Project 2025 - The Presidential Transition Project

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I skimmed it. They aren't endorsing commodity money as a primary goal. At least they gave it some consideration though.
I skimmed it. They aren't endorsing commodity money as a primary goal. At least they gave it some consideration though.

That was my take on it as well.

For the MSM to react the way it has, it shows how far removed they are from being a news reporting organisation.
Briefly looked through it. Didn't care too much about what I saw. Will spend more time on it later.

Here are some talking points from someone who has read it. If you listen or watch, take it fwiw and dyodd.

The Roads to Project 2025....​

The vid is from Sep 7, 2023 and worth 8 minutes of your time.

-- A look at Project 2025 and Agenda 47, which if implemented after the potential election of Donald Trump in 2024, would turn the United States into a dictatorship, with Trump as the dictator

The article is from Sept 7, 2023 and worth a read.


In this vid Thom talks about Trump possibly being an actor being told what to do by people who hold big bucks. I found it interesting. Then again, it's an opinion piece so take it fwiw and dyodd.

Project 2025 Secret Plan Reveals Who Holds Trump's Leash!​

Jun 20, 2024 #MoreFromThom #Project2025 #DonaldTrump

In less than a month, Republicans will meet in Milwaukee to crown Donald Trump as their Emperor King and Sun God. But the real powers behind the GOP — the billionaires and their institutions that created Project 2025 as a how-to manual to convert American democracy into something like the old Confederacy — don’t much care about poor old Donald.


Rather read? Here ya go...............

Interesting interview with professional bull shit artist Kevin Roberts who make no bones about wanting to screw America every way but loose.

Top Project 2025 architect talks conservative blueprint for Trump second term​

Jun 22, 2024 #Project2025 #Trump #2024Election

President of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, joins The Weekend to discuss Project 2025, the conservative blueprint for a second Donald Trump term.


Right-Wing Think Tank Leader Promises Revolution, Warns of ‘Bloodshed'​

Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, is talking up revolution and the prospect of "bloodshed" in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision placing the president outside the reach of criminal law.

The Heritage Foundation is the once-staid think tank that, since Roberts' arrival in 2021, has leaned into the culture wars with gusto. The group has organized the infamous Project 2025, mapping out an extremist agenda for a prospective second Trump term.

Roberts spoke Tuesday on the show Real America's Voice with guest host and former Tea Party congressman Dave Brat, and uncorked comments that made him sound like a member of the Oath Keepers militia.

"Let me speak about the radical left," Roberts said, insisting it "has taken over our institutions." He said that the reason progressive are "apoplectic right now" - in the wake of the Supreme Court decision granting the president immunity from criminal prosecution - "is because our side is winning."

Roberts then declared himself an insurrectionist who is open to violence: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution," he said, "which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."


Opinion piece, mariner's point of view.

Which President will save the American Merchant Mariner?​

Jul 4, 2024 SAN DIEGO

In this video, we delve into Project 2025, a conservative initiative by the Heritage Foundation aimed at reshaping the U.S. government, and explore its potential effects on the maritime industry. We'll break down what Project 2025 really entails and address common misconceptions about the Maritime Administration (MARAD) and the Jones Act. Join us as we separate fact from fiction and understand the real implications for America's maritime sector. Stay informed and get the facts straight on The Wandering Mariner!

I know, because you support the demonization of the man using false data intended to influence an election.

You probably won't watch or listen to this, but I'll post it any way. In my opinion it's worth your time. This isn't me, it's people who worked for and with Trump. If you do watch or listen, take it fwiw and dyodd.

Investigating Trump, Project 2025 and the future of the United States | Four Corners​

Jul 15, 2024 UNITED STATES

There has never been a US president like Donald Trump — and now he’s back, this time with a detailed plan for his second coming.

Nearly four years after he was cast out by voters and accused of encouraging the American people to assault their own democracy with the attack on the US Capitol, the now convicted criminal wants to rebuild the country in his own image.

