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Fly on the Wall
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Hey everyone! I'm pretty new to buying pm's, and from a lot of the posts on here I've read I can see that I've made plenty of mistakes so far. Being that I have about 45 years till I can even consider retirement I'm hoping to build up enough of a stack to make that easier for me. You guys/gals have a lot of great information from what I've seen, but I have tons of questions because a lot of things I don't know very much about yet. So just bare with me if I ask noon questions lol. I'm really excited to learn more about all of this!
welcome aboard - plenty of ready-made answers for newbies here!

Hey, PMBug - maybe you should create and broadcast a "PMBug indicator" ;) - that is, a number of new members enlisting monthly/weekly? That could actually say something about interest in metals, within the broader public - I mean, pros are not very likely to search our advice here, yet moms & pops of that world, they could end up here (like I did!)
Hi .snap, welcome to the forum. :wave:

Feel free to search the forum or ask away if you have questions.

@bushi - The forum does track stats like that in the admin cp, but I'm not sure how to access/display them publicly. To be honest, I'm not sure that it would necessarily be a good indicator for the stated purpose. New registrations tend to rise and fall with visibility of a site in search engine results more than anything else.
Welcome to the board.

Why exactly did you decide to start buying precious metals?
@Penn- yes I've gotten a little stack going of silver rounds and bars. Nothing over 1oz though, and just a couple grams of gold cuz that's all the budget can afford for now.

@Pmbug - thank you! You have a lot of interesting articles that are still kind of Greek to me but I'll try not to bother anyone with to many pointless questions!
Very good! Way to go! See how addicting it is? Just holding it- lets you know you are doing the right thing.
@DSAbug- I would say watching the economy crumble and not having any kind of "safety blanket" I guess you could call it, really scared me. Just seeing how everything is mainly just paper or numbers in a computer made me feel helpless and angry. I like knowing that I can somewhat protect my future finances personally instead of having some banker try to feed me bs just to deepen his pockets.

@Penn- yes! It is a very satisfying feeling lol
Thats what I love- this is concrete action we can take to protect ourself. each ounce stacked in your hand is a blow to the system.

You can be mad and upset- or you can stack.
@DSAbug- I would say watching the economy crumble and not having any kind of "safety blanket" I guess you could call it, really scared me. Just seeing how everything is mainly just paper or numbers in a computer made me feel helpless and angry. I like knowing that I can somewhat protect my future finances personally instead of having some banker try to feed me bs just to deepen his pockets.

Well.. Set some rules for yourself before placing your bets.

As with any other investment, you need to remember that you can potentially save too much. If you are living your life on leverage (IE have debt) I would highly recommend taking that into consideration before buying. If the economy turns sour, it's entirely possible gold and silver get beat up short term like they did in 2008. Before you decide to make purchases, recognize that you will have insane volatility in this sector. You want to be selling on your terms and not to maintain an unsustainable lifestyle.
With stacking should come a serious and honest assessment of the lifestyle cost that you require.

Look at EVERY expense and make sure you are getting the most bang for the buck.
"potentially save too much"? I'm not quite sure I understand lol. Do you mean making purchases over the budget and putting myself in a bad financial position? I have taken account for all my debts(mortgage, credit, car notes etc.) plus average living expenses. Then I will figure out how much of the left over money I want to use buy pm's. I have accepted the volatility of it and I'm not expecting to make short term profits from it, or profits in general. I just want to be able to secure my wealth in something physical other than a piece of paper that is continuously losing value.
I cut it too close. I owe a buddy $15- and have less then $30 for the whole month- gas tank is on empty- food low in house- I hope there is no emergency.

The thing is- I been on this mode for several months now. I just refuse to sell.
- and then I buy more.
As has been discussed here, I believe that the stack is for after, not during, the really bad times ahead. PM's go down in a crash, perhaps not as much as most other things, but don't go up like a short does.

But to be the one of the few with resources when it's time to start those new businesses to rebuild....that's a worthy goal.

For during any really bad times, fully owned real estate away from crowds, garden, chickens, and yeah, guns/ammo and a defence plan. In my case, add working wood farm (heat and lumber), owned machine and plating shop and other similar goodies. When things get mid-bad, people want to fix that car/tractor vs buying a new one for example. Skills you can use no matter what are a great store of value that pays dividends. Even when times are good. So, look into the win-win stuff too - and think about the timing. Skills that mainly involve pushing paper probably are going to be the first to be found not worth so much anymore. Skills as a "maker" are another story entirely.

I'm definitely not saying don't stack - stack like crazy - but not so much you'll have to sell in only middling bad times - the prices won't be so favourable then. But also that other stuff, which will be likely needed first in a real big reset. I'd rather be the only guy with food than the only guy with PM's if people are hungry, you know? And I won't sell my farm, even for PMs.

There's a reason I heard "don't bet the farm" seconds ago. It's a popular saying for a good reason. Just channelling Kyle Bass here.
Oh- I am in favor of a well stocked home. One thing messed up - is the price of used cars.
"potentially save too much"? I'm not quite sure I understand lol. Do you mean making purchases over the budget and putting myself in a bad financial position? I have taken account for all my debts(mortgage, credit, car notes etc.) plus average living expenses. Then I will figure out how much of the left over money I want to use buy pm's. I have accepted the volatility of it and I'm not expecting to make short term profits from it, or profits in general. I just want to be able to secure my wealth in something physical other than a piece of paper that is continuously losing value.

It's entirely possible for you to purchase more than you can truly afford and then be in a situation where you have to sell your gold to pay off debts. I'm not accusing you of this, but I've seen it happen.
Oh for sure- I been on these boards since 2008 and several guys have to sell - but most of them bounce back later- the good thing is they have SOMETHING to sell!
Ahhh, alright. I didnt take it as an accusation lol thank you for the concern though. I fully plan on trying to avoid putting myself in that situation at all costs, I currently only buy in small incriminates once or twice a month.
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