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Report to Congress on Iran and U.S. Policy
September 10, 2024 9:25 AM
The following is the Sept. 8, 2024, Congressional Research Service report, Iran: Background and U.S. Policy.
From the report
Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States have been largely antagonistic since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, with tensions spiking since 2023. Of particular concern for U.S. policymakers in 2024 are Iran’s regional activities and those of its partners, including the October 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel; ongoing attacks against U.S. forces and additional targets in the region by other Iran-backed groups such as the Houthis; and increasingly open direct military conflict between Iran and Israel. The Iranian government’s human rights violations, its nuclear program, and its deepening ties with Russia and China also pose challenges for the United States. Congress has played a major role in shaping U.S. policy toward Iran, including by authorizing extensive U.S. sanctions, seeking to influence diplomatic engagement with Iran, and funding support to U.S. partners facing Iranian threats. Selected issues of potential congressional engagement or interest include:
I love how we forget the CIA allowed Savak, the Iranian secret police to back the dictator to torture and murder the Iranian people, and how we overthrew the elected government to install the dictator....we are sooo forgetful.
This war will be so nice, I hope they get to it soon...last I heard, our fleet which protects israel was starting to move away, this seems to be an effort to make it stay.Israeli Commando Raid In Syria Sends A Message To Iran That Its Underground Bases Are Not Untouchable
The raid targeted a deep underground Iranian weapons facility and included grabbing large amounts of intelligence before blowing it up using planted charges.www.twz.com
Moved away because Iran can take the fleet out with missiles.This war will be so nice, I hope they get to it soon...last I heard, our fleet which protects israel was starting to move away, this seems to be an effort to make it stay.
Zionists bankers hold Trumps debt, no great surprise he must obey and remember he was friends with Epstein early on...Trump and the Storm of the Century - The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity
The fear in many nations’ capitals is that President Donald Trump’s return to Washington might make Israel feel more confident in attacking Iran. According to Mike Evans, founder of the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem, “There is no world leader Trump respects more than Netanyahu.” The...ronpaulinstitute.org