Let me guess. All you've read and heard is from the left and their msm outlets, right?From what I've read and hear Project would give the president unlimited powers and make him or her a dictator
So reading the actual document and seeing that it clearly states that the purpose is to reduce potus power, is not understandable to you?
You would rather believe someone else's biased accounting of it, than the words that are actually in it that you can read with your own eyes?
Trump could go ape shit with the potus power that already exists, and would have had he been a person desiring to do so.And if it would be Trump, he would go ape shit and do anything that would pop into his crazy assed mind.
I already showed you where your own Senate reported that the potus has that power already.
Did you read the quotes from 93-549?
The law already allows for what you claim to fear. Why didn't Trump use those powers when he was already in office?
Talking to them is necessary. That's all he really did.Remember........he loves dictators and strongmen. I've read enough history to know what happens when people like him get into power.
Take fat boy in North Korea for example. Previous admins wouldn't even try talking. They wanted no communication. How can things be fixed without communicating?
Trump comes in, has talks, and guess what? Fat boy quit shooting off missiles.
....but that was bad, right?
Yea, as I already pointed out, you seem to like a potus with dictator powers you are comfortable with.I don't want that. I like the way things are going now. They way they've gone my entire life until Trump got in.
...and want to protect those extra-Constitutional powers because it's all you've ever known a potus to have.
It seems normal, to you. So you fight to protect it.
Just not the dictator powers the potus already has. You want those to be made stronger, right?Are things perfect.........no. Alot of things could be changed for the better.
If you support the way it is, that means you support the Executive branch not only having it's power, but also having both legislative power and judicial power.
How is that, a separation of powers?
We are supposed to have separation of powers. The Constitution says so.
....but the Executive has all three?
Seems the fear mongering has worked well on you.But not with a power mad, money worshipping, deranged lunatic at the helm.
If you think Trump is that, why wasn't he that when already in office?
A lot of them just get in the way and waste money.A lot of the agencies they want to gut or get rid of actually help people.
Take the dept of education as an example. American education outcomes have done nothing but go down since the dept was created.
So why have it? It's only helped to make things worse.
Every Stste has their own osha type agency. Let them do their jobs.Without OSHA do you think businesses and companies would give a shit about worker safety?
I think the EPA does overstep it's bounds and should be held to only enforcing laws that Congress enacts.Without the EPA do you think businesses and companies would give a shit about polluting the air you breath or the water you drink? They wouldn't.
What's wrong with asking Congress to do it's job?
....and for the EPA to do it's job without having the power to write the law itself?
Also, are you truly fearful that Trump is just gonna be allowed by Congress to sign an EO and abolish the EPA?
Look how they fought him on something as basic as border security, and then tell me with a straight face that there is real danger of him signing away the EPA.
It ain't happening.
You might as well say you are fearful of alien invasion too, as that's prolly more likely than Trump ending the EPA.
I'm sure you could, as the fear mongering is being laid on thick, when it comes to this issue.I could go on and on here, but I think you get where I'm coming from.
If you want the federal gov to have a say in it, get the Constitution Amended to allow for it.I think a woman's reproductive health issues are hers and hers alone. Any decisions to be made should be between the woman and her doctor. Not by some state run by half-baked religious nut jobs.
As it stands now, the federal gov has no say in the matter one way or another.
Or do you like your federal gov to ignore Constitutional limits on power?
Please tell me you don't want the gov exercising unConstitutional powers. You don't, do you?
As Thomas Sewell said, the Constitution says what it says. Not what you or I might like it to say.
If you like separation of powers, can I count on your support in helping to end the extra-Constitutional powers currently held by the Executive branch?I like the separation of powers. I don't want the president to have power over the legislative or judicial branches
Trump did that? I know Obama did.nor do I want a president who literally worships dictators and sings their praises.
How fixing them by simply following the Constitution?We have a lot of problems (what country doesn't) but we need to fix them by voting and legislation.
Or should we just continue allowing our gov to shit all over it?
It's trying to re-establish the separation of powers that you claim to want.Not by decrees by a power mad dictator or the whims of a foundation that wants to remake the country in their image.
Or do you like the potus having legislative and judicial powers too?
You can't have it both ways. You either want separation of powers as defined in the nations Founding Documents, or you want something other than that.
Which do you want?
The gov to abide by the Constitution, or for it to violate the Constitution?
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