Political Joke Thread-Cartoons-Memes

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Joe Biden, Lula, and Zelensky were at the United Nations. Each was bragging how they were becoming billionaires by leading their country. Joe looks at Lula and Zelensky and says, "See that Freedom Tower over there?", he slaps his pocket and says "10%". Lula started giggling and Zelensky looked confused. Lula said to Biden and Zelensky, come down to Rio and I'll show you what politicians do down here. So there they were, down in beautiful Rio de Janeiro. Lula looks at Biden and Zelensky and says, see that Bridge over there? Slaps his pocket and says 50%! Biden was horrified because Lula was so much better at stealing than he was. Zelensky however now realized they were serious and started laughing. Zelensky than said, why dont you two come over to Kiev and I'll show you how its really done. So Zelensky, Lula and Biden went to Kiev. There, Zelensky looks at Lula and Biden and says, "You guys see that hundred of billions of dollars to build that military base over there to fight Russia?" Biden asks, "What base?". Zelensky slaps his pocket and responds, "100%".
Yeah, now that we have three million of the enemy !unbelievably! on our payroll.
Yeah, now that we have three million of the enemy !unbelievably! on our payroll.
it makes sense

no wall when they want to invade

now they are here and the grass isn’t greener, livin I’m the streets and benefits get cut off

biden needs the wall now to keep them here
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