PMBug 101 for newbies

Welcome to the Precious Metals Bug Forums

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I forgot to mention the forum's subscription system. By default, the forum sets your subscription preference to no email. When you create or reply to a thread, the forum will track your interest in the thread and you can monitor when your subscribed threads have replies easily by checking you control panel (see "User CP" link at the top of the page).

You can change your subscription preference from your control panel (see edit options in the left hand menu on the control panel page) to send you email alerts if you like.
This forum has a built in, self contained messaging system (like email). This allows members to communicate privately with one another without revealing their email addresses (preserving a bit of anonymity).

To send any pmbug member a private message (PM), you can click on the "Private Messages" link undeneath your own username at the very top of the page on the right hand side or on the "User CP" link in the middle of the menu at the top of the page.

From there, click on the "Send New Message" link underneath "Private Messages" in the left hand side menu. Then just fill out the form. The recipients field will try to auto-complete the username for you so you only need to type the first few letters of the person you are trying to reach.
PMBug - since I've forgotten how (again) and heck, I'm a computer guy myself, how about adding how to embed a youtube video here in your notes above?
Instructions for posting videos were discussed in this thread:


Basically, just post the URL for the video without any BB code and the forum should do all the magic. For youtube, the URL should look like:


and you will get:

I used the [ noparse ] tag to display the URLs above. Just post the URL and the forum will handle the rest.
How to post images (charts, etc.)

You have two options for including images with your posts:
  1. Attachments - You can use the forum's attachment system to upload an image from your computer. The pmbug forum will then maintain a copy of the image in it's storage. The forum allows every member a certain limit (don't recall what it is off the top of my head as I write this) of data for storing attachments. The pmbug forum software will display attachments as small thumbnail images that must be clicked to see in full size (or near full size if the image is too large).
  2. [img][/img] bbcode - If the image is already stored somewhere on the web, you can enclose the web address for the image with the forum's [img][/img] bbcode and the image will be "hot linked" from it's off site storage / location. I personally use this option exclusively. You can use a free image host like to upload the image from your computer and it will even give you the correct forum code to copy / paste into your forum message. When using this option, the forum will display the image in it's original size (tinypic gives you the option to scale / resize the pic during the upload).
I was asked via PM what the friends list is all about. I thought I'd share the answer in case anyone else was curious/wondering:

The forum/site allows you to restrict who can post "visitor messages" on your profile page (if you have it enabled) and/or send you private messages to just people on your friends/buddy list. IIRC, the site default settings allow all members to do these things, but you can change them from your control panel if you like.

Other than that, the friends list means as much or as little as you want it to mean.
Is there, unh, a 'time delay' for new members?
Where's my avatar?
Why can't I send a PM?

Just started, and am still looking around.

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Yes, the forum requires new members to meet a certain threshold (it's actually fairly low) of activity before it auto-promotes them to an active users group that has expanded permissions for uploading avatars, sending PMs and posting links. This is a simple measure to keep the forums from being overrun with bots and marketing spam.
I'm rather embarrassed to say that I don't remember. It's been years since I mucked around that part of the ACP. I'll have a look tomorrow when I'm back at my computer (I don't mess with that stuff on my phone).
I'm rather embarrassed to say that I don't remember. It's been years since I mucked around that part of the ACP. I'll have a look tomorrow when I'm back at my computer (I don't mess with that stuff on my phone).

Cool, I can post threads already but no Avatar yet! Maybe if I'm a good boy soon eh? :cool:
sorry I can't find the specific post that mentioned it, but have you looked into a {to bottom of page} down arrow yet?
Okay, how do you send a private message or direct message or whatever it is called here? On GIM2 if you hovered your cursor over someone's avatar, the popup had a "start conversation" button. That doesn't seem to be true here. Also on GIM2, next to your member name on the top right of the screen was "inbox" and that inbox had an option to start a conversation. I don't see that here either. So, how does one send a PM on this site?
It's the same.

Newly registered members don't get immediate access though. This is an anti-spam and anti-troll measure. New members get auto-promoted after a day or two of participation and then have access to all forum functions.
It's the same.

Newly registered members don't get immediate access though. This is an anti-spam and anti-troll measure. New members get auto-promoted after a day or two of participation and then have access to all forum functions.

Thanks for the reply. I'll wait patiently for that option to appear for me and then I will send you a PM regarding my account.
Thanks for the reply. I'll wait patiently for that option to appear for me and then I will send you a PM regarding my account.
You can also use the contact link at the bottom of the page to send me an email.
You can also use the contact link at the bottom of the page to send me an email.
I did that yesterday or the day before but didn't hear anything back. Probably due to the problem I am having. I also sent an email Friday afternoon to the email address the confirmation request comes from. I didn't hear back from that so didn't know if that email account is monitored or not. If it's not monitored then I will wait until I can PM you.
I checked my emails this morning and I had several hundred emails to wade through. My apologies for not processing them sooner. I got your emails @SongSungAu and I'm looking into it right now.
Maybe the GIM guys could back off a little bit and be more patient.

Everyone has been quite patient and cordial. No complaints at all.

I had to adjust my email notification settings. This whirlwind of activity was generating too many notifications. I'm good now though.
The vast majority of Gimmers are cut from the same cloth, they aren't quiet though :D
We're vocal and inflexible but well-behaved.

It reminds me a lot of the InterwebZ in the early days. Probably many of the same people...the twentysomethings of the Compuserve era, are now sixtysomethings, and repulsed at the censorship of the (anti)social mediuh pages. That was why they left America Online to die!...they got sick of the nanny-state blocking out bad words and locking out web pages.

And here we are all over again, except that now we're the old fossils, and in the minority.
When using an android the forum categories do not show. I only see new posts ect.
When using an android the forum categories do not show. I only see new posts ect.
You should see an icon at the top left next to the pmbug logo that looks like three horizontal lines. Click it to get a menu. Click on 'forums' to see the list of forum rooms/categories.
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