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Locked-up shelves at San Francisco stores have become a common sight due to what companies say is rampant shoplifting.
But customers and staff say the anti-theft measures are irritating, increasing the workload for staffers and wait times for shoppers. The locked shelves are often accompanied by a buzzer that customers push to summon an employee with a key, an interaction that’s becoming increasingly frayed on both sides of the aisle.
Locked Up San Francisco Shelves ‘Irritating’ Workers, Shoppers
One worker said he is quitting his job due to the demands of unlocking shelves.sfstandard.com
Having a job is such a pitaLocked-up shelves at San Francisco stores have become a common sight due to what companies say is rampant shoplifting.
But customers and staff say the anti-theft measures are irritating, increasing the workload for staffers and wait times for shoppers. The locked shelves are often accompanied by a buzzer that customers push to summon an employee with a key, an interaction that’s becoming increasingly frayed on both sides of the aisle.
Locked Up San Francisco Shelves ‘Irritating’ Workers, Shoppers
One worker said he is quitting his job due to the demands of unlocking shelves.sfstandard.com
Hopefully so. How else are the ne'er do wells ever gonna learn why to not do the shit they do, unless more of them get that kinda treatment?That is going to happen more often.
Or what if the dems have just been able to cheat in most of those places for years, and that people voting the other way have come to believe and accept that they are just in the minority?Stupid people continue to vote for democrats. I have no idea why they cannot see past the empty promises and actually look at what dem "leadership" does to a place.
That ain't no lie. These days a person would have to be willfully ignorant in order to be a democrat.You show me a festering shithole in this country, and I'll show you a city that has been controlled by democrats for the past 50 years.
Now ya gotta actively be ignorant to be one.
Gee............that's a bit harsh.
Seems like truth to me. These places that have been under dem/lib/leftist control for years are in fact falling to pieces. To keep voting for the type of people that support the policies that have led to the decay we see would either require an electorate who likes such results, or who willfully ignore such results.Gee............that's a bit harsh.
Seems like truth to me. These places that have been under dem/lib/leftist control for years are in fact falling to pieces. To keep voting for the type of people that support the policies that have led to the decay we see would either require an electorate who likes such results, or who willfully ignore such results.
Either way, they get more of it.
The reason I say that they must be willfully ignorant, is because even I don't think that most democrats in those places actually wanted the results they've gotten.
Their choice is either willfully ignore the results and press on, or admit they were wrong.
....and if they admit to being wrong, who does that leave to have been right? Ie: the ones they see as their political enemies, and they just can't bring themselves to accepting that. So willful ignorance it'll be.
So is a bath if you are filthy. So don't get so filthy that your bath is a "harsh" -- but necessary -- thing to endure.Gee............that's a bit harsh.
Yes, it is now that libs/dems/leftists have been running (ruining?) the place for how many Decades now?More Than 50 People Were Shot Memorial Day Weekend In Chicago, Is That Normal?
Why does San Fran have such high crime? Could it be the lack of any desire to prosecute criminals for their crimes?Locked-up shelves at San Francisco stores have become a common sight due to what companies say is rampant shoplifting.
They only installed it because the people voted for politicians who allowed them to do so.Neighbors of a drug-riddled Seattle homeless encampment are outraged after a swimming pool was installed for the vagrants living there.
Does that sound like the kind of thing that should happen in a well run city?San Francisco Voted For This Chaos. Walgreens Gets Robbed 12 Times In A Day.
@searcher , you say I'm being harsh in my earlier assessment, so if I am, how do you explain the problems those places are having?
Can you give even one example to even begin countering the bs we see and have seen for many years in Chicago Detroit San Fran Seattle Portland Baltimore Philly St Louis DC and many more? What's one thing they all have in common? Decades of libs/dems/leftists running the place.
How do you explain it, if not for it being the result of the policies those people have consistently voted for?
....and do you think they are smart well informed voters, or ones who are ignoring the results their voting has already gotten them?
Can you give even one example to even begin countering the bs we see and have seen for many years in Chicago Detroit San Fran Seattle Portland Baltimore Philly St Louis DC
Gee............that's a bit harsh.
@searcher , you say I'm being harsh in my earlier assessment, so if I am, how do you explain the problems those places are having?
As are most dems.I was screwing around.
