Orca attack squads on the prowl

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Orcas have attacked and sunk a third boat off the Iberian coast of Europe, and experts now believe the behavior is being copied by the rest of the population.

Three orcas (Orcinus orca), also known as killer whales, struck the yacht on the night of May 4 in the Strait of Gibraltar, off the coast of Spain, and pierced the rudder. "There were two smaller and one larger orca," skipper Werner Schaufelberger told the German publication Yacht. "The little ones shook the rudder at the back while the big one repeatedly backed up and rammed the ship with full force from the side."

"We were sitting ducks. We were amazingly calm, but underneath we were thinking, 'Oh my god,' " said passenger Janet Morris

A British couple had a frightening encounter with a pod of orcas while out at sea earlier this month.

Janet Morris and Stephen Bidwell from Cambridge told The Sunday Times that they were on the second day of training for their week-long sailing course off the coast of Morocco when the incident took place on May 2.

"I couldn't believe it when I saw them," Morris, 58, told the outlet, noting that they had been awed by the sight at first. "It's extremely rare."


Life imitating art again. I was just watching a movie called Maiden about a group of women competing in an around the world yacht race back in 1989 and they had enough to deal with without boat sinking Orca pods. Crazy.
Someone somewhere pissed these things off and they dont forget. Now they are getting even. One probably got run over by one of them huge cargo ships and now they want revenge.
Someone somewhere pissed these things off and they dont forget. Now they are getting even. One probably got run over by one of them huge cargo ships and now they want revenge.
That would be a great movie. So in the movie "Frogs" I was against the humans, "Willard" I was for the rats, "Godzilla" Liked when he destroyed cities, "Jaws" I was on the shark's side. So yeah I really like this story.
That would be a great movie. So in the movie "Frogs" I was against the humans, "Willard" I was for the rats, "Godzilla" Liked when he destroyed cities, "Jaws" I was on the shark's side. So yeah I really like this story.
We can pitch it to hollywierd but they will want an all tranny cast
Let's say that you had a problem with large amounts of illegal invaders coming to your country by boat, many in rubber rafts. You train up a pod of orcas to go after them. The orcas are smarter than you realized and train other orcas. Your actions have complete deniability as long as you've taken care to destroy all records. Sure, you'll loose a few fishermen and weekend boaters but isn't that a small price to pay if it removes thousands of illegals?
One Orca talking to another as they approach a yacht:

"I love these things. Crunchy on the outside, and all gooey in the middle."🐬🐋
A vengeful killer whale called Gladis is leading gangs of orcas into battle with yachts around Gibraltar and has already sunk three boats in Europe.

It may read like something out of Moby Dick, but in this case the truth is stranger than Herman Melville’s fictional tale of the white whale.

Researchers believe that a female orca called White Gladis has been hell-bent on revenge after being traumatised by a collision with a boat or being trapped in illegal fishing nets.

Someone somewhere pissed these things off and they dont forget. Now they are getting even. One probably got run over by one of them huge cargo ships and now they want revenge.
I'm no tree hugger, but have you seen the footage of those orca pods killing blue whales for what looks like the fun of it? They don't eat them afterward or that would make sense. I don't think they compete with one another for food like a lion and a hyena which I get them attacking one another.
Kill em all, let god sort em out. Better yet , tell the Chinese orca meat gives ya a hard on and the Chinese will wipe em out in short order.

Orcas threw a yacht around 'like a rag doll' and ripped off both rudders, the latest example of a killer-whale attack​

3h ago

  • A pod of orcas attacked a yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar, ripping off both of its rudders.
  • The sailor said it felt as though the orcas were throwing the yacht around "like a rag doll."
  • There have been 20 incidents of orca attacks in the Strait of Gibraltar in the past month alone.

What Are the Orcas Planning Next?​

It’s been a big week (f)in orca news. The black and white cetaceans, often referred to as killer whales, seem to be making some unexpected moves—popping up in numbers and places where they usually do not.

