Physical & mental aspects of ageing

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Majority of older adults with cognitive impairment still drive​

The majority of older adults with cognitive impairment are still driving, despite concerns raised by caregivers and others, a Michigan Medicine study in a South Texas community finds.

Researchers assessed more than 600 adults over 65 years old in Nueces County, Texas, who had cognitive assessment scores that indicated a likelihood of impairment.

Of those people with cognitive impairment, 61.4% were current drivers, and around one-third of all caregivers had concerns about their care-recipient driving. The results are published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Read the rest:

It's simple.

Require road tests on renewal for everyone over a certain age. I'd say, 70...since dementia isn't likely before that point.
It's simple.

Require road tests on renewal for everyone over a certain age. I'd say, 70...since dementia isn't likely before that point.
maybe a simple self assessment that could assess response time and reaction to visuals on a touch screen ?
A gently way for carers to have that discussion ?
Most 70 + year olds would hopelessly fail a modern driving test as it has become a lot more complex but they would be safe enough on familiar local roads if they could actually see and respond in a timely manner to changing visual information .
Could even include things like motorcyclists in mirrors as they turn ........
That's true enough - and I'm living it - but do you have any idea how many older people are in complete self-denial about it?

I understand how it comes to be. I don't think I'm there; but life has slapped me down many times, keeping me humble that way. I'd seen my parents, at different times - my father had what was probably early-onset Alzheimer's, covered over because he was forced out of work early, with a corporate merger, and spent several years alone during the days, before having the first of several strokes. Numerous smallish dents and dings in his cars, and he developed new ugly habits, like hitting a local ethnic bar at opening time.

My mother avoided most of that, but could barely get in and out of her car. Could hardly walk across a parking lot. Not fat, just arthritis and muscle weakness.

But the point is...NEITHER of them wanted to even CONSIDER they weren't ready to drive. Nor was the state DMV pushing the issue - my mother failed her vision test on renewal, FOUR TIMES on four visits, before getting through it. Probably with some help by the DMV people.

Over the last ten years, slowly, many activities are being taken away. Travel...aside from the money angle, the amount of crap I have to carry has grown immensely. I used to tour by motorcycle. Before I stopped, I could see, I was carrying more crap and enjoying the trips much less. Now, even auto travel - a Jab-injured driver coming the other way, totalled both cars, her passenger (fatality) and my RV. Leaving me scrambling for two days to get as much stuff as I could, home, any way I could.

I don't want to go through that again.

I don't see well at night, now...that's age-related, too. It isn't coloring my life, since I stay close to home; but fifteen years ago, I would occasionally be on the roads on a trip...motorcycle or car...late at night. No can do, now.

To say nothing of my abandoned athletic pursuits. I used to love to ski. I still try to hike, but no more elaborate long hiking trips. Bicycling, still I can do, but not sure for how much longer.

Oh, and...that All-American he-man sport...DRINKING. Diabetes slowed it way down. But a gout attack, has stopped it.

It is what it is. And older people need be realistic, just like everyone else.
It's simple.

Require road tests on renewal for everyone over a certain age. I'd say, 70...since dementia isn't likely before that point.
If you got dementia prior to 70 it's early onset and rapid.

Boost Your Brain: Exercise for Cognitive Health​

Dec 21, 2023

Movement has so many benefits for your cognitive health. It keeps your brain sharp and improves your mood. Challenge your memory and thinking skills with a fun and rhythmic workout!



What are the Hallmarks of Aging? Part One.​

Jan 16, 2024 Nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab.


At 93, he’s as fit as a 40-year-old. His body offers lessons on aging.​

For lessons on how to age well, we could do worse than turn to Richard Morgan.

At 93, the Irishman is a four-time world champion in indoor rowing, with the aerobic engine of a healthy 30- or 40-year-old and the body-fat percentage of a whippet. He’s also the subject of a new case study, published last month in the Journal of Applied Physiology, that looked at his training, diet and physiology.

Its results suggest that, in many ways, he’s an exemplar of fit, healthy aging — a nonagenarian with the heart, muscles and lungs of someone less than half his age. But in other ways, he’s ordinary: a onetime baker and battery maker with creaky knees who didn’t take up regular exercise until he was in his 70s and who still trains mostly in his backyard shed.

Even though his fitness routine began later in life, he has now rowed the equivalent of almost 10 times around the globe and has won four world championships. So what, the researchers wondered, did his late-life exercise do for his aging body?


