John Deere announces mass layoffs

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Tractor Mike

Watch on youtube for written explanation below vid.

Why John Deere is Moving Manufacturing to Mexico​

Aug 1, 2024

In this video, we dive deep into the recent news that John Deere & Co. is relocating some of its manufacturing jobs from the United States to Mexico. This move has sparked significant controversy and negative publicity for the farm equipment manufacturer. We will explore what’s happening behind the scenes with John Deere and other leading farm equipment companies, and break down five key points that illuminate the reasons behind this shift.

He didn't even touch on the real reason.

The real reason for it is because of our government's gross mismanagement of our monetary system.

The only reason off-shoring of manufacturing ever became a thing, is to be able to produce products cheaper in order to not have to increase prices as much as would be required in order to keep production here.

That is entirely the result of 100+ years of constant excess money creation.
....and the gov allows it (mass off-shoring) because that helps to hide the problem IT created.
Meh, I think it was more nefarious. the owners of the system made a shit ton of money from said offshoring. Much more profit when you can use slaves.
I think it was more nefarious.
What's more nefarious than the inflationary monetary system the People were hoodwinked into being locked in to?

Not much, if anything.

This move by JD is but a late stage symptom of it.
Inflation theft just wasn't enough for these Psyco's. They wanted MOAR.
The problem is that input costs are rising faster than their customers ability/willingness to pay more for their finished product.
...and something has to give.

Employee wages are the quickest and fastest way to lower those increasing input costs, if they still want to be able to sell their products.
Farm Journal (Kinze)

AgDay Top Story 08/02/24 Ag Manufacturing Layoffs​

Inflation theft just wasn't enough for these Psyco's. They wanted MOAR.
Ilemme try again.

Inflation theft is by your gov.

JD is just like you me and everyone else who are getting their budgets squeezed by that gov theft.
....and all of us are trying to find ways to still live (and operate) the same as before.

Us people do that by finding cheaper alternatives to the products we like to buy.
Ex: buying cheaper generic products instead of name brand.

JD and other co's do the same. Dif is, the biggest product most of them buy, is labor.
Ex: buying cheaper foreign labor (generic) instead of domestic labor. (Name brand)

If it weren't for the inflationary monetary system our ignorant and self interested morons, err, I mean leaders, set us up on, we could still make most of our own stuff, and gold could still be $20/ounce.

The whole problem stems from an ignorant and greedy government and banking system and an equally ignorant populace that enabled them, and still does.
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