I'd take a bullet for this guy.

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There must be an error in the graph sa. No way lobbyists were stupid enough to give Ron Paul $451 (because there is no ROI from someone who can't be bought).

I'm guessing someone who supported his position gave it to the campaign instead of someone trying to influence his decision making
does anyone know if the moneybomb got extended or not?

[edit:] Nevermind.....i donated :)
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Thank you PMBug for your continued support in Dr. Paul.

In my opinion, Ron Paul has already won. The GOP is changing right before our eyes as the populist movement accelerates. 2012 is the rise of the Robert Taft wing of the Republican party (and in the future, will be referred to, of course as the Ron Paul wing).

Romney can't beat Obama without Dr. Paul's endorsement. (but Ron Paul can win without Romney) The Republicans will have to make major concessions to gain his support... and he has all the power, because Dr. Paul doesn't have to even give his endorsement if he doesn't want to.

Every dollar we give to Ron Paul is money well spent. This really is the beginning of the r3VOLution!
... In my opinion, Ron Paul has already won. The GOP is changing right before our eyes as the populist movement accelerates. 2012 is the rise of the Robert Taft wing of the Republican party (and in the future, will be referred to, of course as the Ron Paul wing). ...

I was completely blown away when I saw (listened to) the following, recent debate video of candidates for the US Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas. It's a very striking example of what you are talking about:

It's very good to have that kind of talk going on in the US. It truely shows that the message is getting out there.

From what the analysts were saying they didn't think that Ron paul would have a good showing in South Carolina, but Dr. Paul just got a key endorsement that could hopefully help to change that.

heres the article:


MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — Ron Paul returned from a four-day absence from the trail Sunday with what his campaign dubbed a “game-changing” endorsement: A local state senator.

Paul’s operation here isn’t as strong as what he had going into the two previous early states. But the backing of Tom Davis, a well-known fiscal conservative who served as chief of staff under Gov. Mark Sanford before being elected to the legislature, kicked off what his campaign is promising to be a week of intensified activity ahead of Saturday’s primary.

Davis said he’d met with all of the major Republican contenders — he particularly called out Jon Huntsman as a “fine man” — but his decision stemmed from Paul’s focus on the debt. Davis noted he was a personal fan of Paul, sharing he watches video clips of the Texas Republican “as much as my daughter watches Glee.”

“Dr. Paul is somebody that I’ve watched for the past 26 years and I’ve always admired the principled stands he’s taken in Congress,” Davis told the overflowing crowd at the rally here Sunday that was Paul’s only stop of the day.

Paul, who gave this typical stump speech focused on economics and personal liberty, told the cheering crowd he had heard Davis was a “very popular senator, and now I believe that.”

“I really appreciate his vote of confidence in giving me this wonderful endorsement,” Paul said.

After the rally, Paul said he felt confident Davis’s endorsement would live up to the “game-changing” billing in a state where his campaign says it’s stepped up efforts following Paul’s strong second place finish in New Hampshire last week.

“He has a lot of influence,” Paul said. “So I do think it’s going to be a very significant event, because he’s been identified with the type of ideas I’ve talked about. He talked about Austrian economics, he was recently elected as a tea party person, and I think that’s exactly the kind of person that will get the attention. I think he’s going to be a big help to us.”

Paul’s been less of a factor in the South Carolina race than he was in Iowa and New Hampshire, but he told the crowd Sunday that his expectations for the state were rising.

“I don’t know if you noticed, you probably have, but the campaign’s been going pretty well,” he said during the rally. “It did well in Iowa, it did well in New Hampshire, and we’re going to do well next Saturday, right? And when we do well, we will send a powerful message.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71464.html#ixzz1jaYqZGBV
Even if Paul loses the election, and I pray he doesn't, he still wins the war. He is changing politics. He's gone from "unelectable" to being quoted everywhere. Other candidates are having to change their stance just to compete. Even if people don't like some of his positions, much of his platform is undeniably realistic, acurate and necessary.
Did you guys get your families on board of the r3volution train?
I converted two American relatives in South Florida today after 6 months of discussions via Email. They're 83 and 81 years old, my great uncle (brother of my granddad) and aunt. If I can do this from Switzerland, you can do this at home for sure :D
Good stuff SA!

I have converted only three folks inn two years. All it took was a chart showing the amount of new debt Obama has brought us [not including bringing the wars on the balance sheet] versus all other presidents.
Did you guys get your families on board of the r3volution train?

I don't discuss politics with family (don't have much family here in the States anyway).

I have, however, been engaged in political discussion with interested parties on the internet since the 2007 campaign and it's been very gratifying to see how many people who used to ridicule Dr. Paul reflexively are now open minded and able to see.

The MSM is pervasive. I've been a pair of sunglasses that filters the world a bit differently:

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