Internet Provider is no longer accepting Log In's from Third Party Email storage

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Big Eyed Bug
GIM2 Refugee
Reaction score
Deep Behind Enemy Lines in Southern California
idk if i posted that properly, but

Cox just informed me that if i don't log into their web site regularly, they're gonna delete my email system

i've used Thunderbird for decades and it logs in to their server for me and all i do is use their platform to read and respond to emails

being concerned for my emails, i contacted them through their chat feature and spent, across two 'chats', nearly an hour to receive zero answers as to the Why, I was told contradictory things such as my Third Party can still work with their system, however, i'd have to log in, at one point, they told me Twice a Week in order to let them know, i'm still using these email accounts...i got nowhere (edit: except to be informed, they have zero information about tracking Thunderbirds log ins...i thought that was very weird, indeed)

so, finally, i logged in and saw NOTHING, my inbox was empty, sent was empty, but my Thunderbird had it all, strange (as i didn't know they wouldn't have access, that is a PLUS for me, and i believe that's what they're taking away from me)

i believe they're upset because they have no access to any of my messages and would like that remedied to the point, i'm now going to have to go through them...but, i was informed: if i log in twice a week, at a minimum, that would prove i'm still using it, and that would be all i would need to do

so, i asked, if i'm talking with you, right now, can i waive that? can't we just 'adjust' as necessary, as my permission is right here, etc...i was told i could not circumvent the system, so, if i logged in twice per week, that would be fine

so i asked, isn't that actually 'tricking' the system? and why should i have to trick anything? i'm paid in full, i've got no complaints yet now i've got to jump through another hoop, as being directed by a company i've been with for decades?

so, i instructed her to tell her superiors i'm leaving soon, as i've got no time for this non-sense, especially since they appear to have not told you, the Front Line Representative enough to answer my questions nor to bring me comfort the company threats will cease to exist...bad juju, and please mention, they've brought this upon themselves...

anyone else?
Thunderbird should count as a login, an example of a third-party login would be using Google mail to retrieve your mail.
Thunderbird should count as a login, an example of a third-party login would be using Google mail to retrieve your mail.
thanks for that, they said:
"We recommend that you access the email accounts via Webmail application instead of Thunderbird to keep the accounts active."
"If you'd like to keep this email account, simply log in to Cox Webmail within the next 2 weeks so that we know you still want to keep it. If you do not login, we'll go ahead and delete the account for you."
and second chat:
"Once you are using the email frequently you'll not be disconnected from the email"
"Yes, you can access the email through third party app"
and then...
02:38:49 PM [Customer] so, if i use it daily through Thunderbird, which i now do, it's logging in for me daily...what's the issue? i don't understand, i use my email daily, where's the issue?
02:39:59 PM [Christal E.] (terrible parental choice iyam...opinions are offered for FREE!)
It seems that Cox server is not picking up that information"
It is entirely possible that young support staff these days have no idea what a mail client (Thunderbird) is!
still second chat; 'she' said:
"Let us login through"
here's what i sent:
copy past, it's easier and i told them my name, at the end......weird, enjoy the shit show
continued exactly from above

02:40:26 PM [Customer] and this is a problem for me because? can't track me?
02:40:44 PM [Customer] this is not clear, you're not telling me the entire story, just bits and pieces...
02:41:20 PM [Customer] you're going to interrupt my life because your software can't recognize a log in through a third party? or just thunderbird?
02:42:23 PM [Customer] and that email address, or web address, what do i do with that?

02:43:00 PM [Christal E.] I understand your concerns and I agree that using a third party app should prove or show that you are using the email

02:43:29 PM [Customer] o.k., i'm certain the techs understand also...and...

02:43:47 PM [Christal E.] To make sure that they don't get deleted I am asking you please login through the cox server

02:43:56 PM [Customer] why should that impact me as now i'm concerned, there's truth to this but you're not telling me...
02:44:26 PM [Customer] i'll go and share what i know and what i'm not being told through several forums, there are already some formed right now
02:44:56 PM [Customer] what's the reason for this?

