Political Joke Thread-Cartoons-Memes

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This one will quack you up!

Stalkers chase little girl!

I get the humor; but I think it's a modern-cultural failing.

That kid - not her fault - can't tell between a Demo-Pedo and some poor ducks who think she's someone who is supposed to feed them.

Once upon a time - 150 years ago - we trained kids, both sexes, how to deal with these things. George Washington shouldn't have chopped down the cherry tree - but he could have dealt with brigands. Molly Pitcher knew how to load a musket.

You got a ten-year-old daughter? Enroll her in a martial-arts training program. So she can take out some soft-bread admirer of Epstein, if it comes to that.

She'll have more confidence, too. What if Mommy wasn't right there?

28 USC 455 is a federal statute that outlines the grounds for disqualification of a federal judge. Specifically, it states that a judge shall disqualify themselves from a case if:

- They have a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party
- They have personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding
- They have served as a lawyer in the matter in controversy
- They have a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy
- They have a spouse or minor child residing with them who has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy
- They have been a material witness concerning the matter in controversy
- They have previously presided as a judge over the matter in controversy
^^Don't forget the asshole Republicans who helped every step of the way, in Vietnam, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and sucking up to israel every chance they got.^^^
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