Khashoggi death - USA principles vs Saudi oil and the petrodollar

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  • Nov 22, 2022

Saudi Arabia blasts anonymous report that they are boosting oil production after MBS immunity deal​

"The current cut of 2 million barrels per day by OPEC+ continues until the end of 2023 and, if there is need to take further measures by reducing production to balance supply and demand, we always remain ready to intervene," the energy minister said.
Saudi Arabia blasts anonymous report that they are boosting oil production after MBS immunity deal

A report issued by the Wall Street Journal, stating that Saudi Arabia is considering a boost in their oil production after the Biden administration came out in support of newly appointed Prime Minister Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's immunity against culpability in the murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi, has been refuted by the Saudis.

Saudi Arabia, which in the lead-up to the US midterm elections refused to comply with the Biden administration's ask for an increase in their oil supply, instead declaring OPEC's intention to cut production, said again that cuts, and not increases, were on the table. The cost of oil rose on Tuesday, in response to this news.

(they) made some money on that lie. everything oil crashed about 6 to 10 percent -- then same day snapped all the way back. add 30 times leverage = not a bad day
* bump *

I've talked a bit about the political and economic dynamics of the USA-KSA relationship in the Total Perspective Vortex thread, but the following deserves it's own thread (or dedicated discussion)...

Democrats and Republicans can't agree on much. But when it comes to sending Americans to war, the two parties are often willing to set aside their differences. In his new book War, investigative journalist Bob Woodward reports that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R–S.C.) had a shockingly blunt conversation with President Joe Biden about how to make it happen.

Graham reportedly said that only Biden could secure a U.S.-Saudi defense treaty, because it would "take a Democratic president to convince Democrats to vote to go to war for Saudi Arabia" during a meeting last year. "Let's do it," Biden responded, according to Woodward.

The conversation took place in the context of Biden's attempts to negotiate a "megadeal" between the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Graham had a publicly reported meeting with Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman in support of the deal in April 2023. The idea, which Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. J.D. Vance (R–Ohio) also supports, was to create a permanent, U.S.-led security alliance in the Middle East.


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