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Bought a new gas grill today $96 + tax Walmart special YOU put together. Assembled with plastic wing nuts. Body is made from pure chinesium.

Most grills down here last 2-3 years tops, then rust out regardless of their cost.

I suppose in 10 years if the communists maintain power that owning a gas grill will become a felony like arm braces for pistols.

2 yr anniversary in NOLA with Mrs. D.

Either the Stones were in town or we stopped at Cafe Beignet for coffee aulait and beignets.

Wow, the water level is way up
It was a very snowy winter here and now we're experiencing the big melt. There will be some flooding for sure. For the first time in a very long time we are completely out of drought.

Those flowers are lovely. Makes me crave true spring weather. Spring fever! 🌻

Andy Jackson in Jackson Square NOLA. In the background is the St. Louis Cathedral.
After partying 3 nights on Bourbon Street there will be no more alcohol or spicy food for awhile.
If you want the smoothest, unbitter coffee ever it is Cafe du Monde. I add sweet and condensed milk and have a benignet.

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