Another way to "boost your brain" is to not take that poison vetch that Blue Cross (owners of this) are pushing so hard, to get the government bonus for.

No brain fog, no cancer, no Died Suddenly. I look at all the buff dead actors...the healthiest dead people, ever. I'm built like a pear, and one that's overripe; and I have none of that.

I walk two miles a day. Used to do it fast. Now I hobble along. Is it keeping me sharp? I don't know, and can't know.

I do know who to listen to. Not these clowns.

What are the Hallmarks of Aging? Part One.​

Jan 16, 2024


Here's Part 2. Nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab.

The Hallmarks of Aging, Part 2​

Jan 23, 2024

I'm 48. Over the last 2 years I've lost 85 pounds and taken up trail running (LOVE it). 5 miles 2x per week. Now I am starting to do upper body strength training.

This article gives me hope for a fit an healthy later-life.
It's simple.

Require road tests on renewal for everyone over a certain age. I'd say, 70...since dementia isn't likely before that point.
I'd go even further and make everyone re-test every renewal.
....and the test would be hard enough that half of those taking it would fail.

I'm all for getting as many idiots off the roads as possible.
I'd go even further and make everyone re-test every renewal.
....and the test would be hard enough that half of those taking it would fail.

I'm all for getting as many idiots off the roads as possible.
Yah...but...logistics. Huge staff to do all that testing.

And once you turn the DMV into such a huge'll become political. As all large government operations do.

Marking down because it's not the approved CAR (or truck) used. For the SEX (or pronouns used) of the testee (or manners to the tester). Down-marks for bumper-stickers.

I'm not in favor of growing ANY government agency. How about, when an incompetent driver causes a wreck...PUNISH the SOB?

Basic Step Workout for Active Agers | SilverSneakers​

Feb 22, 2024

Improve your legs and your heart with an effective step workout with Andi! This class will strengthen your leg muscles and improve your cardiovascular health. Let's get moving!

Do you enjoy our SilverSneakers YouTube videos? If so, visit our website to experience SilverSneakers LIVE virtual workouts. We offer a variety of class formats and instructors for you to choose from. Click here to get started:




Improve your balance when walking with *THIS* one trick​

If you feel unstable when walking or lack confidence in your abilities- you need this one simple trick to help you. There is one mistake that I see many people making who aren't aware they are even doing it. The problem is, simply standing on one leg isn't enough to improve balance when walking. The solution? To add an additional challenge to your balance exercises such as adding arm movements, closing your eyes and/or completing exercises on an uneven surface.


That's funny.

These are ALSO the people (BCBS Medicare Advantage) who are pushing the Jab so hard...even tried to send a "counselor" "nurse" to do me a home visit, to of course push the Vaxx.

And then all the Died Suddenly are because, we're exercising too hard, it's too hot/cold/humid/dry/noisy. We should sit in a cool/warm/dry/controlled-humidity room quietly, and watch television.

But not any Rumble videos. Nope...Da Veew, or Mourning Joey...or other amphetamine-driven TDS propaganda stream.
send a "counselor" "nurse" to do me a home visit

Have had 4 home visits via computer. She could see me and visa versa. Actually enjoyed them.

But the best part was each visit netted me a $50.00 gift card. Two for Walmart (used at Sam's) and two for Barnes & Noble.
Have had 4 home visits via computer. She could see me and visa versa. Actually enjoyed them.

But the best part was each visit netted me a $50.00 gift card. Two for Walmart (used at Sam's) and two for Barnes & Noble.
That, after that home visit/Jab push has failed.

This is a way to get the numbers of accepted "home visits" up. Not unlike giving a Krispy Kreme donut to everyone who takes the Death Jab.

Right now I trust NOBODY in the medical community. For obvious reasons; and that I need medical care...REAL medical care, not the Gates Cull Shot...doesn't change things.

I'm now in a pre-industrial world, or translating to. My medical needs, many of them, can no longer be dealt with...arthritis, hip issues, and soon, diabetes drugs.
The sekrit to being in good shape** at age 83...

**Relatively -- after having been shot, stabbed, blown up, run over, and poisoned. to send one of your kids through college and Med School. <-- He saved my arse twice. So far.
Its all free in Blighty and I was persuaded to go to the local 'health' centre for a checkup
'weve not seen you for a routine health check for 10 years ....'

Didnt see a doctor ( not sure how you actually get to see one since Rona ) but a pleasant middle aged nurse did the measurements and took some blood.

