Mental & Physical Aspects of Alcohol & Drug Abuse

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The Best Tip to Face Big Alcohol Temptation at Christmas​


Why Your Sober Enemy Isn't What You Think - Must Watch If Stopping Alcohol​


How to Quit Alcohol for 2024 - Empowering Insights for Drinkers​

Dec 31, 2023


Major Tip For Sober Success in 2024 - Must Watch For Those Who Want To Stay Sober​


Why Alcohol New Year's Resolutions Fail​


The Deluded Vision Of "The Alcoholic"​

Jan 14, 2024


Smug Ex-Drinker's Reaction To Other People’s Drinking - Disgusting or What?​

humpht? been drinking for years, quit all the other stuff I dabbled in just becuz it got tiresome. did I do it for me? NO, did I do it for some one else? NO. thing is, is if I din't drink there would b a trail of bodies. in the wake behind me. Sometimes you have to imbibe as it just keeps the world turning. been working 4me so far.

I just put myself through 2 years of intense alkeyhal therapy. Brutal it was that half gallon every two to three days but i'm squeezing it down. though there was that one time....

yeah, it'been years since I'd been in a bar, and, and I sacked up and walked the tracks 3 miles into town to shoot sum pool. Had to take my portable accounting notes as some miscreants had entered into and had deprived me of various things. Well found out the shit sticks seen that cash and as I was working on that third whiskey I was in a fight. Seems the whiskey at the bar was mor powerful than the whiskey I had at home.

yep took one hour to get to the bar and took from 11pm till 3am to get home. Yeah, 4 hours of falling down, dam near got runn-did-ed over by a train all to stay ahead of the freaks that wanted that folding money. Yep, cops had them f'ers hung up at the bar and I was making tracks. Thank U Independence police 4 letting me have a handycap in that race.

Never even drank that third whiskey as I got salted on the first or second one. IF I ever go back to that bar I'll b seeing dead people.

Alkeyhaul ind't the problem....people are.....

How Do I Quit Drinking Alcohol Without Stress, Anxiety, Fear? It's Not As Hard As You Might Think!​



How much alcohol can my body really take? Chest pains in hospital tells the horrible truth!​

Feb 11, 2024


It's not just the alcohol, it's everything else that sucks itself onto your drinking​


Research shows lasting effects of smoking after quitting​

Researchers are still discovering how smoking continues to harm people's health even years after they quit, with a new study on Wednesday revealing tobacco's lasting effect on the immune system.

Despite the tobacco industry long fighting to conceal the dangers of smoking, tobacco is now known to kill more than eight million people globally a year, according to the World Health Organization.

But the myriad of ways the habit damages bodies are still coming to light.

The new study, published in the journal Nature, found that smoking alters the immune system, which protect bodies from infection, for far longer than previously thought.



Ever Wonder Why We Reach for a Beer When Life's on the Ups AND Downs?​

Feb 25, 2024


What's behind the stunning rise in alcohol-related deaths​

Mar 5, 2024
Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs in America, and it is also one of the deadliest, with more and more people losing their lives to alcohol-related causes over the last two decades. A new report reveals how the problem has become more acute in recent years. Keith Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, joins William Brangham to discuss.


3 Reasons Why It's Never Too Late to Quit Drinking - Every Rock Bottom Can Be A Solid Foundation​

Mar 10, 2024


Nurse Drops Alcohol Truth Bomb: 'Liver Cancer, Slow Death' - A Wake-Up Call I Never Expected!​


How To Tackle Anger & Frustration Without Hitting The Bottle! Simple Sober Tips​


I Watched My Sister Die of Alcoholism​


Heartbreaking Story - Alcohol Took His Kid Brother - Who In Your Life Needs Help?​


The Fitness Journey Begins. Patrick motivates to get in shape for the last 20 years of life.​

Apr 5, 2024

Let Patrick's fitness journey motivate you. He talks about his addictive personality and the connection between nutrition, working out and sustaining his sobriety.


Avoid This HUGE Mistake When Quitting Booze​

Apr 7, 2024


4 Easy Tips For The First 18 Sober Days​

Apr 21, 2024


How Alcoholism Affects Your Family. A son shares how alcohol broke the unbreakable father/son bond.​

Apr 12, 2024

Patrick's youngest son James opens up about how his father's alcoholism affected him when he was growing up. His incredibly open and honest account of how he was able to accept his father back into his life after having shut him out for over a year. Alcoholism almost destroyed his relationship with his father. Licensed Music from Lick'd includes: "Passing Time" - Paul Mottram and "Tell A Story 2" Alex Arcoleo


Is Alcohol the Real Problem or Just a Symptom?​

Jun 6, 2024


3 Critical Lessons from One Month Sober That Took Me 3 Years to Learn​

Jun 16, 2024


Will I Lose Friends If I Stop Drinking Alcohol? Brutal Truth​

Jun 23, 2024


How Booze Eats Your Time: Present, Past, and Future!​


Dopamine Reset - Breaking Free from the Alcohol Cycle - Is Drunk Just The Opposite of Sober???​


Giving up alcohol made me realize the benefits of sobriety are so much greater than not drinking​

  • I started drinking when I was a teen and continued through my 20s.
  • It got worse, to the point where I was about to get fired from my job.
  • Now I don't take things personally and fun has a different meaning.
I started drinking in my early teens. On holidays, my sisters and I were allowed to have a glass of wine with dinner. While the taste was not exactly enjoyable, I knew I would keep drinking it. The feeling of being included like a grown-up, of partaking in something that I only equated with a fun time, took over.

I found my "thing." The thing that would make me confident, likable, loose. The thing that would make up my entire personality for the next 20 years. It was alcohol.



7 Early Warning Signs of Cirrhosis of the Liver - Spot Cirrhosis Early - Don't Ignore​


5 Ways QUITTING Drinking TRANSFORMS Your Health​


U.K Cocaine Addiction - My Story - 21 Years of Hell​

May 24, 2023

Hi All, a big thank you for watching My story on drug addiction, I feel it is very important to raise more awareness on addiction and hope my story shows people the dangers and risks involved and ultimately will deter people from ever using or letting it escalate to where it can take full control of your life like it did with me. I also hope to show people that no matter how far gone you think you are you can turn your life around. please feel free to drop me a message or comment if you have any questions on this subject. I hope for anyone watching this you find peace and good health in your life.


10 Greatest Benefits Of Stopping Drinking Alcohol Short Term Gains​

Sep 15, 2024

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