On Sunday, a group of researchers—surveying the seas from a plane—spotted four whales just south of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, in an area where orca sightings are exceedingly rare, according to a New York Times report. Elsewhere in New England, a fishing crew noted another orca in Cape Cod Bay near Provincetown, Massachusetts on the same day.

Good thing indeed, we have enough predators who attack people already; don't need another.
Orcas better watch their shit. They do NOT want to get the active attention of the apex predator on this planet.

Some boat owners are a hundred time more equal than others. There could be a massacree of Orcas.
Not going to try to analyze this. I'll leave that to the pros. My take...........they want some payback.


Orcas sink ANOTHER boat off Gibraltar after relentless 45-minute attack by killer whales ‘led by notorious White Gladis’​

White Gladis, a 25ft-long mother orca, is believed by some to be the ringleader of the rampaging pod of killer whales

A POD of killer whales attacked a boat in the Gibraltar Strait, sinking the yacht in the fourth incident of its kind in just two years.

The orcas relentlessly pummelled the boat’s rudder, damaging the vessel beyond repair.


In a couple of years, it'll all be forgotten.

Once the dollar collapses, the USN is reduced to shoreside photo-ops. What that means is, piracy, not orcas, become the biggest threat on the water.

Our world contracts. Shipping something across the water, becomes risky - Nineteenth-Century risky.
They are called killer whales for a reason.
Actually, by my reading, that was a perversion of what the whalers called them: Whale Killers.

Whether from the same family as whales, exactly, I don't know; but in appearance, they're more like oversized porpoises in tuxedos. But as noted, they go after the whales - probably in competition for food, and maybe for sport, too.
A raucous pod of orcas have been slamming sailboats around off Spain for the past three years, frustrating yacht owners and occasionally sinking their boats. In retaliation, some of these beleaguered boaters have tried to ward off the assaults by broadcasting heavy metal music with underwater speakers - but like teenagers enjoying a good concert, the notorious orcas continue to rock the boat.

I think these whale attacks may have actually been the work of WPAC's in their attempt to be looked upon as peeps.........whale peeps. Looks like it's starting to work.

Send out a Seal Team hit squard on jet skis to take out those bitches.

Orcas Sink 50-Foot Yacht Off the Coast of Morocco​

The boat-ramming orcas are back in action: Two people had to be rescued from a sailing yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar after the black-and-white marine mammals damaged the vessel so badly it later sank, reporters Reuters’ David Latona.

The incident occurred around 9 a.m. local time Sunday, some 14 miles north of Cape Spartel in northern Morocco. Passengers aboard the 50-foot Alboran Cognac felt blows to the yacht’s hull and saw that the rudder had been damaged. As water began leaking onto the ship, they contacted the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Tarifa, Spain, which directed them to prepare for an emergency rescue.

About an hour later, a nearby oil tanker picked up the two crew members, who were customers of Spain-based Alboran Charter, which owns the yacht, reports the Washington Post’s Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff.

The boat took on more water and sank soon after. It’s not clear how many orcas targeted the vessel.

The sinking of the Alboran Cognac is the latest in a string of incidents involving orcas and ships in the Strait of Gibraltar. The highly intelligent, social marine mammals made headlines last spring, when they sank a Swiss yacht called Champagne off the coast of Spain. In November, they brought down another ship, a Polish sailing yacht called the Grazie Mamma.


I wonder how much that 50ft yacht cost.
- Holy shades of Jonah and the whale bat man!
- One lucky dude boy wonder!

Video captures Humpback whale briefly swallowing kayaker in Chile​

Feb 13, 2025 #chile #news

A humpback whale briefly swallowed a kayaker off Chilean Patagonia before quickly releasing him unharmed. It happened in Bahía El Águila last Saturday near the San Isidro Lighthouse in the Strait of Magellan. Read more: https://bit.ly/42WdoMS

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