
Welcome to the Precious Metals Bug Forums

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Fly on the Wall
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I joined today, community seems very friendly!

I'm here for the same reasons everyone else is.

I knew nothing about finance or PMs, until I started researching big time on the subject in 2008.

Always Learning!

Hi Ty, welcome to the forum. :wave:

Congrats on being astute enough to wake up in 2008. I'm constantly surprised at the apathy and laziness of those who are still asleep.
Welcome bugs, 2008 was about the same time for my wake up call. Glad you joined.
Thanks. Reason for the wake up- "accidentally" looked at my moms' pension (retired) bottom line. Whoa!!! Have always been up on issues to reasonable extent...but seeing 45 years worth of retirement funds reduced by 40% in 2ish years had the same effect of smelling salts jammed up the nose. It stung! People here seem to get it, as investors and many stackers have their eyes glued upon the (laughable) Ag/Au prices in fiat as set by the if any of that was some reliable indicator/correlation. Been looking for a forum of this kind for a while...seems that they (forums) are either for those who deal in multiples of (not cont) contracts..."oh, ordered a few MBoxes of buffalos...meh", other extreme those entertaining "silver porn" sites convinced Ag will go 100k/toz any second now, forgetting how serious such Weinmar/Tulip/Zimbabwe moments are.

"Silver and Gold are not investments. Investing implies counterparty risk and speculation. The value of Au/Ag is static. The worthless fiat debasement assigns a tangible, albeit false number-value to the price of PMs. Within the context of flagrant easing...purchasing power/ability will go to the patient people."
(A mash of others statements)
Welcome bugs. The thing I like the most about is that while we occasionally disagree, it is polite! There is a HUGE knowledge base here on many of the topics that our PMBug allows, and our participants are excellent people.

Take advantage of the resources you will find here! And chip in when you have something for us.


Of course, there's counterparty risk in everything. I can't trade gold for what no one wants to sell (the water in the desert model). To my cat, the stack is just another shiny bunch of rocks - and she can't fix my tractor for it. But PMs have a great track record in all but the very most extreme environments. If you smooth out the bumps due to speculation and manipulation, that gold piece still buys you what it did in cowboy days and before.

The big difference now - there are things you can get now that *any* money couldn't get you then - from penicillin to electric cars. That one is hard to figure in, other than that it seems knowledge is also golden. However, over my own lifetime, it seems people in general are getting dumber and dumber, other than a few who keep trying to advance things - people who actually do stuff and who most depend on for those advanced things. The ratio of makers to losers hasn't improved in my 50 or so years of watching one bit - in fact, it's gone down considerably - even though I now have more tools to find those who are worth finding and working with.

Around here (my own local crowd), colloquially, we call this the diamond to turd ratio.
I am beginning to believe it's the root cause of quite a few of our perceived problems.
(...) The ratio of makers to losers hasn't improved in my 50 or so years of watching one bit - in fact, it's gone down considerably - even though I now have more tools to find those who are worth finding and working with.

Around here (my own local crowd), colloquially, we call this the diamond to turd ratio.
I am beginning to believe it's the root cause of quite a few of our perceived problems.

...welcome to Idiocracy 1.0, where the survival of the unfittest is rewarded & promoted by the Powers that Be.
Around here (my own local crowd), colloquially, we call this the diamond to turd ratio.
I am beginning to believe it's the root cause of quite a few of our perceived problems.

This clip is from a movie 'Idiocracy' about a guy who goes 500 years into the future where everybody is really dumb, but I think if you swapped the word Gold/Spending cuts for water & Federal Reserve/QE for Brawndo, it's kind of like we're already there :)

Edit: Oh and welcome to the forum bugs! I'm sure you'll find it a great place to share your thoughts. I only joined a few months ago myself & I've found everyone really friendly and informative. It's kind of like being in a class of friends so I don't mind asking questions or saying whatever is on my mind.
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