My first purchase arrived!

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Predaceous Stink Bug
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Taylors, (Greenville) SC
OK, I think I'm official now. My first silver purchase arrived about an hour ago. I ordered one of those "coins" from Gold & Silver Pawn, y'know, "The old mans 71st birthday" commemorative. That's what actually got me interested in collecting. I saw the Monday night episode and then somehow ran across it Tuesday on e-Bay. Sadly, at the time, I didn't know that silver was only about $29.00/oz, otherwise I might not've purchased it. Well, it's here, it's cool, and I'm gonna keep collecting. This time, only bars, though.
So, can I stay on the forum?:D
The more you stick around, the more you learn.
The more you learn, the more PM you buy (at better prices)!
Everyone has to start somewhere (see signature). :)
An ounce a day helps you get prepared to keep the zombies at bay. Keep on stacking brother. You can start small if your budget is restrained and simply do the slow build or you can go nuclear and dip out of a savings account to pick up a hundred or three. Either way, you will be preserving wealth.

Personally, I don't bother with numismatic stuff unless it is something really cool and I have the spare dough. I do have a series of Kookaburras that I bought at around 15, and I have a small series of silver Ascension Island coins I bought while working there in '98 - 99 for around twelve pounds each.
congrats, and welcome to the club. be careful though, it'll take over if you aren't careful!
Good start, Mark! Keep in mind that PM coins with a face value on them (usually really low) have some interesting and different tax and cross border possibilities than bulk bars. Depends on what you're after. But numismatic value is only a good addition to net purchasing power when times are good...
I echo my brothers above Mark!

I have been buying gold for decades (almost 30 years) "poco-a-poco". I buy when I have money come in. Money comes in, some of that goes to gold (although I have some Pt, Ag, and Pd in declining order).

After a few years, you will have a decent pile. And will be that much closer to being in the 1%!
It's exciting when your orders arrive. I'm waiting for one, right now :)

I saw the Pawn Stars the other night where they made coins out of the 75# silver bar that some guy brought in. Oddly enough, I would love one of those coins just for kicks.

PMs are addictive... but I would imagine safer than stocks.

I'm about to sell my house and move to another. I can tell you that a solid 1/3 of the profit is going directly to PMs :)

Good idea or not, it's what I am going to do.

Thanks HCA...

I don't come across big chunks of change too often... but I'm going to dedicate a good chunk of the house sale to PMs.

I've been screwed on two 401k's in the past, so PMs seem pretty appealing over other investments.

I learned everything I know about PM's from this board and the people here. You are in good company. Stick around. I learn something every time I visit.

Keep stackin', my man...
Yeah, I'm learning a lot here, also. I've since bought another piece of silver on e-Bay and currently have two active bids. It's funny, I'm not a gun nut, but I collect Colt and pre-'64 Winchester. Usually, if I sold something or somehow came into a little money, I'd purchase what I could afford at the time (recently, a 1954 Model '94), but since I started in PM (just this week, mind you), I'm much more excited about taking any spare income and converting it into silver. (Is it Ag?) I think I'm addicted. Now, I cruise e-Bay for silver and watch the "spot" report.
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