That'll work! It's the most cost effective solution yet, as there is no infrastructure to build. Their homes already exist and are ready to go.Nah, just require every Democrat to host them in their homes.
@searcher , how many you good for? Lol
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That'll work! It's the most cost effective solution yet, as there is no infrastructure to build. Their homes already exist and are ready to go.Nah, just require every Democrat to host them in their homes.
Awright. Time for the old bastage to step in with an already worked-and-proven (temporary) solution.
The last time there were no jobs, folks without housing, no particular hope... was the Great Depression. My beloved FIL was a young man without a chance in the world.
The solution (that worked) was the CCC <-- Civilian Conservation Corps. If you wanted to eat, if you wanted a place to sleep, if you wanted to get through the time of zero hope... You could join the CCC.
It was a quasi-military thing. Bill (my FIL) told me the setup when he was in it: The men got paid $30 per month... $25 of which HAD to be sent to their families. <-- TINS This was a no-fukking-around, straight up survival path for a total of three million young men during the run of the program (ended in 1942 when there were jobs everywhere).
The work camps had military discipline. They did a lot of good for the infrastructure of America instead of destroying the infrastructure of America. With the "woke" shit going down all over, there is now no possible reason or excuse to avoid including women into the new, enlightened CCC. And menwomen/it types, too.
- Create the AIC (American Infrastructure Corps) that would be based on the old CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) where you could go to get a technicial - trade school education. Get a job and if necessary, a place to live. The ideal would be to rebuild and maintain America's infrastructure, take back depressed city neighborhoods, rehab abandoned homes which would be used in an "urban homesteading program," reclaim lands that have been laid waste by both nature and man and turn those lands into productive farmland or places where people could live. If you joined up to learn you'd be paid. If you joined up to work, you'd be paid. If you were retired but you had a skill and wanted to teach, you'd be paid. And like the military there would be an AIC Reserve. Maybe one weekend a month and one or 2 weeks a year. You'd be paid. And also like the military, the ACI would have it's own retirement plan that would be separate from and in addition to the NPP (National Pension Plan.)
One thing I never hear talked about is an urban homesteading program. Maybe it would be a good idea to reclaim empty houses that were structurally sound, give them to poor / lower income peeps along with money to fix them up, give them the education they would need, along with a time frame for the work to be completed and turn bad areas into livable neighborhoods. One caveat - no flipping allowed. House must be lived in for at least 20 years. Thoughts???
Was thinking more along the lines of people teaching the "homesteaders" basic carpentry, cement work, electrical wiring, plumbing, etc. Could be a good opportunity for retired tradesmen to pick up some extra cash teaching others something they are experts in. Also having the "homesteaders" work with Habit for Humanity could go a long way in helping them get the skills they would need to rehab their property.
@searcher , how many you good for? Lol
One less than you.
Beautiful.Oh, limousine liberal. A lot of that going on.
Remember when Martha's Vineyard was virtue signaling about being a "Sanctuary City"? Until they got their first taste of "diversity".![]()
I wouldn't have to take any, as only democrats would be required to take them in under @Viking 's obviously well thought out plan.One less than you.
I was speaking figuratively. It's way past time when we should have done something to prevent all this.
You're right about this. Earlier today I was looking through my news feed. There were several different stories about "shoplifting on steroids" in different places across America. And they weren't in big cities. Also, some crazy (and sad) stories about homelessness.
Like I said, I do not know what the answer is.
You can't have people walking around without money in their pockets. And there simply isn't a job for everyone who needs one. What do you do? UBI?
People who are addicted to drugs are not criminals. So what do you do? Lock them up at taxpayers expense? Detox and try to help them find employment and a place to live?
As for the shoplifters? Should we lock all of them up? What about when they get released?
How about housing for the addicts and the homeless? Where do we put them?
One thing is for sure: Uncle Walt was right about teaching morality. We used to teach it a long time ago...........need to bring it back in spades.
I wish I had the answers, but I don't. Maybe we need to take a look at other countries and see how they deal with this? I think a good place to start may be northern Europe? Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland? May be worth a shot?
How about you? Any ideas?
I wouldn't have to take any, as only democrats would be required to take them in under @Viking 's obviously well thought out plan.
....and didn't you say earlier on that you were a D now? That Trump ruined the R's for you? I thought I saw you post something to that effect.
Don't vote party (except in the primaries.)
If you don't count all those shootings in those cities, America becomes one of the safest nations in the World.Add up all the shootings that took place last night in American cities and compare that number to the shootings that took place in the cities of northern Europe. Wonder what the outcome would be?
Dem primary, I presume?
If you don't count all those shootings in those cities, America becomes one of the safest nations in the World.
....and if it is a certain demographic that is responsible for virtually all of those shootings in those cities, who is it that we should punish?
The rest of the people in America by infringing on their 2A Rights and banning their guns, or should we just enforce the law upon the certain demographic that is responsible for the problem of gun violence in those cities?
Imho, to blame innocent gun owners for the violence of criminals, is wrong.
...but that's all the dems want to do. Take guns away from the law abiding while coddling the actual criminals.
Dem primary, I presume?
If you don't count all those shootings in those cities, America becomes one of the safest nations in the World.
....and if it is a certain demographic that is responsible for virtually all of those shootings in those cities, who is it that we should punish?
The rest of the people in America by infringing on their 2A Rights and banning their guns, or should we just enforce the law upon the certain demographic that is responsible for the problem of gun violence in those cities?
