US Dollars was $4.30 each. With the Hungarian Forint trading at 354 to the US Dollar, the silver coins were worth about 38,177 Forints.
They want these instead:

I also wouldn't try to sell any Mexican pesos or Libertads over there either.
Coin shops sell what they have a market for.

Buyers there don't know or care when/why American coins stopped containing silver.

Since buyers don't want them, coin shops don't want them.

I Tried Selling My U.S. Silver Coins In Egypt: Then THIS Happened !​

Oct 12, 2023


I tried selling my U.S. 90% silver coins in Cairo Egypt, but I ran into some problems. Not all coin dealers want US coins because it is hard to sell. Follow along as I try to sell my 90% silver Franklin Half Dollars. Some people call them Junk Silver, while others call them Constitutional Silver. Do gold dealers in Cairo Egypt know or even care about them? How much below the silver spot price are the gold and silver dealers going to offer me? What I didn't know about the currency in Egypt made my deal a lot worse than I thought it was.

The price of silver was about $24.04 US Dollars per ounce when I was trying to sell these coins. The melt value for these 10 coins in US Dollars was $8.60 each. With the Egyptian Pound (EGP) trading at 31 to the US Dollar, the silver coins were worth about 2660 Egyptian Pounds.

I Tried Selling My Silver Coins In Athens Greece: How Much Did I Lose?​


I tried selling my U.S. 90% silver coins in Athens Greece. Not all coin dealers want US coins because it is hard to sell. I am pleasantly surprised that I was able to sell my silver Washington Quarters at the first coin dealer I tried. How much below the silver spot did the gold and silver dealer offer me?
The price of silver was about $24.60 US Dollars per ounce when I was trying to sell these coins. The melt value for these 25 silver coins in US Dollars was $4.45 each. With the Euro trading around 1.09 to the US Dollar, the 25 silver coins were worth about 102 Euros in total.

I Tried Selling My U.S. Silver Coins In Frankfurt Germany - I Wasn't Expecting THIS!​

Nov 4, 2023


I tried selling my U.S. 90% silver coins in Frankfurt Germany, but I ran into some problems. Not all foreign coin dealers want US coins because they are hard to sell. Follow along as I try to sell my Washington 90% Silver Quarter coins. How much below the silver spot price are the gold and silver dealers going to offer me?
The price of silver was about $23 US Dollars per ounce when I was trying to sell these coins. The melt value for these 25 coins in US Dollars was $4.16 each. With the US Dollar trading around 1.07 to the Euro, the 25 Washington Silver Quarters were worth about $104 or 97 Euros. See how much I am offered for them.

Testing Gold and Silver Prices in Little India, NYC - Surprising Results!​

Jan 13, 2024
I tried selling my 1 ounce gold bar and silver coins in Little India NYC, but I ran into some problems. One dealer who had a sign saying they buy silver and gold told me they did not buy silver and gold. I tried to see how much I can sell my 1 ounce gold Johnson Matthey bar for along with my 10 American Silver Eagles and my 10 Morgan Silver Dollars.
How much below the silver and gold spot price are the gold and silver dealers going to offer me?
The price of silver was about $22.79 per ounce and the gold price was $2028 per ounce when I was trying to sell these coins.


I Tried to SELL 100 GOLD COINS to Coin Shops... Here's What They Said!​

Feb 7, 2024
I called Local Coin Shops all over the U.S. to try and sell 100 Gold Eagles to them! The offer that I got varied from Shop to Shop, with some being great and others... well, you'll have to listen!

It all depends on his business model. Maybe some shops would rather make a lot on a little, than a little on a quantity.

Maybe the lowball buyers figured it's a desperation sale, and wanted to twist the knife. Life is hard; and, remember the whole banking industry started with slimy goldsmiths.

I Tried Selling My Gold & Silver In The NYC Diamond District: I Wasn't Expecting THIS!​


I go to the Diamond District in NYC and try to sell my gold and silver. I wanted to see how much the dealers offered me for my ten 1 ounce American Silver Eagles and three 1 ounce Pamp Suisse gold bars.
Although there are many gold dealers here, you still have to shop around.
The first gold dealer I went to gave me a bad first offer. I talk about tips when trying to sell your precious metals for the best price. I also talk about the dealer that gave me a very good offer for my gold bars.
Before you consider buying gold or silver, you need to be aware of how to buy it without overpaying and how and where to sell it will out selling it too cheap.

