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dali lambone

Predaceous Stink Bug
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Since it sounds like unlimited money printing is going to be our way of life, why dont we all just quit work and let the Fed just print enough currency to import everything we'll ever need again. No need for us to produce anything.

This way I can just drink scotch all day and instead of money and politics, we can all tell drunken jokes.
I think we are on a path of self destruction, and the printing of money merely cheapens the blow to eh bankers who brought us here in the first place. The peppering of GS and JPM ex-employees within the construct of our executive branch merely insures us that we will all receive a royal ass-fucking in the form of perpetual debt servitude.

Just look at bankruptcy laws. The reasons the founders came here in the first place was religious persecution and debt prison. What have we done? We have made religion a taboo subject and those who have untenable debts for whatever reason, must now pass a "means test" before being permitted to go bankrupt. In addition, student loans are now a permanent debt. You cannot declare them in a bankruptcy. Sure, a judge can change the terms to be more favorable, or offer interest forgiveness, but he debt is paid no matter what.

We have become what we sought freedom from in the first place by allowing the very same people we fled from to lobby the government for the same protection's the had in the 1600's.

Failutre to learn from the past is a sure fire way to end up repeating it.
Since it sounds like unlimited money printing is going to be our way of life, why dont we all just quit work and let the Fed just print enough currency to import everything we'll ever need again. No need for us to produce anything.

That is just too funny - I had the exact same thought TODAY, and wanted to post it somewhere on PMBug :)

Good man!
This thread reminds me of something (I think it was Fleckenstein said); Of course, I have to paraphrase: "one day us americans will just lay around while people from third world countries cater to our bodily functions".... (or something like that)
"one day us americans will just lay around while people from third world countries cater to our bodily functions".... (or something like that)

the day has come -

us americans = the 1%

and everything else falls into place once you accept that america is now both first and third world
Ah yes, That movie, along with Brewsters Millions made me think seriously about how much fun one could have with nearly unlimited cash. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure as hell makes the ride a lot more comfortable.
@ rblong2us

That's a good observation about America becoming more First World and Third World at the same time. There is no doubt about a couple of things:

1) You can see some of our cities to have gleaming new buildings in their downtowns. Many of those cities (but not others like Detroit) have cut crime, have nicer shops, etc. NYC, for example, I read has a lower murder rate than does London.

2) And yet there are more homeless, more out of work, higher levels of social problems and just a more desperate feeling environment. MY FAMILY (the three of us) without doubt makes less money than a few years ago, due to ZIRP, but we are not in the Third World either.

Very astute, you must have visited our country fairly often.
Do Chen,

I dont have a passport, having tried to tread lightly on the planet ...
apart from the odd play on a digger or dirt bike (-:
and have not travelled abroad for many years.

My observations on the US are based on what I see and learn on the internet.

is it 60 million on food stamps ?
tent cities for the homeless ?
the average house price in Detroit under $10k ?
and the millions no longer unemployed, cos theyve given up looking ......

we are not supposed to know about the real consequences of the many years of 'outsourcing' real jobs and the banksters 'dropping the ball' in '08.

The polarisation of rich and poor is now as bad in the US as just before the great depression of the 20th C , hence my third world comment.

all your jobs rblong2us
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