Imho, to blame innocent gun owners for the violence of criminals, is wrong.
...but that's all the dems want to do. Take guns away from the law abiding while coddling the actual criminals. can only vote party during primary.
You need to be able to defend yourself and your home.
Try That In a Small Town: 5 Armed Would-Be Home Invaders Caught on Philly Neighborhood Doorbell Cam [VIDEO] - The Truth About Guns
Another day in the crime-ridden cesspool that is Philadelphia. It’s not only regular residents enriched by the crime culture in the so-called City of Brotherly Love, but Temple University students have experienced plenty of these during the current school year. In one recent incident, five
while disarming the law-abiding segment of society
Why is that
I don't think that'll happen.
This, presupposes that the government is GOOD.Awright. Time for the old bastage to step in with an already worked-and-proven (temporary) solution.
The last time there were no jobs, folks without housing, no particular hope... was the Great Depression. My beloved FIL was a young man without a chance in the world.
The solution (that worked) was the CCC <-- Civilian Conservation Corps. If you wanted to eat, if you wanted a place to sleep, if you wanted to get through the time of zero hope... You could join the CCC.
It was a quasi-military thing. Bill (my FIL) told me the setup when he was in it: The men got paid $30 per month... $25 of which HAD to be sent to their families. <-- TINS This was a no-fukking-around, straight up survival path for a total of three million young men during the run of the program (ended in 1942 when there were jobs everywhere).
The work camps had military discipline. They did a lot of good for the infrastructure of America instead of destroying the infrastructure of America. With the "woke" shit going down all over, there is now no possible reason or excuse to avoid including women into the new, enlightened CCC. And menwomen/it types, too.
Sorry to say, but voting in the dem primary makes a can only vote party during primary.
2A was intended for a lot more than that.You need to be able to defend yourself and your home.
Sorry to say, but voting in the dem primary makes a democrat.
Now, how many do you want to take in?
Yes, it would be a fix.I was not talking of a perversion of the CCC and how awful it would be. I posited a fix -- one that was a roaring success in a time of little to no hope at all. Something that actually, historically worked.
Not something that someone in a dark place would accept as a mental challenge to see how they could come up with some way -- any way -- it could possibly go wrong.
You are in a hole, CJ.
I could show you how the Sun could go nova. That should NOT prevent me from investing in my sun-tan oil company.
Get on the other side of the tracks, lad.
I have a slight disagreement. Unusual, to be sure, but factual:
When Tricky Dick was campaigning against JFK, I registered Republican so I could vote AGAINST him in the primary.
Do we have ANYONE like that in government, office or Deep State, today?
If he voted D in the primaries he"s a democrat.
So again, under @Viking 's ultimate solution, how many will you taking in?Registered.
I live in a Repub stronghold. I know a lot of peeps in local gov and I know what they do to help their constituents. And they help them no matter what party they are registered with. So they get my votes.
Like I said...........I vote the person. Was a registered repub until orange man made the scene. Then I switched.
So again, under @Viking 's ultimate solution, how many will you taking in?
I read that Philly became a sanctuary city in 2014.
Well that's not being a team player.
"According to Philly’s OIA, the city’s sanctuary policies uphold the American value of treating all people equally and fairly: “Blaming an entire group of people for our country’s problems and violating their right to due process isn’t constitutional and it isn’t American."![]()
Sanctuary cities 101: Why they matter and how Philly came to be one - Generocity
And a detailed timeline of the three-year battle to keep it that
Foreigners don't have Constitutional Rights.
From your first link: "We can reasonably conclude therefore, that rights to own property, engage in lawful employment, rights under the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause apply to citizens and noncitizens.A bit above my pay grade as to actual reality, so I did a little digging. Note............this is what I found, not my opinion.
Undocumented Immigrants have Constitutional Rights too - The Arkansas Journal of Social Change and Public Service - UA Little Rock
By: Aisosa Osaretin Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect views of the Journal,… Continue reading→
What constitutional rights do undocumented immigrants have?
The administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy and the recent surge in family separations at the border -- a practice President Donald Trump ended through executive order -- has called attention to the legal rights of immigrants under U.S.
FACT CHECK: Do Illegal Immigrants Have No Rights Under The Constitution?
Here are the
I wuzzn't clear:What State did you vote in? If it wss a State with closed primaries then officially that would have made you a republican at that point in time. In a closed primary, you gotta be a member of the party to vote in their primary.
Florida has closed primaries, as does Pennsylvania where @searcher lives. If he voted D in the primaries he"s a democrat.
Oh dear... I gotta ask: Did you vote for Obama?Like I said...........I vote the person. Was a registered repub until orange man made the scene. Then I switched.
The sold-out planned ‘‘doom loop” tour of drug-infested San Francisco was canceled, and community leaders tried to hold a “positive walk” instead — only to still stroll past addicts getting high and homeless camps.
Curious tourists and locals had shelled out $30 a pop on Eventbrite for a weekend tour promising an up-close-and-personal experience with San Francisco, “the model of urban decay” — complete with walks past its “open-air drug markets and vacant office and retail spaces.
But the tour’s guide, only listed as “SF Anonymous Insider,” failed to show at Saturday’s event, claiming he was afraid to carry it out because of all the controversy around it.
San Francisco ‘doom loop’ canned, but even opposition group’s ‘positive walk’ can’t dodge open drug use, homeless
One of the “positive walk’s” stops, the Civic Center district, was eerily empty except for half-baked drug addicts bent over after taking a hit on fentanyl and other