Pennsylvania Federal Election Integrity Lawsuit Result: 178,000 ineligible votes removed

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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The presidential race was decided by 81,660 votes. CNN data...

Whoever still states there was no fraud is either a liar, a fool, or most likely: both.

President: Pennsylvania
Party change

20 Electoral Votes


Est. 99% In

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Judicial Watch had alleged Pennsylvania failed to maintain accurate voter rolls per federal law and sent a notice-of-violation letter to the Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth on April 22, 2021. Five months later, Pennsylvania told the court that it took immediate steps to address the issues raised by the watchdog group and removed all inactive voters eligible for removal, totaling 178,258.

They apparently removed ineligible "inactive" voters from the rolls - whatever that means.
Libtards will claim a majority of the removed votes were for Trump and and that the most popular president in history won by even more.

They apparently removed ineligible "inactive" voters from the rolls - whatever that means.

The machines USE those inactive voters as the BASIS for the fake votes. They cannot flip enough votes in areas where the margin is Too Big for the number of eligible voters. That's why they have been adding like 120+ year olds to the voter roles. People who die or leave the state and no longer eligible voters.

They apparently removed ineligible "inactive" voters from the rolls - whatever that means.
Sounds like a throwaway line to me. I see left-wing derogation in the "scare quote" around "inactive". I see the use of "apparently" to lighten the sense and impact.

Let me reel that throwaway line in and expose leftist thinking for what it is -- secret denial attempted again:

The PA cities -- which swung the election -- had stacks of voters born in 1900. That voted. I wonder who they voted for?

And there was this: "...the state officials have admitted to finding names of 11,198 non-citizens registered to vote on the state’s rolls though the lawmakers suspect the number could still be higher." "...a Philadelphia commissioner had estimated some 100,000 names could be involved." I wonder who they voted for?

And of course, you never noticed this after the dems lost the federal election integrity lawsuit which you didn't notice either:

"PA. Agrees to Purge 178K Ineligible Voters from Dirty Records after Lawsuit"

In sum, to make it perfectly clear to anyone in the US:

1. The PA election was crooked. nem. con.

2. The PA electoral votes swung the presidential election. nem. con.

3. The US election was "won" by a paltry difference of 81K votes in PA ALONE.

That 81K difference is less than HALF of the known ILLEGAL Pennsylvania registered voters.

Failure to consider this a drastic problem is a failure to be a true American. nem. con.
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Sounds like a throwaway line to me. I see left-wing derogation in the "scare quote" around "inactive". I see the use of "apparently" to lighten the sense and impact.

I used quotes around "inactive" precisely because I am unsure "what that means". The reporting was unclear. I assume that PA has a procedure in place so that they track which voters on the roll have actually voted (to prevent folks from voting multiple times). The reporting appears to me to be saying that the 178k voters purged from the rolls did not vote - hence "inactive". But again, the reporting is not 100% clear.

From everything I've read and heard the 178K were inactive.

From link:

Upon receiving the [April 22, 2021] letter, the Secretary [of the Commonwealth] immediately took action by investigating the issues raised and working with the identified 27 counties to remove outstanding inactive voters who had failed to return a confirmation notice and did not participate in the subsequent two consecutive federal elections. With the Secretary’s assistance, the counties removed every single inactive voter eligible for removal from the rolls. The total inactive voters removed was 178,258.

In PA if you are a registered voter but you fail to vote in two federal election cycles your registration will expire. It's a use it or lose it deal.

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