January 6 Insurrection

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Welcome to In the Eyes of Truth, english ed, our guest Charles Bausman, publisher of Russia Insider.​


Ashli Babbitt $30 million ‘wrongful death’ suit gets green light​

A federal judge scheduled a trial date for a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of Jan. 6 protester Ashli Babbitt, who died after being shot by U.S. Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd.

The watchdog group Judicial Watch, which is helping in the lawsuit filed by Babbitt’s husband, Aaron, revealed that Judge Ana C. Reyes of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia scheduled a trial date of July 20, 2026, for the $30 million wrongful death suit.


If Pelosi had the National Guard at the WH... they wouldn't have been able to have their (fake) emergency to enact Parliamentary procedures derailing Pence sending results back to the States.
I'm wondering what's going to go on with the trial (Trump's.) J Smith will file a major paper on why the trial should go forward (why Trump wasn't immune) but everything except the sentencing for the fraud seems like they've kinda gone away.
BREAKING: Univision accidentally broadcast proof that Kamala used a teleprompter at her town hall Watch them panic when they realized they were showing the prompter live on-air


Trump drops the pretense, labels Jan. 6 insurrectionists ‘we’​

Shortly after the dust settled on Jan. 6, 2021, Donald Trump’s allies went to great and strained lengths to distance the then-president from the insurrectionists who had stormed the U.S. Capitol. They falsely linked the attack to antifa and supposed government “provocateurs” — claims that had no basis then and still don’t.

“These people don’t look like Trump supporters,” Newsmax host Greg Kelly claimed. Fox News host Laura Ingraham declared rioters to be “people who can only be described as antithetical to the MAGA movement.” Trump’s impeachment lawyers claimed he was “horrified” by the violence.

In the intervening four years, though, Trump himself has expressed an increasing amount of sympathy for the rioters — not just for their humanity and purported legal persecution (he has repeatedly floated pardons), but also for their actions. He has clearly sought to retcon that day from one of national shame to one that is to be, in many ways, celebrated.

That culminated Wednesday night with a very choice word: “we.”



McConnell defends calling Trump ‘despicable human being,' throws Vance under the bus​

According to a new book, Mitch McConnell called Trump a "despicable human being," "stupid" and "ill-tempered” after the 2020 election. When asked about these comments today, McConnell effectively threw JD Vance under the bus.


Trump Makes Sharply Incriminating Statement, Claiming "We (the Jan. 6 Mob) Were Not Armed That Day"​

Oct 17, 2024

Someone should really pull Donald Trump aside and tell him, "you know, you have the right NOT to incriminate yourself." In a recent town hall campaign event, Trump repeatedly said that "we did not have guns (at the US Capitol) on January 6."

By choosing to describe the insurrectionists using the personal plural pronoun "we", Trump directly aligned himself with the folks who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, there y incriminating himself (as he so often does).

Interestingly, that statement is actually an incriminating twofer, given that Trump lied about his angry mob not being armed with firearms on January 6. Trump was briefed on the morning of January 6 that members of the crowd WERE armed with firearms, to which Trump responded, "I don't care if they are armed, take down the f'ing mags (metal detectors), and let my people in, they're not here to hurt me, then we can all march to the Capitol from here."

Once Trump's cases move from the court of public opinion into courtrooms proper, Trump will be convicted in case after case after case.

The first half of this is good. It's about Jab 6th. Then they bring up the cowardly weasel McConnell.

‘Stupid…narcissist…a despicable human being’: Hear what Mitch McConnell thinks of Donald Trump​

Nicolle Wallace breaks down the latest 24 hours of headlines surrounding Donald Trump which would typically doom a normal Presidential candidate with Trump’s horrible performance on the Univision town hall where the live audience was not interested in Trump’s lies and talking points and the latest reporting about what Mitch McConnell really thinks of the man he has enabled for 8 years and will refuse to endorse.


Court upholds key trespassing charge used against most Jan. 6 defendants​

A divided federal appeals court panel has upheld a trespassing charge that prosecutors have leveled against more than 1,400 people who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The ruling on Tuesday from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a claim by Jan. 6 defendant Couy Griffin that the government needed to prove he was aware that the Capitol grounds were restricted because a Secret Service protectee, then-Vice President Mike Pence, was inside. Without that proof, Griffin contended, prosecutors fell short of showing that he “knowingly” breached the Secret Service-protected perimeter.


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