LBMA blindsided by Russia buying physical gold - Live From The Vault

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LBMA blindsided by Russia buying physical gold - Live From The Vault Ep: 106​

Kinesis Money
Jan 13, 2023


In the first Live from the Vault of 2023, Andrew Maguire reports on Russia’s Sberbank issuing its first gold-based blockchain asset in a game-changing manoeuvre that might instigate further dedollarisation of commodity trading.

The precious metals expert provides an in-depth commentary on the LBMA’s recent presentation on physical silver, which has indeliberately exposed some of the market's price-setting machinations.

00:00 Start
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16:15 Russian Sberbank is tokenizing physical gold!
27:30 The question of seasonality and what to expect in 2023?
28:15 Fresh insight on the COT report - is it worth looking at?
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