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All he had to do was show up and take the 5th.
Steve Bannon to report to prison on Monday | Salon.com
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BREAKING: Congress just released BOMBSHELL findings on the January 6th pipe bomb investigation, revealing that the FBI engaged in a massive coverup.
The Committee determined that "There is conflicting information as to whether the FBI received “corrupted” cellular data from the major cell carriers. A former senior FBI official testified that the major cell carrier companies provided “corrupted” cell data to the FBI and suggested that that “corrupted” data may have contained the identity of the pipe bomber; however, in responses to letters from the Subcommittee, the major cell carriers confirmed that they did not provide corrupted data to the FBI and that the FBI never notified them of any issues with accessing the cellular data."
"After more than 1,400 days since two pipe bombs were placed on Capitol Hill, the FBI has made no arrest and has charged no individuals with planting the explosive devices. Since its initial progress in the early weeks and months of the investigation, there has been little meaningful progress toward the apprehension of the suspect."
Do you mean to tell me they were able to track down & arrest hundreds of J6ers mere days after January 6th but still can't get their hands on the actual terrorist who endangered the entire government? Yeah, we're not buying what they're selling. EVERYONE AT THE FBI MUST GET ARRESTED.
Remember the other day I told you that the CIA would see people inside of it convicted of being terrorists and spies for a foreign power, making them traitors, spies and enemy combatants all in one, and how these vile people would end up being shot after a military trial?
Hold that thought over the next few days, as the MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA suddenly attempts to make a HUGE PIVOT and convince the public the MILITARY is the big threat to 'democracy'.
The corrupt intelligence agents are going to attempt to save themselves by throwing out a narrative in desperation that the military has 'coup'd' the civilian government...
...when in fact, literal traitors embedded in our intelligence agencies that have been making war on US citizens via terrorist attacks and propaganda are going to be arrested and charged for their criminal acts.
Is that the Jan 6 made up report that they threw out all the evidence?If interested, here's a pdf of the Special Counsel Report on Jan 6. It was released earlier this morning.
Final Report of the Special Counsel Under 28 C.F.R. § 600.8