Nord Stream Sabotage

Who done it? Super cereal question

  • Drunk boat captain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Angry Narwhal

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Aliens (duh!)

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Russia

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • USA

    Votes: 18 75.0%
  • Germany

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spanish Inquisition (no one expects them)

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Go home bug, you're drunk

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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The following is from Monkey Wrex
  1. Biden said we were going to do it
  2. It happened “overnight” on the 26th of September
  3. We have a US Navy P8 fly from the United States to a refueling rendezvous point over Grudziądz Poland at 0210 hrs GMT
  4. The two aircraft, Callsign N/A, and BART12 sync up at 26,400 ft for an extended 1:20 minute refueling, disconnecting at 0328 hrs GMT
  5. The BART12 air refueler RTB’d to Spangdahlem Air Base Germany and one should note the flight record has been wiped
  6. The Navy P8 then continues onto the Nord Stream Pipeline location and descends to an altitude of <10,000 ft at 0345 hrs GMT
  7. The Navy P8 exits the area just prior to 0700 hrs and is the only aircraft over the area the entire time
  8. At 0709 hrs GMT the Navy P8 returns back to the United States. Note: the US Navy P8 HexCode is AE6851 and is NOT listed in the aircraft database. Furthermore, the aircraft flew as “masked” meaning it did not want to be tracked
  9. Datapoint, there were recorded 2.3 magnitude shakes in the area at that same time
  10. The following morning NATO Forces announce that overnight the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline has been sabotaged
  11. A Poland Ministry Official posts a tweet thanking the United States for taking out the Pipeline
  12. On September 29th in front of the UN Security Council a Russian Federation spokesperson presents the known facts and asks the United States representative directly in a yes or no requested response, “did the United States take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline” in which the US representative did not confirm nor deny it and didn’t answer the question, but instead took an offensive posture

From the 10 minute mark in the following video, he takes you through the flight tracking of the P-8.

The choice I've come to believe, isn't on there.

Tom Luongo, in conversation with a guest whose name I don't remember...posited a credible thesis that it was either the Poles or the UK's MI6. Of course, at the BEHEST of Uncle Sugar, and with technical information and support, courtesy of the Pentagon; but the actual doing, was probably done by either or both of those NATO actors.

He claims Putin knows it, too - which was why he blamed "Anglo-Saxons" and not specifically the Great Satan.

Nord Stream operator to investigate pipeline explosions​

Deutsche Welle - 3h ago

Achartered vessel bearing the Russian flag, as the pipeline operator is majority owned by Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom, arrived at the site of blasts in Sweden's exclusive economic zone.Nord Stream AG, or the operator of Nord Stream 1 pipeline, sent a specially equipped vessel on Thursday to investigate damage to the pipelines under the Baltic Sea.

Nord Stream AG, whose majority shareholder is Russia's state energy giant Gazprom, said the chartered vessel arrived at the location of damage in Sweden's exclusive economic zone.

The vessel, bearing the Russian flag, would have specialists aboard to assess the damage within a dayand investigation would take three to five days, the company said.

Nord Stream AG said it didn't have relevant permits to conduct an investigation until now.

I still think MonkeyWerx shows enough electronic / radar evidence of US as a main culprit in the area just before the Nord Stream eruption, or what ever you wish to call it.
I still think MonkeyWerx shows enough electronic / radar evidence of US as a main culprit in the area just before the Nord Stream eruption, or what ever you wish to call it.
I'm not yet convinced that the P-8 actually blew up the pipelines. However, I am convinced that the P-8 was there, and that it's presence is related to the operation. For example, maybe the US government hired a Polish or Norwegian team to set the explosives using an ROV, and the P-8 was positioned there to make sure the coast was clear of unwanted vessels.

Damaged Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline in re/insurance dilemma​

25th October 2022 - Author: Kassandra Jimenez-Sanchez

As the mystery surrounding the explosions that damaged undersea gas pipelines between Russia and Germany remains unsolved, Nord Stream 1’s re/insurers are trying to figure out how to handle potential claims worth hundreds of millions of dollars, reports Reuters.

According to industry sources familiar with the matter, Munich Re and syndicates within the Lloyd’s of London market are among the major underwriters for Nord Stream 1, the pipeline bringing gas to Europe under the Baltic Sea.

They added that it was unclear whether they would renew its cover. If this is to happen, the possibility of the Nord Stream 1 ever being repaired and restarted becomes more remote.

As the mystery surrounding the explosions that damaged undersea gas pipelines between Russia and Germany remains unsolved, Nord Stream 1’s re/insurers are trying to figure out how to handle potential claims worth hundreds of millions of dollars, reports Reuters.
Are they going to pay, and then cancel the policy? Or wanting to not pay on the claim at all?

