Putin's speech (English subs)

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I found this highly interesting

The person who uploaded this video also provided a menu so people could reference specific parts. Very handy and very considerate!

09/30/2022, Grand Kremlin Palace’s St George Hall Vladimir Putin's speech ahead of the Signing of treaties on accession of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia.

01:46 Article 1 of the UN Charter
02:35 The neo-Nazi coup d'état in Ukraine in 2014
04:16 Common destiny and thousand-year history of Russia and Ukraine
04:54 Termination of Soviet Union
06:04 Determination of millions of people to return to historical homeland
06:30 Genocide in Donbass
07:02 Appeal to Kiev authorities and their true handlers in the West to end the war and return to the negotiating table
07:52 The choice of the people will not be discussed at the negotiating table
08:24 Russia will restore the affected facilities and social systems
09:19 Appeal to the military and their families
10:17 Dictate of the West after the collapse of the Soviet Union
10:49 West continued looking for another chance to break up Russia
11:19 The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system
12:11 Coercion to surrender sovereignty in favor of the United States
12:52 Real causes of the hybrid war that the collective West is waging against Russia
14:16 Broken Promises of the West
14:44 False «rules-based order» against international law
15:56 Totalitarianism, despotism and apartheid of the West behind the screen of democracy
16:17 Western racism and false labels
17:23 Historical crimes of the West that contrary to the very human nature, truth, freedom and justice
18:22 Russia’s pride for the leading role in the anti-colonial movement of the 20th century
18:37 Russia's success is based on traditional values
19:31 Memory of the plunder of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union
19:53 Thanks to the new regions
20:13 Centuries-old lies of the West about freedom and democracy.
20:40 Demonstrative unnecessary cruelty of the US in military conflicts (nuclear weapons, cities annihilation, carpet bombings, use of napalm and chemical weapons)
21:28 Occupation of Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea and other countries in our time
22:22 Migration Crisis
22:37 Grain from Ukraine
23:15 Europe deindustrialisation by forcing to impose anti-Russian sanctions
23:44 Betrayal of their peoples by European elites.
24:00 Sabotage on the Nord Stream - the destruction of the entire energy infrastructure of Europe
24:25 The law of the fist
25:18 The deterrence of Russia, China and Iran and other countries
25:57 US sanctions against their allies
26:22 Unexpectedly failed sanctions blitzkrieg against Russia
27:11 «Information hunger» in the West - ocean of myths, illusions and fakes, aggressive Goebbels like propaganda
27:40 Economic, financial, energy crises - Western elite crisis
28:59 Solving the problems of the West through wars and plunder
30:26 Russia's responsibility to the international community
30:34 The current neocolonial model is ultimately doomed
31:02 Radical denial of moral, religious, and family values
32:09 Dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves
32:17 «Religion in reverse» – pure Satanism – «By their fruits ye shall know them»
32:49 New centres of power, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony
34:23 The ongoing collapse of Western hegemony is irreversible
34:34 The battle for the great historical Russia
35:40 The words of a true patriot of Russia Ivan Ilyin
36:53 The truth is with us, and behind us is Russia

like I said before , Russia is turning into what we hoped America would be and America is turning into what we feared Russia was
... Russia is turning into what we hoped America would be ...
Free? I don't think so. Less corrupt? I don't think so.

I worked in Lithuania for a while on a project. Most of the managers there were Russians. Working with them was definitely an experience.
The Russians need to learn to sell their propaganda better. Somewhat intelligent people swallow the crap from CNN and the like and rags like the WSJ as if it was the gospel. The fact that the USA has put Europe in an untenable situation in regards to energy doesn't even cross their minds. Putin is no angel but what comes after him will be less friendly to the West.
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