So you do see that it's gone downhill?That said..........there are places in Philly I no longer go to. They were all cool places with bars, clubs and a gym where you could have a good time.
When your dem leaders saw it getting more dangerous, what was thir response?Some are now closed, or the neighborhoods are way too dangerous to be walking around in. Don't really think it's simply because of the dems.
So there is plenty of cops in Philly? They have short response times whenever they are called?It's not a lack of police or anything like that. It's more to do with a breakdown in society along all lines........in my opinion.
The only job the gov has is to protect citizens Rights from being violated by criminals.Start with home life, then there is our educational system. Then there is the fact that we kinda live in a dog-eat-dog society where the gov basically has abdicated its role of helping / taking care of its citizens in favor of a you scratch my back I'll scratch your back way of doing things.
Of course not. If you did, you couldn't be able to vote for those who allowed the mess to happen in the first place.I don't know what the answer is,
What would improve things the most is to create an environment that DOESN'T encourage more criminal acts against people and their property.but we need to take a real hard look at how we do things when dealing with people and society in general and improve things.
I was screwing around.
That said..........there are places in Philly I no longer go to. They were all cool places with bars, clubs and a gym where you could have a good time. Some are now closed, or the neighborhoods are way too dangerous to be walking around in. Don't really think it's simply because of the dems. It's not a lack of police or anything like that. It's more to do with a breakdown in society along all lines........in my opinion.
Start with home life, then there is our educational system. Then there is the fact that we kinda live in a dog-eat-dog society where the gov basically has abdicated its role of helping / taking care of its citizens in favor of a you scratch my back I'll scratch your back way of doing things.
I don't know what the answer is, but we need to take a real hard look at how we do things when dealing with people and society in general and improve things. Unfortunately, I don't think that'll happen.
searcher -- THINK a minnit: The gubmint hasn't abdicated its role of helping/taking care of citizens... except where the gubmint is lib/dem/idiots. <-- Those people have JOINED the crowd that steals and burns. Just look dammit LOOK at what thing(s) run Chicago.I was screwing around.
That said..........there are places in Philly I no longer go to. They were all cool places with bars, clubs and a gym where you could have a good time. Some are now closed, or the neighborhoods are way too dangerous to be walking around in. Don't really think it's simply because of the dems. It's not a lack of police or anything like that. It's more to do with a breakdown in society along all lines........in my opinion.
Start with home life, then there is our educational system. Then there is the fact that we kinda live in a dog-eat-dog society where the gov basically has abdicated its role of helping / taking care of its citizens in favor of a you scratch my back I'll scratch your back way of doing things.
I don't know what the answer is, but we need to take a real hard look at how we do things when dealing with people and society in general and improve things. Unfortunately, I don't think that'll happen.
searcher -- THINK a minnit: The gubmint hasn't abdicated its role of helping/taking care of citizens... except where the gubmint is lib/dem/idiots. <-- Those people have JOINED the crowd that steals and burns. Just look dammit LOOK at what thing(s) run Chicago.
I can walk down the street anywhere around where I live. Safely. Let me make sure you understand WHY it is not safe where commie/dem/libs have taken over:
*IF* you steal something from a store around here, you will be stopped by the store owners. And other customers. And you will be held until the police arrive. And you will be arrested.
You will NOT be granted immunity from the store owners. Nor from the American citizens around you. Nor from the police. And lastly, you will NOT be given the goods you stole along with your commie/dem/lib "Get Out Of Jail Free" card by the local (conservative) gummint.
Another thing: Chicago/DC/NYC/Any commie/dem/lib city has lotsa shootings (every fargin night) because there are no guns in those cities. <-- That, Pilgrim, is lib/dem doublethink.
The guns are all held by the gangs. They shoot every night. EVERY night (and day). There are noshit no-go areas for "civilians".
Try that in this area. Most -- not some -- but most, and all those I know both male and female are armed. Legally. There are no carjackings around here... it is bad odds. There are no flash mobs of vibrants robbing Wal-Mart. <-- They would not make it out of the store.
What is Number One on the commie/dem/lib schedule? Ban guns. Prove me wrong.
Like we useta say, bro: There It is.Sounds like where I live. Oh yeah, and half the people in the stores where I live are armed, as am I. It's a very peaceful, quiet town. Heck, where I live, Grandma's packing heat. And I'm not even joking.