Meanwhile in chicongo & other S%$&hole commie run cities.

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This is what the media and left are fostering with all this race baiting. They are busy down here trying to give aboriginals "The Voice to Parliament", this is a privilege that no other racial group will receive and thus will make them less popular. If they are unwise enough to abuse the privilege, which they will, we've already seen examples of this type of law being misused, they will steadily go down in the estimation of the rest of the country.

It's a fantastic way to destroy a racial group in a multicultural society without directly attacking them. This seems to be what the racist left want, destroy them with concessions.

God forbid that they gain respect on a level playing field, that would be a problem for the lefties.

Divide and conquer, tell them they are oppressed and that we are their oppressors. Do it long enough, and you seed hatred, social media has been wonderful for furthering this cause!

That is precisely why the Marxist left had to get rid of Trump at any cost. When Trump was President, the black unemployment rate was the lowest it had ever been in history. The leftists couldn't have black people leaving their welfare plantation and becoming self-supporting citizens. That just would not do! So they threw everything they had at Trump to get rid of him. Now the economy is in the shitter, inflation is at record levels, interest rates are sky high, and the democrats are loving it. I've always maintained that the left would far rather have complete rule over a third world shithole country than share control over a first world nation.

Fights erupt as anger over migrant crisis boils over​

Aug 28, 2023

The 'Outnumbered' panel discussed the community's response to the spiraling migrant crisis as NYC struggles to provide enough resources for asylum seekers

CA Councilman Robbed While Talking To Reporter About Rising Crime​

Sep 12, 2023


If you’re wondering how bad crime is becoming in California, here’s the perfect example: Recently, a city councilman was talking to the press about the crime problem, and while he was talking he had all of his belongings stolen. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

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This cannot stand unremarked.

These two crypto-Marxists, wanna tell us that it's "inequality" that's causing all this theft.

It's not. The problem is MORAL ROT.

Moral rot, causes persons, or groups, with connections or potential connections, to become crony-corporatists. This isn't part of being rich - Henry Ford got rich with an idea, that he sold millions on. Ignez Schwinn got rich by building a better bicycle.

But in today's world, the easy way, in fact the only way left in our Regulatory State, is through cronyism. Either money-changing with insider leads, or purchase, on prearranged artificial chaos. Buy up companies made to be struggling, through various chaos or interferences. Presto, BlackRock is your new majority shareholder!

So. That SAME moral rot, gives these kids NO reason not to act on THEIR base impulses - which is to mob up, then loot, pillage, often burn, sometimes rape.

This is a society failing; and it's clear, why. No understanding of right and wrong. Not in the C Suites; and not in malls or where the teenagers hang out.
^^^ more stupid ultra-left policies oughta fix it. lol lol lol
Depends on what you mean by "fix."

I really believe that the covert repair is to drive whites...and blacks, and everyone not latino...out of the Southwest, through complete chaos and erasure of law and order. Thus done, Gubbernor Hairdo can welcome in all those wonderful non-whites...who, because they're now on Magic Dirt, will suddenly become as prosperous as White Supremicists were.

He's gonna get a reality check; but in the meantime, California as a region is being literally erased.
A Democrat one?!!!!

Is there any other kind? Hand the democrats a country that is energy independent, has low unemployment, low interest rates, and a booming economy and they can turn it into a festering shithole in less than three years.

And that's the whole country. What they can do to a city in a short time buggers belief.
It's happened before.

Cuba, before and after Castro. Lebanon, before and after the Moslem faction took control in civil war.

France, before and then during German occupation.

Chaos isn't hard to impose. It's getting OUT of that chaos that is years of work.

Armed guard at Philly gas station fires at man who threw rock at him during argument: police​

Sep 18, 2023

Authorities say a heavily armed security guard hired to protect a Philadelphia gas station fired at a person who threw a rock at him during an argument Monday.
In the vid two posts up about the sandwich shop, I noticed they talked to one guy who insisted on referring to the rifles as "machine guns", amd the reporter did not correct him.

My question is, why does no one ever seem to correct people like that?
The only way that those guns could technically be a "machine" gun, is in the same way that a seesaw at a childrens playground is also a type of "machine".
...but I don't think he used the word in that sense.

He was using it to describe a gun that can spray bullets with a single pull of the trigger, and those guns are not that.
....and now thousands of gun-ignorant people who watched clip in Philly are gonna think those are machine guns because they saw it on the "news".
If you are grown up and do not know what a machine gun is, your mind is not fully formed. The information is at your fingertips.
Look through just a few of these headlines and then tell me. Would you want to live in Albuquerque NM? This is what you get when the governor, mayor, sheriff, both senators, all congresspersons, and the overwhelming majority of the state legislature are all DEMOCRATS. Read it and weep,.......

Good insight Casey, but there's an even older word for this. It's called SIN. I know that's not popular, but it is what it is.


