Political Joke Thread-Cartoons-Memes

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Remember when 51 former "Intelligence Agency" heads signed a letter stating that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation and all the retards believed them?

That was pretty funny.



I LOVE it that is was a black American that kicked the shit out of that commie.

Considering 60% of blacks and 50% of jews are communists it's a step in the right direction. Jews have been big communists since 1917, but blacks are evolving from tribal mentality to it. Mask wearers are symbolic now.
#sputnikviral | 📹🇨🇳Electric scooter suddenly catches fire on road in China

The transformation into a "Ghost Rider" was caught on CCTV cameras.

Fortunately, the driver seemed to have managed to escape the flames and put out the fire on the ground.

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