02:45:00 PM [Christal E.] While you are accessing through a third party platform Cox also keep records of the amount of login through their platform

02:46:26 PM [Customer] apparently not as i'm here discussing this with you right now and what prompted me was a warning email, several of them, in fact, one for my accounts...from Cox, so, Cox started this, i'm afraid i'm gonna lose something and the resolution is now i've got to log into Cox website every day to get my messages...that falls flat without an explanation of why my customer service now involves more work from me
02:46:54 PM [Christal E.] All Cox want is for you to login so that the system can record that you've access the information online

and i'm curious and pressing because it's my money, i'm paying for a service to not be disconnected and to not have to do anything other than to set-up and pay my bill on time

they want to track my messages, they want more control, the Customer Service is woefully full of shit and don't recognize when reality slaps them in the face(edit, i speak in all / nothings, it's a habit, that second one seemed to 'get something about it all', idk, i'm trying to read and write and think and deal and explain and paint a good picture all at the same time and yet i paint outside the lines, lol)...reality would be me, as i've got the benjamins...but no longer the patience to deal with a corporation that won't tell their employees the truth, simply give them a script to regurgitate...and the yout in 'em is too ignorant to know the difference, and the diapers haven't come off yet...o.k., i'll be over here doing sumpin the old man...Get Off The Lawn!


God Help The Young as they're basically too ignorant these days to help themselves and fk it, i really don't care...let the rockets fly
did i digress at the end? male humanity is showing again

but i won't allow them to get me to participate in their data gathering any more...find another chump
Sounds like the help has no idea of how tech are handling things. The email server should be able to establish that a client is using the server as opposed to a third party web service like yahoo or google. The email server was designed to work with apps such as Thunderbird and with most ISP's that would be the expected first option. The web interface is a 'bolt on'! I would guess that tech has said you need to use a client ("Thunderbird" or similar) or our web interface. To me, as a techie, that would be a reasonable position and it would surprise me if they shut down an account with an active email client.

If you want to be sure you have you email make sure that Thunderbird is using a pop3 interface, downloading and clearing the email from the server. Imap leaves it on the server. That way if they shut it off you can get another email and just switch your client over. I'd setup the backup email now and put that in as a recovery email on anything important, banking etc.

Sounds like the help has no idea of how tech are handling things. The email server should be able to establish that a client is using the server as opposed to a third party web service like yahoo or google. The email server was designed to work with apps such as Thunderbird and with most ISP's that would be the expected first option. The web interface is a 'bolt on'! I would guess that tech has said you need to use a client ("Thunderbird" or similar) or our web interface. To me, as a techie, that would be a reasonable position and it would surprise me if they shut down an account with an active email client.

If you want to be sure you have you email make sure that Thunderbird is using a pop3 interface, downloading and clearing the email from the server. Imap leaves it on the server. That way if they shut it off you can get another email and just switch your client over. I'd setup the backup email now and put that in as a recovery email on anything important, banking etc.

Ya recon buck donning a sporty aluminium cap would help ease his situation a measurable amount?
All Cox want is for you to login so that the system can record that you've access the information online
They might do that for residential accts. That way they can call not having to do that, a "feature" for their business accts?

Edited to add:....and crap like you describe is why I never use an isp email acct as a primary email. If I use it at all.
Ya recon buck donning a sporty aluminium cap would help ease his situation a measurable amount?
nawww, they'd probably toss me out if i was wearing that, carrying on

but i'm trying to hang on to the advice given...gotta go over it a bit more, i;ve 'melted' computers before...a few times

if anything, i'd rather not help build anymore cages they plan on putting me into and since there are no messages on their site, the providers, and the fact they're now demanding i begin to use them never sits well with me...especially since we're giant steps away from where this all began and customer satisfaction, let alone customer being left alone with a tool kit that functions every time without the requirement of chronic downloads and updates...

as we 'progress' forward, we're leaving so much behind...imho

but back to the idea...pop interface is a check nothing important in email that i can't live without, check, no need for any copies left anywhere else, check

so, i'm still trying to figure out whether this is actually true, for myself, or not and it's leaning heavy idc...

what's gonna hurt is to switch a few things over, such as this place and a few others, other than that, i'm really not that complex or convoluted

and i don't use email to communicate except with bad merchants...

