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Welcome to the Precious Metals Bug Forums

Welcome to the PMBug forums - a watering hole for folks interested in gold, silver, precious metals, sound money, investing, market and economic news, central bank monetary policies, politics and more. You can visit the forum page to see the list of forum nodes (categories/rooms) for topics.

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....i see no way to just gift some $ to the site online

You should be able to select one of the custom amount upgrade options on the account upgrades page. It will extend your current upgrade for the term (month/year) you choose while allowing you to choose any $ amount you'd like to pay/gift.

You could also choose to gift an upgrade to another member(s) using the "gift upgrade" button (click on their username to see it on their profile page if you are on mobile) if you feel like playing Santa Claus.
You should be able to select one of the custom amount upgrade options on the account upgrades page. It will extend your current upgrade for the term (month/year) you choose while allowing you to choose any $ amount you'd like to pay/gift.

You could also choose to gift an upgrade to another member(s) using the "gift upgrade" button (click on their username to see it on their profile page if you are on mobile) if you feel like playing Santa Claus.
in the future you might consider a option for direct "gifting" to the site for instances where funds are needed and the gifter doesnt need "upgrades" etc
in the future you might consider a option for direct "gifting" to the site for instances where funds are needed and the gifter doesnt need "upgrades" etc

I updated the permission system just now so that logged in members can access the donation page (which was designed for guests/non-members):
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