Nick's driving in China town today.

Tips On Selling And Buying Gold & Silver In NYC Or Anyplace: Watch Before You SELL!​

May 25, 2024 NEW YORK

What should you know before you try to sell your gold or silver so that you get the best price for your precious metals. I talk about the best tips for selling gold and silver and what kind of gold and silver to buy. I also talk about how to sell your gold jewelry and tell you how to calculate what it is worth.
In my last video I took a trip to Diamond District in NYC and try to sell my gold and silver. I wanted to see how much the dealers offered me for my ten 1 ounce American Silver Eagles and three 1 ounce Pamp Suisse gold bars. I talk about the things you should do before you even go to try to sell your gold and silver.
Before you consider buying gold or silver, you need to be aware of how to buy it without overpaying and how and where to sell it will out selling it too cheap.


I Tried Selling My Gold Bars In Chinatown, Then This Happened​

Aug 17, 2024 CHINATOWN

I tried selling my gold in Chinatown in New York City. I wasn't expecting the offers that I got for my 1 ounce Gold Pamp Suisse bars at these Chinatown gold buyers. If you are thinking of selling your gold or silver in NYC, will you get good prices in Chinatown New York?
With the gold price at an all-time high above $2500, is now a good time to sell gold? Or, will the price of gold go a lot higher from here.


I Tried Selling My Gold Bars In Chinatown, Then This Happened​

Aug 17, 2024 CHINATOWN

I tried selling my gold in Chinatown in New York City. I wasn't expecting the offers that I got for my 1 ounce Gold Pamp Suisse bars at these Chinatown gold buyers. If you are thinking of selling your gold or silver in NYC, will you get good prices in Chinatown New York?
With the gold price at an all-time high above $2500, is now a good time to sell gold? Or, will the price of gold go a lot higher from here.


The above is an excellent demonstration of why you should find a local reputable coin dealer and stay with him.
We're not - yet - in a situation with people desperate to unload fiat.

That time is coming - the spot price indicates it - but we're not there yet.

These guys want to haggle. The one merchant is offering cash, which is unusual (my own PM pays by check, but has an arrangement with his bank, a small local one, that ANY check off his purchase account be cashed for any amount) but the vigorish seems high. New York rules? Bazaar customs, meaning, the haggling?

Not a good time to sell, if you have an option. Chaos unfolds. And the political party in power, seems to see it in their interest to create MOAR chaos.
Time for a laugh. Stacking Surfer heads to the beach, talks silver vs ice cream.

Free Silver vs. Free Ice Cream, Which do they Choose?​

Will They Know Silver's Real Value? What do People in Southern California think Silver is Worth today? Join Surfer for a Man on the Street view of what people in Southern California think silver is worth. This is part one of a two part series. Part two will drop next week.


Big thanks to ⁠ for the inspiration • People Choose Free Candy Bar over Fre...

I Woke Up In A Strange Country With Silver Coins - I Wasn't Expecting This!​

Aug 28, 2024 İSTANBUL

I woke up in a strange country with nothing but some silver coins that I needed to sell to survive. It is easy to buy silver coins, but how easy is it to sell silver coins? Where can you sell silver for a good price and not lose a lot of the silver premium you paid? Do gold and silver dealers in other countries recognize American Silver Eagles and Canadian Maples and pay close to the silver spot price for them? I try to find out by shopping around trying to sell my silver coins.

Even if you get a good price for your silver, it does not buy much these days. Is silver under priced and will it ever catch up with the recent performance of gold?

20 beans or a silver eagle........whatcha gonna grab?

$20 or a Silver Eagle? which do they pick?​

Will They Know Silver's Real Value? What do People in Southern California think Silver is Worth today? Join Surfer for a Man on the Street view of what people in Southern California think silver is worth. This is part one of a two part series. Part two will drop next week.

Nick is in Tbilisi, Georgia today.