Have you had your flu jab ? she politely asked
No, I dont subscribe to such things.
You got the Rona jab though ?
No, I got Rona instead. And havent had it since, unlike many friends and neighbours, who keep getting it.
You are really lucky to have such a strong immune system, most dont have this.
You think its luck ?
Awkward silence ........

but then we got chatting about alternative forms of treatment. I told her about DMSO. She was exploring Bach flower remedies and homeopathy and we chatted about frequency based therapies. I offered her an insight into the cutting edge developments with epi-genitics and phased laser switching to trigger stem cells or reverse ageing.
We agreed that big pharma's business model was not in our best interests.

Maybe there is hope (-:
The sekrit to being in good shape** at age 83...

**Relatively -- after having been shot, stabbed, blown up, run over, and poisoned. to send one of your kids through college and Med School. <-- He saved my arse twice. So far.


But said kid has to be exceptional. I mean, more exceptional than the average kid...

For every alert, honest, physician like young Dr. Snedeker, there's the 98-IQ DEI female medical-school grads, all pumped up with motivational sessions and pushing the Jabs like an avenging angel. And ready to loose Hell's own fury on those Science Deniers who're SPREADING CO-VIDD! by not getting the shots that statistically make you MOAR likely to have it and never shake it.

For every Kory or McCullough or Cole or Mercola, there's hundreds of thousands of quacks who've accepted their new role as Death Technicians. Even to taking the Death Jab themselves.

I grant that a lot of physicians, including your boy, quit. But not nearly enough, and now they're silenced and marginalized.
I fear that if anything, your scathing description of the new generation of doctors is too mild.

The medical schools are going DEI. With pronouns. And unbelievable other crap. NOTHING like it was 50 years ago, when the competition** to get into med school was brutal. Now it is "diversification first".

** Scooter had been in the special gifted class in High School, aced every Pre-Med college course. At his first attempt, he was asked if his father was a doctor. "Nope." Then they asked what he had done -- other than schoolwork -- to ensure he was really able to commit to the profession.

He had no answer. The solution: He worked for 16 months in the Atlanta Hospital ER as an unpaid assistant picking up teeth, hair, and eyeballs.

THEN he got in to Med School, when he showed all his certificates from the Hospital Staff.

Now, if you are black, female, and arrogant... you are in.

And you "are in" for that level of medical treatment from now on. It will only get worse.

OHSHIT -- almost forgot: No free ride (unlike today) -- The Scottish Witch and Your Humble Obdn't &tc paid full fare for his Med School tuition. NO special grants were available back then for being female, black, illiterate, and foreign.
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Its all free in Blighty and I was persuaded to go to the local 'health' centre for a checkup

I'm curious how other countries do things differently than America. Are you happy with your health care system? Am also interested in hearing from others in different countries.

There's another thread about our national pension plan: Would like to hear what types of national pension plans are available in other countries.

Alzheimer's and Dementia | 60 Minutes Full Episodes​

Mar 9, 2024
From 2018, Dr. Jon LaPook's groundbreaking report following an Alzheimer's patient and her caregiver husband for 10 years to document the struggles they face. From 2019, Bill Whitaker's heartbreaking look at frontotemporal dementia. From July 2017, Lesley Stahl's examination of efforts to prevent Alzheimer's. And from this past January, Sharyn Alfonsi's story on a new approach to brain surgery that could revolutionize the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. 1 hour, 20 mins long.

Cross post from the thread.

Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | TED​

What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Get inspired to go to the gym as Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory -- and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. 13 mins long.


No, I got Rona instead. And havent had it since, unlike many friends and neighbours, who keep getting it.
You are really lucky to have such a strong immune system, most dont have this.
You think its luck ?
Awkward silence ........

Not after taking the clot shots, they don't.

I play golf with a guy who got three of them. He's always sick. No sooner does he get over one thing, he's down with something else. He and his wife have been sick something like five times since Christmas.

Getting old ain't for pussies.

Since 2015 I've visited people in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, cemeteries on a scale I really don't like. Try to take care of your health, you won't regret it.

Balance & Coordination Workout | SilverSneakers​

Apr 30, 2024

Looking for ways to enhance your balance and stability? Join Sharlyn as she teaches you how to improve coordination and refine your ability to move!


Do you enjoy our SilverSneakers YouTube videos? If so, visit our website to experience SilverSneakers LIVE virtual workouts. We offer a variety of class formats and instructors for you to choose from. Click here to get started:
If you smoke a lot of weed sometimes you forget where you put it. Same goes for gold stash.
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