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Good insight Casey, but there's an even older word for this. It's called SIN. I know that's not popular, but it is what it is.
Fair enough; but sin is too all-encompassing.

Sin is letting loose with a g0d-DAMN when you stub your toe. When you look at the young babysitter with a twinkle in your eye. When you pocket the bad change made, as you bought a pack of gum.

There is considerable difference, between those acts, forbidden as they are, and rejection of any morals. When your guiding rule becomes, TAKE IT, N_GG_R! When, after growing up thinking that all rich people are decide you want to join them, in being rich and being evil. Behaving as an adult, what as a child you BELIEVED heads of corporations behaved.

Petty sins are...petty. Sins, but not what brings down the world.

Moral debasement is what we have, now. Did one lead to the other? That's a discussion for another thread.
If you are grown up and do not know what a machine gun is, your mind is not fully formed. The information is at your fingertips.

Often, the people who write this crap have never held a gun in their lives.

I just finished reading a Robert Ludlum novel and, in it, he made at least four firearm mistakes. Apparently, this guy never thought to have someone familiar with firearms proofread his stuff. Drove me nuts.
Live, from Philly's skid row. a/k/a the Kensington Avenue police surveillance cam. Right across the street from Jack's Famous Bar.

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Been a while since I've been to Jacks.


At least 20 arrested in night of looting throughout Philly, police say​

Large crowds -- mostly consisting of juveniles -- looted multiple stores and damaged property across Philadelphia Tuesday night, police said.

It was around 8 p.m. when, officials said, police started receiving calls that large crowds were making their way into Center City.

Among the stores looted were the Footlocker and the Apple store near 15th and Chestnut streets and a Lululemon store in the area.

Acting Police Commissioner John Stanford said Tuesday night's looting had nothing to do with the peaceful protest that took place earlier after charges were dismissed against the officer who shot and killed Eddie Irizarry.

Instead, he argued that those involved in looting used the protest as an excuse to engage in criminal behavior.



We need to further defund the police. These young democrat voters are simply getting their rep-ar-a-shuns.



The American "New Reality": ARMED Guards for Food Shops

Sep 28, 2023

During the Wu Flu hysteria, most of the local stores - as well as Wally-Hell - had curbside service. You ordered by stupidphone, er, smartphone. Some minimum-wager would (eventually) bring your order to your parking spot (specially identified pick-up spaces) once you checked in, after they told you your order was ready.

Good luck with the ice cream.

But that may be the norm, now. Self-service ENDS. You order, by phone or app, and PAY AHEAD - and then, take what they give you. And if the hamburger is grey and there's mold on the bacon...too bad, too sad.

The American "New Reality": ARMED Guards for Food Shops

Sep 28, 2023


Our local grocery store has started employing an armed security guard. It's a decent middle class area with low crime so this caught me a bit off guard. I struck up a conversation with him and found he was former law enforcement now doing private security. Asked him if there was a specific threat and he said no, it's just that the grocery store wanted to have one just in case. He rotates between 3 of their stores in the area so I don' t see him very often. With the direction things are headed, I wouldn't be surprised to see more of them and more regularly.
The threat is coming - and fast.

In just a few months, we've sprung up a good sized tent city outside the homeless shelter - which was built to spec, brand new, in 2016. By do-gooder government officials - all transplants from California to Montana.

Now it's overwhelmed - they've opened a warehouse across town, as an overflow site...and that's bordering a neighborhood, not a wealthy one. People are angry.

Even that second site is not enough.

Tonight I was walking off dinner with a stroll through downtown. That USED to be a pleasant thing to do, weekends - there'd be some struggling band set up in front of the former NP train station; there'd be patio dining at a number of bistros and locally-owned restaurants. Used to have a Bar Car - a trolley car propelled by the passengers, using pedals. It was set up like a bar, the passengers would be seated on backed stools all around the center bar, working pedals while they sat crosswise. The guy in the center would be serving them beer out of a keg tap. A non-drinking employee up front would be steering, braking, etc.

That's not there now. Nor are the scratch bands...what was set up in the grassy circle of the cul-de-sac at the train station, was a "drum circle" of homeless bums. Drums, bongos, one guy murdering tunes with a sax. About six hats out for money.

Some of the outside dining places have privacy screens, now. And I saw why - I go by a jewelry shop, closed, and some homeless guy is urinating in the doorway alcove. The well-dressed young people aren't outraged, but they walk faster...change is afoot, and they sense it.

So do I. It won't be long, this is gonna look like a town right out of Atlas Shrugged.

THAT is gonna be Biden's legacy. If there's anyone able to read it, in the future.
In just a few months, we've sprung up a good sized tent city outside the homeless shelter - which was built to spec, brand new, in 2016. By do-gooder government officials - all transplants from California to Montana.
Not sure who, but someone once said, "Build it and they will come". Sounds like it works in spades!
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