Selling My Silver Coins To Survive In This Strange Country: This Is Bad

Sep 17, 2024 TBILISI

I woke up in a strange country with nothing but some silver coins that I needed to sell to survive. It is easy to buy silver coins, but how easy is it to sell silver coins? Where can you sell silver for a good price and not lose a lot of the silver premium you paid? Do gold and silver dealers in other countries recognize American Silver Eagles and Canadian Maples and pay close to the silver spot price for them? I try to find out by shopping around trying to sell my silver coins.
Even if you get a good price for your silver, it does not buy much these days. Is silver under priced and will it ever catch up with the recent performance of gold?

Nick is in Athens, Greece in this one. He interviews a coin shop owner.

Can You Survive In A Strange Country with Only Silver Coins?​

Sep 27, 2024 ATHENS

I woke up in a strange country with nothing but some American Silver Eagles and Canadian Maple Leaf silver coins that I needed to sell to survive. It is easy to buy silver coins, but how easy is it to sell silver coins? Where can you sell silver for a good price and not lose a lot of the silver premium you paid? Do gold and silver dealers in other countries recognize American Silver Eagles and Canadian Maples and pay close to the silver spot price for them? I try to find out by shopping around trying to sell my silver coins.
I then interview the coin dealer and ask them if the people in this country prefer to invest in gold or silver.
Even if you get a good price for your silver, it does not buy much these days. I show what goods and services I was able to buy with the money I got from selling my silver today. Is silver under priced and will it ever catch up with the recent performance of gold?


SV COLLECTOR Solonos 18, Athens Greece
Phone: +302103644276
That's like your kid setting up a tent in the backyard, and telling you he's ready to be a hobo.

Any time you have an option, it's not "survival." It's either an experiment or some sort of display.

When you're in a land with a different language, and America is destroyed...and, thus, it becomes fashionable everywhere else to show hate for Americans...and all you have are gold and silver rounds...rotza ruck.

Discover the Forgotten History of Lydia Where Coins Were Born​

Oct 4, 2024 İSTANBUL

Did you ever wonder where the first gold and silver coins were made? I travel to ancient Lydia which is modern day Turkey to talk about the history of the first coins made around 600 B.C.
The first coins were made of electrum which is an alloy of 70-90% gold and 10-30% silver. They were stamped by a king's ring to imprint his mark. King Croesus was the first to establish a gold to silver ratio when he started making pure silver and pure gold coins. The gold silver ration set by Croesus was 1 ounce of gold equals 10 ounces of silver.
Even in the ancient times, money was diluted and debased by governments, so it is no surprise that current fiat money is no longer backed by anything.


GoldBack vs $5 Federal Reserve Note: Which One Reigns Supreme?​

Premiered 62 minutes ago
Will They Know Silver and Gold's Real Value? What do People in Southern California think Silver is Worth today? Join Surfer for a Man on the Street view of what people in Southern California think silver is worth. This is part one of a two part series. Part two will drop next week.


How To Invest In Gold (And What Kind Of Gold Is The WORST!)​

Dec 30, 2024

How to invest in gold without buying the wrong kind of gold? I will discuss the best way to get the most gold for your money while avoiding the traps of buying the worst kinds of gold. I will also tell you why I regret buying these Pamp Suisse 1 ounce gold bars.
In this video, we'll reveal the type of gold that can drain your investment portfolio and leave you with significant losses. From gold coins to gold gold bars and even the new plastic gold notes, we'll dive into the common pitfalls that even experienced investors fall into. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned investor, this video is a must-watch to ensure you're making informed decisions when it comes to investing in gold.


How To Invest In Silver (And What Kind Of Silver Is The WORST!)​

Jan 13, 2025

How to invest in silver without buying the wrong kind of silver? I will discuss the best way to get the most silver for your money while avoiding the traps of buying the worst kinds of silver like the American Silver Eagle.
In this video, we'll reveal the type of silver that can drain your investment portfolio and leave you with significant losses. From silver coins to silver bars we'll dive into the common pitfalls that even experienced investors fall into. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned investor, this video is a must-watch to ensure you're making informed decisions when it comes to investing in silver.