Ahead of the US election in November, Four Corners reporter Mark Willacy travels to Washington for the first of a special two-part series.

He sits down with White House insiders who witnessed the chaos of Trump’s first term — some who continue to support his vision, and others Trump now considers “traitors”.

Trump wants to reshape the pillars of American democracy and give himself more power. Willacy goes inside “Project 2025”, the blueprint for a second Trump term and the army of recruits ready to carry out his orders.

Meanwhile strategy, security and defense experts warn of the impact another Trump presidency could have on America’s institutions, its democracy, and the rest of the world.


00:00 - Trump, Justice and Retribution
02:08 - Assassination attempt
03:50 - Trump’s second coming
04:42 - Battle for democracy
06:07 - Anonymous
09:31 - “He’s an idiot’’
11:48 - Traitors
14:51 -Trump and Russia
17:25 - NATO
22:18 - Dictator on day one
23:40 - What is Project 2025?
26:35 - Nonsensical Americans
35:10 - The Department of Justice
40:50 - National Security
43:54 - January 6 Capitol riots
52:25 -Threat of civil disorder

08:26: Miles Taylor, Former Chief of Staff, Department of Homeland Security
10:48: Sebastian Gorka, Former National Security Advisor to Donald Trump
12:07: John Bolton, Former National Security Advisor to Donald Trump
13:33: Leon Panetta, Former CIA director
14:51: Peter Strzok, Former Deputy Assist, Director, Former Counter-Intelligence
19:41: Chad Wolf, Former acting secretary, department of homeland security
20:41: Gordon Sondland, former US Ambassador to the European Union
23:14: Paul Dans, Project 2025 director
25:54: Anthony Scaramucci, Former Communications Director to Donald Trump
28:52: Erica Newland, Former attorney, Department of Justice
30:19: Charlie Dent, Former Republican Congressman
38:55: Zoe Lofgren, Democratic Congresswoman
43:54: Temidayo Aganga-Williams, Senior Investigative Counsel, January 6 Committee
Wow, someone wrote a book. LOL. Just a bunch of mental masturbation not really worthy of my time.

We already know how this thing works. Spend of depression. Simple. Nothing else matters.
Trump wants you to believe he has nothing to do with Project 2025. Nonsense! He IS Project 2025.

Trump wants you to believe he has nothing to do with Project 2025. Nonsense! He IS Project 2025.
Has it really got ya worried?

He couldn't do hardly any of that stuff on his own anyways.

The dems would fight him on all of it every step of the way.

For example, look at the border wall. They fought him on that to the point of only a very small part of it even getting done. This stuff will be the same.

The dems are using it as scare mongering material.

Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei​

Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation president and the architect of Project 2025, the conservative thinktank’s road map for a second Trump presidency, has close ties and receives regular spiritual guidance from an Opus Dei-led center in Washington DC, a hub of activity for the radical and secretive Catholic group.

Roberts acknowledged in a speech last September that – for years – he has visited the Catholic Information Center, a K Street institution headed by an Opus Dei priest and incorporated by the archdiocese of Washington, on a weekly basis for mass and “formation”, or religious guidance. Opus Dei also organizes monthly retreats at the CIC.

Related: The force behind Project 2025: Kevin Roberts has the roadmap for a second Trump term

In the speech – which he delivered at the CIC and was recorded and is available online – Roberts spoke candidly about his strategy for achieving extreme policy goals that he supports but are out of step with the views of a majority of Americans.


Yea, I thought so too. lol
....but seriously, does this 2025 talk really scare you? The dems and half the repubs will fight him on anything he tries to do, whether on the 2025 list or not.
.but seriously, does this 2025 talk really scare you?

I'm a bit of a history student. A lot of the 2025 stuff is outta dictatorships that have come and gone. Think Hitler, Mussolini, WWII and all the millions of people who died because of a lust for power, the desire to control other's lives, religious and racial beliefs, etc.

