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Gotta love that liberal mindset...Was in Wally World (NE Philly) earlier today. Loons had all kinds of men's shaving stuff (regular / electric razors, shaving creams, nose / ear hair trimmers, etc.) locked up. Passed the men's clothes section and saw men's underwear locked up. Not good for making sales.
Because it is not an invasion; it is an invitation.
Was in Wally World (NE Philly) earlier today. Loons had all kinds of men's shaving stuff (regular / electric razors, shaving creams, nose / ear hair trimmers, etc.) locked up. Passed the men's clothes section and saw men's underwear locked up. Not good for making sales.
Well clearly the answer is to vote for democrat leadership in your city. They'll fix it for sure.Was in Wally World (NE Philly) earlier today. Loons had all kinds of men's shaving stuff (regular / electric razors, shaving creams, nose / ear hair trimmers, etc.) locked up. Passed the men's clothes section and saw men's underwear locked up. Not good for making sales.
Well clearly the answer is to vote for democrat leadership in your city. They'll fix it for sure.