Selling Gold In The NYC Diamond District: What You Need To Know​


I go to the Diamond District in NYC to see what prices dealers are buying gold back from retail sellers. I talked to a gold dealer who confirmed that he also has many gold and silver sellers, but very few buyers. Because of this many Diamond District dealers are also sending much of what they buy from customers to refineries.
Even though the price of gold and silver has been rising, the large amount of retail sellers with few buyers leave dealers little choice but to lower their buy back premiums and send much of what they buy to the refineries. If you are in the market for gold and silver, the premiums are the best they have been in a long time, but the high prices make it not an overall bargain.
Although there are many gold dealers here, you still have to shop around.
Before you consider buying gold or silver, you need to be aware of how to buy it without overpaying and how and where to sell it will out selling it too cheap.

A couple of points to note.

First, NY is not going to be the best place to sell gold. Not walk-into-a-retail-dealer sales, anyway. New York makes its money DEALING IN PAPER. Fortunes have been made dealing in fiat, contracts, derivatives. That is where the magic happens - or used to happen, in the early years of a debasing fiat currency.

Second...all PM dealers make money off the arbitrage. Buy low, sell higher. Sounds unfair, until you consider that it's out of that spread that he has to pay the greengrocer.

Gold prices at Spot, hit new records. We all KNOW that is not gonna last - no matter what the long-term trends are, there's gonna be pullback before the price settles, or finds a support line.

That means the small shop is not gonna be able to offer a fixed dollar-amount under the spot price. Because, for all he knows, the spot price might be lower than what he's buying for, that same afternoon.

He is going to offer FAR lower. When he has few enough customers take the offer, THAT is when prices rise - or he closes up for a week, or forever.

He's not your assistant, and he's not an automaton. He is acting in his own best interest. It might be the potential gold-seller's best interest, not to sell into this sudden spiking.

Can This $700,000 Gold Scam Happen To You? (Little India NYC)​

Feb 26, 2025 LITTLE INDIA

How did a woman in Queens NYC get scammed out of $700,000 in gold? I trace the steps in Little India Jackson Heights where I did a gold selling video a year ago. I look at how she got scammed out of her life savings of $700K to buy gold at this store in Little India. I talk about tips on how to warn your elderly loved ones not to fall for these scams.
I also talk about a more common and legal scam that you see everywhere on TV with well know spokespersons pushing overpriced Gold IRA scams.
Lastly, I talk about how you can prepare your stack to leave to your loved ones and what steps to take to make sure they don't get taken advantage of when they try to sell it after you are gone.

Part shock, and part envy. First, how does someone become so foolish - assuming she once was not that foolish - and still manage to care for herself?

Second, how, short of winning the lottery, does someone wind up with three-quarters of a million dollars, to be able to access so readily?

I don't know the full story. I don't know if our narrator does...I got two-thirds through it, and just turned it off in disgust. When I was a kid, I'd hear of old people doing foolish things like this, but it was usually for small amounts - a $5000 savings account, where some hustler calls a widow up, pretends to be an FDIC inspector, claims the bank is giving counterfeit money to withdrawing customers. So would she please withdraw $2000 and give it to us so we can take it to the lab and analyze the money? Here's a receipt. Says FDIC on it. Thank you, madame - we'll be in touch. Soon.

This just blows me away.

Can This $700,000 Gold Scam Happen To You? (Little India NYC)​

Feb 26, 2025 LITTLE INDIA

How did a woman in Queens NYC get scammed out of $700,000 in gold? I trace the steps in Little India Jackson Heights where I did a gold selling video a year ago. I look at how she got scammed out of her life savings of $700K to buy gold at this store in Little India. I talk about tips on how to warn your elderly loved ones not to fall for these scams.
I also talk about a more common and legal scam that you see everywhere on TV with well know spokespersons pushing overpriced Gold IRA scams.
Lastly, I talk about how you can prepare your stack to leave to your loved ones and what steps to take to make sure they don't get taken advantage of when they try to sell it after you are gone.


More on the same type of scam.

'Gold Grifters': Inside growing scam using couriers to pick up gold bars from victims​

Feb 26, 2025

ABC News Investigates a concerning gold bar scam that has cost victims $126 million alone in 2024.

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