Hitler told the world what he was going to do if he took power. Once he took power he did exactly what he said he was going to do.

I equate Trump's rantings and 2025 with Hitler. I see no difference.

I'm a bit of a history student. A lot of the 2025 stuff is outta dictatorships that have come and gone.
Could ya copy and paste three or more examples of what you think is dictator stuff in the Project 2025 paper?

Kinda hard to discuss specifics without knowing what you particularly find in it, so offensive.

I equate Trump's rantings and 2025 with Hitler. I see no difference.
So in other words, it'd be ok with you if someone took him out?

I ask because many say that the World would have been better off had someone done that to Hitler prior to WW2.
....and really, if there were a literal Hitler coming, would it not BE justifiable to kill him? If in '39 someone popped a cap in Hitler's behind, the World woulda cheered. Or at least most of it.
Could ya copy and paste three or more examples of what you think is dictator stuff in the Project 2025 paper?

Here's something he said yesterday.

Trump Tells Crowd They 'Won't Have To Vote' Again After Election In Bizarre Remarks​

Former President Donald Trump told Christians on Friday to vote “just this time” and claimed they “won’t have to do it anymore” after the election in November.

“Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore,” the GOP presidential nominee told the crowd at the conservative Turning Point Action event in Florida.

He later continued, “Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

It’s unclear what the former president is referring to with his remarks.

Trump has previously claimed he’d be a dictator only on “day one” of a second term, once called for the “termination” of articles of the Constitution, attempted a coup to remain in office and seemingly floated serving a third White House term at the National Rifle Association Convention back in May.

The former president’s recent remarks arrive roughly four months after a Project 2025 partner organization shared an article calling for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment, which limits presidents to two terms, Media Matters for America reported at the time.

Trump, whose vice presidential choice Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) wrote a book foreword for an architect of Project 2025, claimed that he has “nothing to do with” and knows “nothing” about the right-wing policy blueprint on Wednesday.

Read the rest:


Project 2025


This is a move to make the prez a dictator

2 -

This is a move to remake the justice department into an enforcement tool to be used against anyone they don't like.

3 -

This was written by Christopher Miller:

On December 18, 2020, Miller ordered the Pentagon to postpone 40 meetings with the incoming Joe Biden administration until January 1, 2021.[42][43] Miller said that this was a "mutually agreed-upon holiday pause" with the Biden transition, but the Biden transition team said no such agreement had been made.[36] Miller's decision to temporarily halt cooperation with the incoming administration came in the wake of President Donald Trump's refusal to concede in the election, refusals by various Trump administration political appointees to cooperate, and claims of fraud by the Trump administration.[42][43][36]

Edit to add:

Project 2025: The Radical Conservative Plan to Reshape America Under Trump | WSJ​

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is a radical blueprint for a future Republican administration. Former president Donald Trump has distanced himself from the plan, but Democrats aren’t buying Trump’s rebuke. If enacted, this 920-page document would usher in the most conservative executive branch in modern American history.

WSJ takes an inside look at Project 2025’s most controversial policy proposals and how it could transform the American government.


0:00 Project 2025
0:50 Key principles
2:12 Plans for dismantling the “administrative state”
5:51 Implementing Project 20258:50 Pushback
Last edited:
That's taken out of context. He was addressing people who might not have voted before.

Project 2025


This is a move to make the prez a dictator
Did you even read it? It clearly states that their goal is to REDUCE the executive's power, not increase it.

The modern conservative President’s task is to limit, control, and direct theexecutive branch on behalf of the American people. This challenge is createdand exacerbated by factors like Congress’s decades-long tendency to delegate itslawmaking power to agency bureaucracies,

How could reducing the President's power, lead to him becoming a dictator? Wouldn't potus power need to be increased in order to do that?

2 -

This is a move to remake the justice department into an enforcement tool to be used against anyone they don't like.

How? I read it and no where in the text did I see anything that claims to do anything close to what you are describing.
....but I did read that it aims to reign in their power and have them focus on their core responsibilities. What' s wrong with that?

