Rand Paul

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Yellow Jacket
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So I'm sitting here in cab after arriving at the airport of Zürich and the first thing I have to read is that Rand endorsed Romney yesterday (the icing on the cake) on Hannity. As you know, I'm not an American. But even from my outside view, this seems to be a very bad move politically as well as morally:

1. It makes him look like a sell-out.
2. It alienates the grassroots, the biggest asset of the liberty movement. Lot's of people are going to leave the GOP again in disgust. They'll (re-)join the Libertarians and have no significant impact on American politics in the future.
3. It demotivates his fathers delegates on the way to the convention. His father's stellar record also looks damaged to me.
4. It is going to weigh on future liberty candidates as their loyalty will be questioned much more seriously. Fundraising is going to be more difficult.

In essence: I think Rand just dug a hole for himself and dragged many others with him :flushed:
By the way: Rand's investment portfolio doesn't contain mining shares. His biggest position is in bonds...
Clearly rand was adopted- he is the mail mans baby- so he is adopted.

Yeah- people are outraged. A delegate facebook friend- who is a tough veteran was crying and burning shit last night- posters and stuff of ron paul.

rands page was filled with traitor comments.

what bothers me is that ron paul promised he was in this until Tampa. nothing good can come out of this.
He is still the best chance to promote liberty in the near future for a presidential candidate. I would vote for him. But I wouldn't donate.
is there possibly a complex strategy being played ?

Cant believe he just fell over and backed the status quo

i need a conspiracy theory and a good one .............
Thank you S.A. i didnt know that ........... downside of not following mainstream and everything moving too fast on ZH.

So Romney dies of a heart attack when his worldly wealth reverts to true value and the Paul Dynasty begins

In a perfect world Ron would be 'da man' but hes kinda old for whats ahead.
He can remain above politics and pull some strings then.

Doesnt sound like a sellout, more like a strategic move but the dedicated Paul supporters could only settle for RP as POTUS.
This is not the first hole that Rand has dug for himself. I don't think he would get my vote as a Senator I was in his district. This is a case of "like Father, not quite like son".
doh ! :flushed:

i bought it because i had read an article recently where this was speculated.

so why did he endorse Romney ?
doh ! :flushed:

i bought it because i had read an article recently where this was speculated.

so why did he endorse Romney ?

There's talk of a backdoor deal... vp? Other cabinet positions? Major influence on the program?

If he just did this NOW because his father effectively admited defeat in an email to supporters recently, then it's inexcusable imho.
is there possibly a complex strategy being played ?

Cant believe he just fell over and backed the status quo

i need a conspiracy theory and a good one .............

Maybe he's just playing politics, so he's in a better position for a future presidency, or he is under duress.
Ron Paul is undoubtedly the best option for president of those in the running. I do not agree with everything he stands for but:
1. I like that he at least stands for something
2. He has remained true to his principles throughout his career
3. He seems to have a great sense of optimism that right will prevail over wrong. That is refreshing in a time of doom and gloom.

Rand's support of Mitt is nothing short of a sell-out in my opinion. It would certainly strain family dinners at my home if my son did that to me. This is a real slap against the principles of his father and the many who have supported him.

On the other hand, I have always felt uneasy that Ron Paul never seemed too eager to go on the offensive against Romney while being quite free in his attacks against the other contestants in the GOP race.

Trusting in man to get us out of the predicament we are in is futile.

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes". (Psalm 118:8,9)
A look into the behind the scenes of the Ron Paul/Liberty campaign. Lots of popcorn moments and a potential name in how the movement might have been co-opted.

Penny Freeman, former staffer in tears over Ron Paul betrayals

It is truly amazing how many Ron Paul faithful are up in arms about Rand's announcement that he's endorsing Romney. Interestingly it was done on the Sean Hannity show and that should tip you off right there that there is something else going on!

Of course, I believe the Rand Paul announcement was made for a specific purpose and fits in perfectly with the Good Guy Election Strategy.

Just ask yourselves this...

How many times have you thrown in the towel on Ron Paul's chances only to come back thinking he's still in the hunt?

This is just another one of those times!

Keep the faith and may the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

http://www.roadtoroota.com/public/918.cfm - an explanation ?
Strangely, I'm not terribly concerned by this. I had already accepted that Mittens was getting the nomination. Time will tell whether Rand has sold out or is merely playing the political game where his father would not. There is still work to be done by liberty loving people to push the GOP from within. It's not up to Ron or Rand to get us where we want to go. It's up to each one of us.
There's a video by Jack Hunter on the official rp2012 website in which he explains the rationale of Rand's move "from his personal (JH) point of view, not that of Ron's campaign" (why is it posted on teh campaign site then???).
His explanation is that Rand is playing party politics for 2016 in case Mittens looses this year. But then JH turns his own argument arround and says that if MR were to win Rand couldn't be a credible opponent of anti-liberty policies by the Romney admin in the Senate. That's just a bunch of bs, his credibility would be much higher if he hadn't erdorsed the president in the first place.
My impression is that JH is just doing damage control and couldn't disclose the real reason for the move...
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Rand explains his endorsement on Peter Schiff's radio show:

Im not buying it. Watch how this will go- cut to programs for the indigent- while boosting war spending.
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