idk...still computing this out

i've gone to the DMV and they had me and everyone else input our information into their newest data base...there were consoles and a line and a lot of one finger typing...building their programs one individual at a time...not to worry though, i've got a hat...but you see that head of hair? Al, What, Me Worry?

magnificent! i tell ya...but wait, i'm off to go sign in to Cox, make sure they don't delete me while i'm away playing and complaining

seriously though, iyam, here it is...another piece of the pie

edit: what i expected for progress was to include me, at some point, in the profit stream...but it seems the tax stream IS the profit stream...i'm now free labor, data input, data verification, every day i'll wake up to have to input something else just to submit proof of life...

sarc but we're slaves and i don't trust any of them
magnificent! i tell ya...but wait, i'm off to go sign in to Cox, make sure they don't delete me while i'm away playing and complaining
I just looked online and they say they say you have 120 days before it is declared as being inactive.

"Why is Cox saying my account is inactive?

Cox Email accounts are locked for inactivity for the following reasons. When the primary or secondary mailbox has not been checked for new email for at least 120 days following the customer's last access. When the Cox Email account has been deleted by the customer.
my initial email says this: yet i've never used them as anything other than the provider...i rarely check in with Cox website unless their system is crapping out again, this is brand new information towards something i've never's an actual 'threat' to do something physical with my information without my's pushing huge boundaries especially since i'm paying for this service and now they're doing this...seems weak at best, disingenuous and dishonest somewhere in the middle and data collection at the doorstep of hell...and if they need my storage area, they would be better to offer me a discount if i were to give up this space and let them have it back...or they should simply build more infrastructure

so many ways this could go but since when does a corporation do anything for the betterment of their customers? at least today...they're worse than me wanting to do nothing all day and get paid for doing it...all while out golfing

We noticed that you haven't signed in to your email account xxx the past few months. If you'd like to keep this email account, simply log in to Cox Webmail within the next 2 weeks so that we know you still want to keep it. If you do not login, we'll go ahead and delete the account for you.
add that in with the conversation i had hand not knowing what the other is doing all while telling me to do one thing yet giving zero reason for now having to do so...

and how many people will miss this email that has a time-out in it,,,2 weeks

idk either
nawww, they'd probably toss me out if i was wearing that, carrying on

but i'm trying to hang on to the advice given...gotta go over it a bit more, i;ve 'melted' computers before...a few times

if anything, i'd rather not help build anymore cages they plan on putting me into and since there are no messages on their site, the providers, and the fact they're now demanding i begin to use them never sits well with me...especially since we're giant steps away from where this all began and customer satisfaction, let alone customer being left alone with a tool kit that functions every time without the requirement of chronic downloads and updates...

as we 'progress' forward, we're leaving so much behind...imho

but back to the idea...pop interface is a check nothing important in email that i can't live without, check, no need for any copies left anywhere else, check

so, i'm still trying to figure out whether this is actually true, for myself, or not and it's leaning heavy idc...

what's gonna hurt is to switch a few things over, such as this place and a few others, other than that, i'm really not that complex or convoluted

and i don't use email to communicate except with bad merchants...

idk...still computing this out

i've gone to the DMV and they had me and everyone else input our information into their newest data base...there were consoles and a line and a lot of one finger typing...building their programs one individual at a time...not to worry though, i've got a hat...but you see that head of hair? Al, What, Me Worry?

View attachment 2409
magnificent! i tell ya...but wait, i'm off to go sign in to Cox, make sure they don't delete me while i'm away playing and complaining

seriously though, iyam, here it is...another piece of the pie

edit: what i expected for progress was to include me, at some point, in the profit stream...but it seems the tax stream IS the profit stream...i'm now free labor, data input, data verification, every day i'll wake up to have to input something else just to submit proof of life...

sarc but we're slaves and i don't trust any of them
... they want to track my messages, they want more control, ...
FYI, ISPs already track everything you do. They maintain logs of activity on their networks. This isn't about tracking or control. It's a policy designed to reduce the burden on IT infrastructure by purging inactive accounts (that waste resources).

AT&T did the same thing with me years ago, though in my case, I never actually used the email address that they created for me when I contracted with them for phone and internet services.

It's really strange that they claim they aren't seeing evidence of you checking your email if Thunderbird is retrieving emails and deleting them from the server. They should have records of that.
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