If there is something in there that supports your fears, please quote the exact line/s that say as much.

Those claims were never properly looked in to.

I read between the lines. I know what those reptilians are up to.
I read between the lines. I know what those reptilians are up to.
Still, how does reducing potus power make the potus a dictator? What is there to read between the lines, to begin with?

Also, if you want to talk dictator power, the potus has had that longer than you (or anyone else reading) have been alive. It's all any of us have ever known.* That's why so many fight to keep it that way.

The Founders NEVER intended for there to be law making power and courts established wholly within the Executive Branch of government. The three powers were to be separate, but equal, parts of the government.

* our Senate told as so in 1973 in 93-549. Which I quote:

These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal
law. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraor-
dinary powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the
lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners. This

vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule
the country without reference to normal constitutional processes.

See? People are fighting to maintain potus powers that for decades now have been exceeding Constitutional limitations on potus power.

I hope that you realize that you are, in actuality, the one arguing FOR our potus to keep dictator-type powers.
Here's some more, just for the heck of it.

Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may :
seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize
; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law;
seize and control all transportation and communication ; regulate the
operation of private enterprise ; restrict travel ; and, in a plethora of
particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens

So please explain, seeing as you are the one saying Project 2025 seeks to make the potus a dictator, how exactly the potus couldn't already be one if he can already do all of that without congress passing any new laws saying he can?*

*it's because they already did, and Project 2025 seeks to try to start whittling that power down. Yet you bitch about it.
Someone has to
Some has to what? Reign-in potus power? DuH! that's what Project 2025 is saying that we need to do.

Again, please explain how REDUCING potus power will create a dictator. The document in question clearly states that their goal is to reduce potus power.

Right at the beginning it states:

The modern conservative President’s task is to limit, control, and direct the executive branch on behalf of the American people. This challenge is created and exacerbated by factors like Congress’s decades-long tendency to delegate its lawmaking power to agency bureaucracies,

As I've demonstrated in my posts above, the potus ALREADY effectively has dictator powers. You are arguing for keeping it that way.

I'm 71 today and you haven't wished me well. WTF???????????
Happy Birthday!
I read between the lines. I know what those reptilians are up to.
Over the last two decades, I have formed some ideas, but they are grossly incomplete. Please post what you know so that we can get up to speed. Thanks in advance.

And happy birthday. You have been given additional years for some reason. Maybe you have not completed your goal,or maybe you have something extra to give us before you decide to quit. Even if I do not agree on a post, thank you.
OK @Joe King, here's a few links that I hope will explain things better than I ever could.


From what I've read and hear Project would give the president unlimited powers and make him or her a dictator. No matter who. And if it would be Trump, he would go ape shit and do anything that would pop into his crazy assed mind. Remember........he loves dictators and strongmen. I've read enough history to know what happens when people like him get into power.

I don't want that. I like the way things are going now. They way they've gone my entire life until Trump got in. Are things Alot of things could be changed for the better. But not with a power mad, money worshipping, deranged lunatic at the helm.

A lot of the agencies they want to gut or get rid of actually help people. Without OSHA do you think businesses and companies would give a shit about worker safety? They wouldn't. Without the EPA do you think businesses and companies would give a shit about polluting the air you breath or the water you drink? They wouldn't. I could go on and on here, but I think you get where I'm coming from.

I think a woman's reproductive health issues are hers and hers alone. Any decisions to be made should be between the woman and her doctor. Not by some state run by half-baked religious nut jobs.

I like the separation of powers. I don't want the president to have power over the legislative or judicial branches nor do I want a president who literally worships dictators and sings their praises.

We have a lot of problems (what country doesn't) but we need to fix them by voting and legislation. Not by decrees by a power mad dictator or the whims of a foundation that wants to remake the country in their image.


@Cigarlover, @Someone_else and @Joe King : Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was my birthday, but I was just playing around with Joe.
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