Is the end of empire drawing nigh?

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"Instigators of chaos"?

Yea, the dems have been being that ever since Trump beat their hag.

I agree. From goading their brownshirts into rioting and burning parts of cities to then stealing an election in order to throw the border open and allow ourselves to be overrun. This is all on the democrats who would rather have complete rule over a third world country then share control over a first world country.

Never back down: Rich and powerful exploit post-shame society​

America is reaching the pinnacle of a post-shame society forged by Donald Trump and reinforced by powerful patrons.

Why it matters: Nearly 50 years after Richard Nixon resigned before ever being charged with a crime, the GOP is a month away from nominating a convicted felon to be president. Polls suggest the race is extremely close.

The big picture: While he may represent the most extreme example, Trump isn't the only one who has realized a lack of shame can be a crucial survival skill.


Psychological Projection.

Like that addled drunken Wicked Witch of Marin County, slurring on about how "thrumpth" was "shlowing thigns of dimenshia."
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