Kremlin: No decision yet on repair of Nord Stream gas pipelines​

Story by Reuters • Yesterday 05:18

(Reuters) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that no decision had been made yet on whether to go ahead with a repair of the undersea Nord Stream gas pipelines that were damaged by explosions in September.

Allegedly, 3 minutes after the 'sudden pressure drop' Liz Truss ( remember her ? ) sent Blinken a text using her mobile phone saying 'Its done'
There was a fair bit of speculation that UK SBS were involved, so I am unable to vote 🤡

Report: No Conclusive Evidence for Identity of Nord Stream Saboteur​


The mystery of the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline network is under investigation, but there are few clues to the identity of the perpetrator - and the case may never be solved, according to the Washington Post.

When a sabotage attack ruptured three pipelines in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas complexes on Sept. 26, any sense of complacency Europe may have had about the security of subsea infrastructure evaporated, along with several hundred thousand tonnes of Russian natural gas. Several NATO member states quickly hinted (or stated) that they believe Russia to be the culprit - even though the Russian government was the majority owner of the pipeline and the gas inside it.

Allegedly, 3 minutes after the 'sudden pressure drop' Liz Truss ( remember her ? ) sent Blinken a text using her mobile phone saying 'Its done' ...

Bold emphasis mine:
New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year, a step toward determining responsibility for an act of sabotage that has confounded investigators on both sides of the Atlantic for months.

U.S. officials said that they had no evidence President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine or his top lieutenants were involved in the operation, or that the perpetrators were acting at the direction of any Ukrainian government officials.

So, it could be just about anyone other than Russia according to US intelligence...
Another, "Us officials suggest" thing?
....and anyone actually believes it?

Kinda like how US officials suggested that Trump colluded with Putin? Or how they suggested that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation? Or how US officials suggested that the lab leak "theory" was completely bogus?

Whoever the f' blew the pipeline up, "US officials" know e x a c t l y who the f' it was. That they tell us little people that they have no idea, carries zero weight as to what the actual truth of the matter is.
One factor that no one seems to mention, is that these pipelines are ploughed into the seabed to ensure anchors and trawler kit do not disturb them. The plough can place the pipe at depths of up to 2.5m deep. ( it weighs 200 tonne and requires a pretty special boat to pull it ) So whoever did the job not only needed to know exactly where the pipelines run but to excavate to uncover them at 80m depth, where its pretty dark and serious diving gear and competence is required. More realistic is an unmanned ROV with water jetting capability, then maybe divers to plant the explosives and remote trigger systems. A hired yacht is simply not believable.
It is a serious stretch to claim a private operator did it
CHRISTIANSÖ in the Baltic Sea, Denmark March 9 (Reuters) – Danish police have searched for a yacht on a tiny Baltic Sea island near the Nord Stream pipeline blast sites, the local administrator said on Thursday.

German authorities confirmed on Wednesday they had raided a ship in January that may have been used to transport explosives used to blow up the pipelines.

Covers Nordstream @ 1.75X speed

Nord Stream NYT story, McCarthy snubs Zelensky, modified MiGs

CHRISTIANSÖ in the Baltic Sea, Denmark March 9 (Reuters) – Danish police have searched for a yacht on a tiny Baltic Sea island near the Nord Stream pipeline blast sites, the local administrator said on Thursday.

German authorities confirmed on Wednesday they had raided a ship in January that may have been used to transport explosives used to blow up the pipelines.

Translation: they are desperately looking for a patsy to frame.
Posting this as an interesting read, nothing else. I have no clue who did what.



The Biden Administration continues to conceal its responsibility for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines​

Seymour Hersh

President Joe Biden meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Oval Office, March 3, 2023. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

It’s been six weeks since I published a report, based on anonymous sourcing, naming President Joe Biden as the official who ordered the mysterious destruction last September of Nord Stream 2, a new $11-billion pipeline that was scheduled to double the volume of natural gas delivered from Russia to Germany. The story gained traction in Germany and Western Europe, but was subject to a near media blackout in the US. Two weeks ago, after a visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Washington, US and German intelligence agencies attempted to add to the blackout by feeding the New York Times and the German weekly Die Zeit false cover stories to counter the report that Biden and US operatives were responsible for the pipelines’ destruction.

By Bloomberg News (Bloomberg) —

Denmark is salvaging an unidentified object found next to a Russian gas pipeline that was damaged in a blast last September, as investigators continue to seek who was behind the attack.

So, any word yet as to what the unidentified object is?
IDK it looked as if it was down there for some time with all the growth on it.

Don’t know how fast stuff grows on objects in the sea.

Last edited:
So, any word yet as to what the unidentified object is?

A mysterious object found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, which Danish authorities had hoped could provide clues to the bombings that incapacitated the Nord Stream pipelines, has turned out to be a harmless smoke signal canister.

The Danish Energy Agency said Wednesday that the cylindrical object found on the seabed by the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was an empty maritime smoke buoy, which is used for visual marking.

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